Shit Ninja Busted!

Oh my god, the DAY after I write the rant about the shit ninjas I’m out with the dogs and the very dog I suspected runs out and shits RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME on the sidewalk.   Other than trying to housebreak Pixel I have never in my life been so happy to see a dog have a crap!

Not only that, but her dog ran up to me and my two dogs barking her ass off and it wasn’t until I yelled out that she even stuck her head out the door.   When I asked her if she could please clean up after her dog, her first response was to say ‘ok but then I ask you to not let your dogs shit on the grass out back because when I want to play with my child… yada yada’.

UH First, we carry baggies to clean up after our dogs.

Secondly, bitch…  when has anyone ever seen you outside with your kid, let alone playing with it?  You can’t even be arsed to walk with your DOG.

Anyhow, I ended up saying ok no worries… we’ll not let our dogs crap on the grass out back (which we –rarely- ever do anyway and when we do it’s picked up) and you can clean up after your dog in the front.

I just couldn’t believe the nerve of her when her dog just squatted and had a dump in the middle of the sidewalk right in front of me, which she wouldn’t have even seen if I hadn’t yelled out to her.   I’d have been SO embarrassed if I were her!  Unfortunately it seems like the general first instinct of people here in NL is to find something to argue back about rather than accepting their own responsibility.

It will be interesting to see if anything changes, other than the awkward neighbour tension that is surely to follow… thankfully they live at the other end of the building and we don’t really have to see them that often anyway.

I honestly have half a mind to contact the local police about it.  I mean if they care enough to send us reminders and little paper baggies in the mail, they should care enough to check into someone who lets their dog shit all over public walkways, doesn’t have it on a leash AND doesn’t even walk WITH it.

There are laws in this city about cleaning up after your dog.  There is also a leash law.   HELLO!!!  When someone catches you not walking with your dog and letting it shit all the way up the sidewalk, you don’t argue!!

Jesus.. people piss me off.  PISS ME OFFF!!!!!

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  1. Tanya – I did end up contacting the police to find out what could be done IF they didn’t clean up their act. There is starting to be poo showing up on the walkway again, if it continues I’ll be contacting the police again to have them have a word with our lovely neighbours.

  2. I would contact the cops. I would.

    I like the flaming dog crap pile on her doorstep too.

  3. yep, the Dutch —they do always find something to argue back about.

    mjs last blog post… Santorini, part I

  4. Monica Van Maanen

    Yeah, everyone does it here, pick up after their dogs, and it’s just assumed. I see the occasional sidewalk poop but that’s rare now. So that’s here in Ontario, Canada. I know Quebec is the same. Don’t know why France hasn’t clued in yet.

  5. Simone – It’s pretty much the same here, but it’s only HALF of the walkway in front of our flat because their dog always runs the same path. THEIR side of the building has no shit at all. I’m so glad there is proof on this post that it’s not just me and people here really can be dickheads at times (as we all can of course).

    Kathy – God, it’s not hard to tell we have the same genes. What I don’t get is how 2 such vengeful bitches can come from a saint like mom?! :P

    Amber – I’d so do something like that but we live in a portiekwoning, which is like a building that has sections and each section uses a common staircase. I’d hate for the old lady who lives above them to end up stepping in the flaming dog shit haha

    Zhu – Well I don’t know if I’d say it’s a common thing to pick up after your dog here. It has become the law and they are really urging people to do so but obviously many people can’t be bothered.

    I ended up phoning the police to find out if there is anything that can be done if they continue to let the dog shit all over the place. They said that if she doesn’t heed the warning to stop AND doesn’t start walking the dog on a leash to contact them and they will visit her. Hopefully she’ll just start poopy scooping though and we won’t have to do that.

    Our neighbour was saying that he stepped in their shit one day on the way to work with one of his good suits on. I guess he was fit to be tied. Can’t blame him!

  6. It is a common thing in NL to pick up after your dog? I know I was surprised to see Canadians doing it when I first came, because NO ONE would do it in France. Well, I have never have a dog but considering how many dog poops we have on the sidewalk in Paris and the fact I have never seen anyone picking after his/her dog…

    Anyway, the woman has some nerve! Did you see her clean up after?

    Zhus last blog post… The Lord Of The Visa

  7. Flaming dog crap in a paper bag, anyone? :)

    Ambers last blog post… Black Gold, Texas Tea

  8. Bag the poop and place it at her doorstep. Maybe tramping on it a few times will change her mind. haha

  9. You know, that is the first thing I noticed on my very first drive into Rotterdam after we moved here. Bloody dog shit everywhere.
    There is one apartment building with a parking lot right in front and it is covered with dog shit. I mean i am at a loss how people even get to there cars without stepping in it. But I guess those are the same people who can’t be bothered walking their dog and just open up the door down stairs of the apartment to let their dogs out…
    Where I am from they have doggy bags and special dumbing places for them placed throughout town.
    … and you will get fined if you don’t make use of them…. And you honestly don’t see a shit anywhere…
    But Tammy is right. They first argue with you here, go on a counter attack and then blame someone else if they can.

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