FOAD Thursday – Fox News

Do you remember ages ago when I made a post about Fox News and their opinions on the Netherlands?  Well, the bastards are at it again!  Recently a video has come out where Bill O’Reilly gave his backwards opinions on Amsterdam.  FU Bill O’Reilly, FU!!!

Sometimes I think this is more home than even I realize because when I see things like this, I get extremely agitated.  I don’t know if it’s just the pure ignorance that gets to me or the fact that they are generalizing and making this place I call home look like the devil’s playground.  Which it’s NOT.

Someone from Amsterdam made this video in response…

Yeah, The NETHERLANDS is the cesspool, right.  Give me a break… and Americans wonder why people in other cou… well, pretty much the rest of the planet, cannot stand them as a whole?   This is a prime example.  Their government spends all it’s time sticking it’s nose where it doesn’t belong, and their media spends more time judging and making ignorant and idiotic statements about other countries than either of them do worrying about their own problems at home.

Also, it’s not the DUTCH who give Amsterdam a bad name by getting high and acting out of control.   It’s the AMERICAN tourists who do it!!  If you’ve ever lived here or been here for any length of time you’d know that the Dutch hardly, if ever, hang out in the coffee shops in Amsterdam.  They are wall to wall tourists, most of whom are young American males, acting like morons.  The Dutch just walk by them on their way to work or out with friends, shake their head and laugh at those silly Americans.

So, Bill O’Reilly, Fox News and any halfwitted Americans who believe this crap.  FUCK. OFF. AND. DIE.

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  1. You can check it on Youtube…I don’t have the link of the video though.

  2. Um, yeah, O’Reilly also said that the reason the U.S. has a lower average life expectancy than Canada is because we have more people, so of course we’d have more deaths.

    Aaaaaah, the stupid, it burns usssss…
    .-= alala´s last blog ..Dear Naomi Klein, Arundhati Roy, and George Monbiot =-.

  3. Oh I couldn’t agree more. Fox news = EVIL. Enough said.
    .-= Alison Cornford-Matheson´s last blog ..Malta Travel Photos =-.

  4. Not all Americans believe everything or anything that is on Fox (news channel or the main one for that matter) let alone anything that comes out of Bill O’Reilly’s mouth. I think its a little rash to judge a whole country of people based on one sensationalized network. There are Americans who are kind, intelligent, discerning and accepting of other peoples. Now, I realize I am a little biased considering the wonderful American I am married to but we have quite the mix of peoples in our little circle- from Ethiopia, Guyana and then, there’s always the little Canadian. As upset as I get with Americans who are quick to judge other nations or peoples, I become as equally upset with others who are so quick to judge the States (when they have neither lived there or really even know how wonderful they can be). One is no better than the other.

    • No no don’t get me wrong. Girl, believe me… my two closest friends here are American and they’d kick my ass ten ways to Sunday if they thought I was generally bashing Americans.

      I don’t think Americans as a whole are bad. What I meant was that this was a prime example of why so many people have negative opinions of Americans. Why the good, open minded, friendly and kind Americans get the shaft. There are so many public and loud bad apples that they spoil the bunch 10x over.

      It really is true though, about the negative feelings towards them. Here in NL I see it every day. Someone asks me with their nose turned up if I’m American and I say no Canadian, and their whole demeanor changes and they become much more friendly. People here (generally) do not like Americans because of the few that come over here and act like morons and create a bad name for the rest.

      I don’t dislike Americans, I just dislike the ones who make the rest look bad… and the ones who believe this garbage that is being spoon fed to them. The rest are perfectly fine in my book :)

  5. Did you see the videos of Fox idiots making fun of Canadians? That really piss me off…no wonder the rest of the world don’t like them.

  6. It’s sad to see stereotypes being used to prove political points. I can’t believe all the crap I hear daily about China, France, the USA etc. etc. Huge misconceptions most of the time!

    Whenever I watch Fox, I always end up yelling at the TV anyway.
    .-= Zhu´s last blog ..The Experimental Farm =-.

    • I don’t blame you for yelling. I rarely ever see any of the Fox News broadcasts, but these ones about NL makes me fighty. I agree, it’s terrible that he uses this country as an example of how badly things can turn out if Obama makes the changes he has planned. This is NOT a horrible country and I hate them making it out like it is.

  7. Yikes! I saw this as well, but please don’t think the majority of Americans believe this crap. Nor is it only the Americans who are out of control in Amsterdam. I’m sorry to hear the rest of the planet can’t stand us, that’s quite a shame.
    .-= H´s last blog ..Sentimental =-.

  8. Only certain americans believe Bill O’Reilly..the rest of us know the difference:) It doesnt surprise me though. Seriously I have come across a ton of Dutch people who love to give me their opinion on the U.S. as if they know if first hand..every single time it’s wrong. It’s amazing what people tend to believe about other places.
    .-= Sonya´s last blog ..Shephard Inspired Pie =-.

    • hehe it’s funny Sonya, I get people doing the same thing. Then I’m like “Uhhh, I’m not American”. Nobody ever has anything to say about Canada except that their cousin went to British Columbia once. :P

  9. Hmmmm….feeling a bit of deja vu here! Judging by the comments that are on youtube a lot of Americans know Fox is just spouting crap and that Amsterdam isn’t as they portrayed it. But of course there will be some…sigh…
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..Lost In Translation =-.

    • Oh I’m sure a lot of Americans are aware that it’s bullshit, I mean you’d have to be petty thick to believe this garbage… but you know how some small town small minded people are. They love to take on the judgements of those who feed them to them on TV.

      My FU only went out to those people. Not the open minded, level headed Americans out there :P

  10. How wonderfully said :)

    Bill O’ Reily must be the biggest moron ever to impersonate a journalist – and nowhere but in America could anybody possibly agree with this moron.
    .-= A.J. Venter´s last blog ..Filkday: Gothbusters =-.

    • To be honest I never really watched Bill O’Reilly before this, and probably won’t again. I’ve seen enough. This is twice now that Fox News has gone on a NL bashing mission and it’s ridiculous. I really must wonder if Bill O’Reilly or the two who were on the show with him have ever actually been here.

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