New Years Makeover

That sounds so glamorous doesn’t it?   You’d never think it means that I spent new years day playing in the dirt!  Did you really think it meant I was off getting a facial or something?  Eish, you don’t know me at all!

I spent most of the day yesterday washing out 25 kilos (55 pounds) of sand for my 360 liter turtle tank.   I used to keep bare bottoms on all my tanks because I thought it was easier to clean AND because the other turtle keepers on the American forums rave about sand being so dangerous.  They go on and on about turtles eating sand and becoming impacted and dying.  Scared the bejesus out of me.

Then I was schooled by some friends on the Dutch turtle forums.   Basically, don’t listen to the silly Americans, they think EVERYTHING is dangerous. haha  (sorry guys!)

I argued with them for a while, as I’d been completely brainwashed against sand in turtle tanks, but after being told by pretty much every Dutch turtle keeper I know that they’ve always used sand with no problem, I figured maybe they were right.   From what I can tell from research on both forums, the Americans talk about impaction and dangers of sand a lot but when I asked about it, they all said they heard about it but not a single person had any experience with it themselves.   Turtle myth?  I dunno… I’m sure it has probably happened at some point, but that’s kind of like not giving kids bikes because somewhere, sometime, someone’s kid was hit by a car.

So, here’s the before and after…

New Tank!

It’s hard to believe I actually thought that looked good.   How boring and bare!! argh…

This is what it looks like now!

Redecorated 360 Liter

Big improvement, if I do say so myself!  The turts seem to love it as well, they spend a lot of time digging around the bottom now, keeps them from getting bored I suppose.  

Once we get an above tank basking area made for them, this tank will be complete.   Hopefully we’ll get that done sometime before the spring.

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  1. Tammy,
    You and Xander should have your own show Extreme Tank Makeover…Your tank looks awesome! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  2. We’re just a bunch of idiots over here.

    I know nothing about turtles though..

  3. Hey there! I think this is the first time I commented, but I’ve been a silent lurker for some time (sorry!)… I love reading about all your pets and also seeing your wonderful craft creations, I’m hoping to branch out into some patchworking this year too. I also love the story of how you and Xander got together, it’s so cool! I just had to comment on this post, because that tank looks awesome!! Well done :-)

  4. I like the after. And who/what Americans are saying this? lol I swear, every turtle tank I’ve seen in pet stores all have a lovely layer of sand down. I like the second tank. So much more inviting. Now, where are the turtles?

  5. Monica Van Maanen

    Looks nice.

  6. HaHa we Americans are crazy arent I heard the same thing when I got my turtle. It wasnt a water one so I used coconut shavings but did use the sand sometimes too and she was just fine. Your tank looks fab though and I bet they are gonna love it.

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