KIT … go home and shut up.

Last night I downloaded the pilot for the new Knight Rider show. God, The Hoff must be so disappointed!   I saw in the beginning credits that he was a guest star but I just couldn’t bring myself to sit and wait for his appearance.   I lasted 30 minutes before I groaned and turned it off.

I can’t even remember the last time I’ve seen such horrible acting.   Do they really expect this show to take off?

The main girl in the show has freakishly light eyes that distracted me from what she was saying… or maybe it was just that she wasn’t believable enough and I was so bored by her acting that my mind wandered.  It’s hard to tell really, all I know for sure is that she was terrible.

Ok, so the new Michael is a hottie but that’s not enough.  Maybe if he was on Big Brother or something but at least a little acting skill is required.   Shame though because I really could have enjoyed spending an hour a week gazing at him.

Now, Kit… the car is as cool as ever, maybe cooler even.   What’s with the voice though?  Where’s Kit’s cool voice?    It sounds like they couldn’t find anyone with the right voice, ran out of budget and just got the camera man to do the voice for Kit.  Add that to the fact that the car never shut up and was apparently supposed to be funny but failed at it.  MEH!


Remaking a show like Knight Rider nowadays has such huge potential.   There are so many great actors out there and the technology is far superior to what it was in the days of The Hoff.   Maybe that’s the problem though.  Perhaps the people who are responsible for the remake are relying too heavily on things like the car being able to change colors, and less on the actual story or actors abilities.

So not impressed…

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  1. The plane was at the end. Remember the car would drive off the back of a large truck in the old show? Well in the pilot he drove off a plane that was taking huh!

    The old KR show started in ’82 so yeah, you were like 6’ish.

  2. They are remaking everything it seems like. Did u see the horrible Dukes of Hazzard remake? Granted the show was a bit cheesy but still..Jessica is no Daisy Duke. I feel old now,they are remaking everything I used to love as a

  3. My opinion? why even bother? but yeah, the original knight rider was pretty cheesy. but i loved it. I haven’t watched the pilot yet, so don’t know just how cheesy the acting is in this one. :D

    But honestly, are we all out of ideas now that we have to remake everything?

  4. Oooh wow I never would have guessed that it was Val Kilmer! He used to be such a hottie in his day, now he’s looking a little rough. Guess that’s why his voice is on screen and his face isn’t?

    Plane? What plane? I only watched for 30 minutes so I clearly missed it. You are all making me feel like I really missed out on something.

    I’m not sure how old I was when the first Knight Rider was running but I was definitely a little kid, like elementary school age.

    Maybe I need to watch the rest of the show. I guess I’d at least get to look at the new Michael again.

  5. GM Motors would not allow Will Arnett to do the voice over for a FORD car :P They were less than impressed which is why he is not doing the voice…

    Breigh the dutchies must of hardened you :P I rather liked the pilot episode, it’s wayyyyyyyyy better than the original. No comparison reason ;)

  6. Ok..I stand corrected. Val does do the voice. Apparently Will Arnett was fired as the voice and there is some hulla-baloo over it. Fist fights over who does K.I.T.T’s voice? haha

  7. Oh, also..Val Kilmer is not the voice of K.I.T.T.
    Will Arnett does the voice for the car.
    I don’t know why people think it’s Val K.

  8. You must have been young when the first one was on and don’t remember the cheesy acting. I liked the tv movie. The actor who plays Mike used to be on All My Children (Tad’s son Jamie). I thought he was good, loved the car and the plane was very cool.

  9. It isn’t KIT, it’s K.I.T.T. – Knight Industries Two Thousand

    downloading now…

  10. Val Kilmer is the new voice of Kit but it’s hard to see him behind that voice, I agree. I’m guessing you’re not remembering how bad the acting was the first time around. It was pretty bad. And you must admit, the plane is a nice improvement.

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