Cirque de Moureze

Cirque de Moureze
One day we visited the Cirque de Moureze which is a really unique area made of limestone rock that has eroded over time and left these giant pillars.  It is quite impressive when you look at it!

It was hotter than the 7th level of hell the day we were there and we were not at all prepared.  When I looked it up I had this weird idea that it was something you drive up to and look out over the rocks.  In reality, it’s off the side of a little village and you can do all sorts of walking trails through the rocks.

imageI wore my most comfortable shoes (that I had brought with me, it was that or my flip flops!), which happened to be a pair of black mary jane Crocs (don’t judge, those things are damn comfy!).  I figured if there was any walking at all that these would be my best bet.


Have you ever touched a tire that’s been sitting in the sun all day?  Have you walked on a sidewalk or sand that’s been in the blazing sun all afternoon too?  Well, put those things together and you get what was on my feet that day.  I don’t know what it is with me and setting my feet on fire but sweet baby Jesus, I was literally hopping!  By the time I had walked from the car to where this billboard was, I was almost in tears.  The black rubber shoes were soaking up the heat that was permeating from the rock and sand beneath my feet and I was literally like a cat on a hot tin roof.  Of course, my husband thought this was hilarious, me?  Not so much…

Thankfully my mother in law, who was with us at the time, and my husband also didn’t have footwear on that was appropriate for hiking, so we decided we’d just settle for this view and move on to our next destination.

Cirque de MourezeCirque de MourezeCirque de MourezeCirque de Moureze
Apparently there are a few different walking trails that you can follow through the Cirque and if you are up to it there is even a part that you can climb up and get a great view of the surrounding area.  After a quick peek through the village of Moureze we stopped to have an ice cream and were chatting with a British lady who had just done the hike with her dog,  She said the view from up there was spectacular.

This is definitely on my list of things to do on one of our future trips.  Uhh, when we go in winter so it’s not so hot, and I have better shoes on, and I’m in better shape and ….  Ok, it might be a while!

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  1. It looks amazing. Like something out of “Up”

  2. I read “cirque” and thought of lions, tigers and acrobats :lol:

    Oh, *that* cirque…!

    The view is lovely though. Are Crocs really comfortable (when it’s not 100 degrees)? I’ve never tried them on.

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