Americans are Idiots

I challenge anyone who disagrees with me to watch this season of American Idol.

This week Nikko Smith was voted off and I literally said out loud in an empty room “What the fuck?!”

The week before Jessica Sierra was told to take a walk. She wasn’t one of my favorites but there are far worse than her still hanging on.

I haven’t been writing my AI writeups lately, even though I’ve been watching closely. I have other things going on and basically just couldn’t be arsed, there are a few things I’ve noticed though, that I reminded myself to be sure to write whenever I got around to it.

Has anyone else noticed Paula’s hands and what a weird clapper she is? (and I don’t mean clapper in the way those Irish boys say it, even though there would probably be validity to THAT argument as well, I mean actual smacking of hands) She looks like a special needs patient or something. She spreads her fingers really wide and pulls them back like she’s afraid that if the fingers on opposite hands touch each other, she’ll explode. So she ends up looking like a mongo or a walrus .. *CLAP CLAP CLAP* Sometimes I just want to throw her a fish!

Constantine has been surprising the last few weeks. He was in my initial prediction for the first three voted off, in which I only got one out of three right. I actually prefer him singing songs that aren’t too “Rock” because he seems to do better and has a better voice than I imagined. It annoys me how he keeps doing this dramatic stare into the camera quickly followed by a “Ain’t I Cute?!” little nose twitch. He needs to cut that out, he’s done it too many times for it to be cute anymore. Now it’s just repetative.

Scott is still as creepy as HELL!! Every time he sings and holds out his hand with those little sausage fingers I want to vomit. I can’t help it. I mean I’m a chubby chick so it’s not a fat thing, he just is a revolting looking man who has the personality of a wet sponge. Yech.. I think what’s even worse is that he’s completely oblivious to it, he think she’s DA BOMB! Just like Randy tells him .. or used to.

Nadia, who was originally one of my favorites has been bugging me too lately. I can’t watch her sing without wincing, which is a shame because she’s a good singer and has great stage presence.. It’s the way she curls her lips up when she sings. It’s like along with each note there is some sort of secret bet going on that she can’t make her top lip touch her nose. It’s exaggerated and distracting from the rest of the performance she’s giving.. She’s like a black, female, Mick Jagger wannabe… enough with the lips already!

Anwar, another one of my favorites, is also turning out to be sort of MEH. When he was new he was amazing, spectacular, out of sight!! Now he’s .. Anwar. It never changes, he doesn’t really mix it up or really take any chances. Sure, he’s got the big voice, the great smile.. but where is that something that makes you go “ooooooh”. It’s as if he’s asexual or something. He’s also missing the whole black boy groove gene. When he moves on stage it’s quite rigid and forced, he doesn’t have that natural move like Nikko had (am I the only one who found something about Nikko kinda sexy?) He needs to do something amazing soon. He’s seen his first visit to the bottom three, it will either make him or break him.

Carrie is kickin ass and taking names!!! Love this girl!

Bo is consistantly alright. He’s still hot as hell but his performances haven’t left me practically humping my laptop as some of his previous performances did (like Spinning Wheel and Drift Away). None since Spinning Wheel have really proven to be clip worthy.. I’m hoping to see the Bo we love back soon.

Anthony, oh where to start about Anthony. When we first saw him in the trials he went on about his operation and how he never thought he’d even be able to speak. He really is a miracle boy.. because it’s a FUCKING MIRACLE that he’s still in this competition! HATE HIM.. HATE HATE HATE!! GodEffinDammit America, vote this bonehead off .. I’m begging you!!!!

Vonzell is forgetable. She has a good voice but is so damn ordinary .. I’ll tell you how ordinary and forgetable she is. I had to edit this blog because I realized I forgot to mention her at all.

I’m putting my money on Carrie to win…

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One comment

  1. Haha! I’m glad I didn’t write about this week, because you’ve said most of it for me!

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