Kreativ Blogger Award–YAY!

Yay Shadow gave me an award!  I’m quite flattered because I know she was being sweet as hardly anyone even knows my blog exists yet. haha  I am highly appreciative, in any case!

kreativ blogger award
Here are the rules:
Write 10 facts about yourself.
Pass the award to 10 bloggers and tell them about the award
Whew ok 10 things about me…

  1. I became obsessed with nails and polish when I was looking for an escape from the stress and emotional turmoil of fertility treatments.  Painting my nails made me feel girlie when my body was making me feel like less of a woman.  Sitting for hours messing with my nails made me happy at a time when not much else did.
  2. I hate armpits with a PASSION.  I don’t want anyone looking at mine or showing me theirs.  I am actually physically revolted with them.  My least favorite part of summer is seeing so many people’s armpits and I will actually change the channel when a deodorant add is on TV.
  3. I am a big time animal lover.  I own dogs, a cat and turtles. I have also owned a hedgehog, rats and other animals in the past.
  4. I am a recovered gamer.  I used to be highly addicted to games like Ultima Online, Dark Age of Camelot, Star Wars Galaxies and World of Warcraft.  A lot of my life has been wasted on those games and I wish I’d kicked the habit a lot sooner than I did.
  5. In the past 2 years I have lost 80 pounds and am still working on getting off at least another 50 pounds before I am done.
  6. I also maintain a personal blog about my life as a Canadian expat in the Netherlands.  It’s called Canadutch.
  7. I have been married to the man of my dreams for almost 11 years.
  8. I am a TV and movies junkie.  I download up to 400 gigs a month in shows and movies to watch.
  9. I can be a big geek.  I love gadgets, the internet, playing with the design code on my blog and all sorts of other geeky crap.
  10. I have entered about a million giveaways and I really want to win one!!

I know the deal is that you are supposed to give this to 10 other bloggers, but everyone’s blog that I follow has already done it.  I’m sort of catching the tail end of this trend, I’m afraid.

SO, I’m going to give it out to you.  Yes you, the person reading this blog.  I’m pretty sure there aren’t more than 10 of you and I really appreciate those of you who do read, so if you are reading this, you have been tagged!!  Please let me know if you do it so I can read the 10 things about you!

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  1. @Samarium – I hope so!! I really really want to win something hehe

    @Ilse – Maybe my readers are just really silent. Lurkers!

  2. I'm sure there's more than 10 of us!
    I, however, don't have a blog. ;)

  3. Samarium's Swatches

    Maybe you will win mien when i get around to doing it D:

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