A Little Photosynthesis

Yesterday was the crappiest day I’ve had in a long time.  I was feeling really down and frustrated because of some personal things going on and the bulk of my day was spent inside, with random crying jags and just generally feeling shit.  A friend said to me on Facebook to remember that tomorrow is another day, and I tried to remember that when I went to bed last night.


He was so right!

I don’t think there is any way for me to describe how much of a difference some sunshine makes in my life!

This morning Xander and I went for a nice long walk with the dogs, for a little photosynthesis, as he called it.  He knows how drastically my mood changes when I get out in the sunlight, so I was glad when he asked if I wanted to go out for a walk.  He grabbed the dogs, I grabbed my camera and off we went.

Project 365 (Day 39) Family Shadows

The sun was shining bright and the longer I was out there the better I felt.  Unlike yesterday, which was dark and dreary and did nothing at all to lift my mood.  In fact, I’m pretty sure it made it even worse.

I love walking with Xander and the dogs.  We talk and spend time together which we often sort of forget to do when we are home and both doing our own thing.

Signs of Spring

Seeing little shots of green in amongst the bare branches, and stems of the Narcissen starting to pop up in the grass gives me hope.  The kind of hope that only people in the Netherlands and other such winter-dreary countries would understand…


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  1. I does make a huge difference! I was always tired in November because I barely saw any light, it was dark by the time I got home.

    Even though February is cold, it doesn’t feel as creepy because the days are getting longer.

  2. I’m the same. I take vitamin D supplements just in case, but nothing compares to actually being out in the sun, even if it’s not warm out. I totally understand why the Dutch are so into sidewalk cafés and outdoor activities despite the rainy climate; you have to soak up the sun at every opportunity.

  3. Nice! We also have a ‘happy lamp’ that spreads full spectrum lighting. Don’t know if it really helps, but I imagine in does!

    • I’ve heard about those, we looked into them years ago but at that time they were REALLY expensive. Think they are a bit cheaper and more common now. Might consider getting one next winter.

  4. Do you take Vitamin D supplements? I find it really helps my overall well-being, particularly in the winter. I don’t have a link to the data, but some huge proportion of people have a Vitamin D deficiency, particularly those who live in more northern climates like you do. Something to think about.

    http://www.marksdailyapple.com/deconstructing-vitamin-d/ (this post, plus the related poss linked at the bottom has a lot of good info).

    • No I don’t take Vitamin D but I probably should, I’ve heard that from a few people now. I’ll have to pick some up. Thanks for the link! Do you follow the primal blueprint? I keep meaning to pick up the books and give them a read!

  5. Can you send some spring my way? We are still deep in winter at -27C this morning and the wind is in the -30’s. Although, the it is still light out when the husband comes home from work and I am thankful for that!

    :) Glad the sun gave you some positive energy.

    • Oh man, I just laughed at the thought of how the Dutch would handle (or not handle, rather) that kind of cold weather. Brrr! No wonder you all love those fur clothes!

  6. The sun feels so nice doesn’t it! I need my vitamin D from the sun or I get grumpy! Why I didn’t move to some warm sunny island is beyond me lol.
    While is Limburg this weekend, I saw apple blossoms blooming (yes this early). That gave me hope that spring is around the corner!

  7. So, so true- the wind died down, the sun started the shine, nature coming back… Sitting in the sun with a good book and a dog on my lap; this is a much better day than yesterday!!

  8. yes, the sun! i am alive in the sun..like you, it brings out the best in me. i’m glad it came to find you and you took it’s presence to your advantage!

    • Pretty sure everyone is the same here. Well, the same all over, but we just notice more because we go without sun so much. It’s been gone again for a while, can’t wait for it to come back!

  9. The sunshine today also made me feel a lot better. Im not in so much pressure as you might have been but seeing blue skies and sunshine somehow makes everything lighter.

    Cant wait for the flowers to bloom :-) Enjoy the sunshine.

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