
Well I never thought I’d ever say this, but…  I miss WoW.  Argh.. shit!

This is the 2nd time over the past number of years that I’ve quit gaming.   The last time was after Star Wars Galaxies and before World of Warcraft.

I had quit gaming completely for about 10 months and then was lured back by a friend who was raving about how great WoW was.   I then played the game pretty much nonstop for almost a year, which worked well for me because I was totally in the dumps and appreciated the escape.   The problem was that I got way too into it though, getting too deeply involved in the social aspects of the game and constantly involved in drama and guild politics.  I also did far too much end game things like massive raiding and guild leadership, which sucked the life out of the game for me and made me lose all enjoyment with it.

It’s been almost 10 months again since I’ve quit gaming and I can definitely say it’s the best thing I’ve done.   I lost 30 lbs so far, I’ve managed to crawl out of my slump and get my head together, I’ve started working and socializing again.  So what is it about the 10th month that makes it so hard for me to stay ‘on the wagon’, so to speak?

There is a new expansion out for the game, new races, new worlds… all these exciting things to do that didn’t exist in the game when I was playing it before.  My husband is playing it and shows me all the cool new things that has come along and I feel that familiar urge again.   I want to play and see it all for myself.  I want to make a new little character and run around anonymously and have fun, without getting too involved… but that’s where I doubt myself because I’ve never been able to do that.

Gaming has always been a huge hobby of mine.  I’ve always enjoyed games of all kinds whether it was board games, console games or computer games.   It only became a problem when combined with my depression, which isn’t so much of an issue anymore.

Am I ready to go back to gaming and do it in moderation?   Is that even possible with this game?  I really have no idea.   I’m afraid to try because once it sucks you in it’s hard to get out.   I don’t want anything getting in the way of the progress I’ve made over the past few months, but I don’t want to not do something I enjoy either.

I know the smart thing to do would probably be to avoid it like the plague, but it sure would be nice if I could find a way to fit gaming back into my life in a more healthy way than I have in the past.  

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  1. Reality check.. have you been on track now for a year or so and have no doubts you can handle gaming in a moderate, reasonable manner? No.
    You’ve been doing great the last few mths, ready to toss that up for WOW? Hint – answer should be a definite NO.

    You’re doing great.
    Keep on track.
    Don’t do it.
    If you do I will come over there and lay the smackdown on you by dropping you on your head multiple times until you say “enough..I won’t do it!”
    or until you forget your own name lol.

  2. Andries – I will look up Virginia Wolfe :) If I do start again I will make a blood elf on a Euro server. Makes sense if I’m starting over that I’d do it on servers that are more local.

    Tera – I went to that site but I wasn’t really sure what that had to do with me. Perhaps I was missing something :)

    Yoshi – Yeah that’s exactly what I had in mind. Something to play from time to time when I am bored but not something I am addicted to or HAVE to play. I definately won’t be raiding again under any circumstances.

    Shelli – In all honesty I wouldn’t let a child of mine play any MMORPG until they were at least 15+. The majority of the people who play are adults and I’m not sure I’d want them socializing online with grown ups or being exposed to them at a younger age than that. A lot of people who play MMORPG’s aren’t all that sensitive in regards to how to behave or not behave around someone that age. Especially since most of these games state on the box that it’s meant for people 16 years and older.

  3. The expansion is really really great. I am having an absolute blast. I am expecting the same thing to happen a few weeks after getting to 70 though and that is raiding, raiding, raiding. To some it is fun and to others, a chore. But it is the people you play with that keep you coming back. If you are not having fun playing with them, you shouldn’t.

    Perhaps you can start a new Blood Elf (new Horde race) on Xander’s account. Kind of a safety measure as there aren’t any GMT-based Horde guilds on the server.

    Oh and read Virginia Wolfe.

  4. Hi Breigh,

    I’ve been reading your blog for awhile now and thought of you when I saw this. Hope you enjoy it!


  5. Couldn’t stay away eh? Wow is very addicting, probably even more so than the original Everquest was, although that is quite unimaginable.

    Definitely need to play in moderation. I honestly avoid raids and I only play with friends that I know. It makes it a pleasurable thing to do once in a while. :)

    Shelli, I think your son is doing ok. The biggest warning sign about addiction to the game is basically simple, you never stop playing, you’re always on the computer.

  6. Heh, several people have suggested taking up WoW to take my mind off another type of addiction, but I decided to stay away because it sounded like trading one time waster for another.

  7. I am in the same boat. I often get tempted back. Stay strong!

  8. My 11 year old son got Guild Wars for Christmas and an expansion pack, too. Should I be worried about him becoming addicted? When he first got it, he played a lot, but since then he has developed a balance it seems with school work, playing with friends and some of his other favorite things to do, like drawing and reading. Are there any warning signs or other things that I need be aware of?

  9. I hear ya. I stopped playing a while back and now the fever is tickling again!

  10. Your right to stay away. Having been palying the game for just over a month i am at level 31. However the day after the expansion i saw more than one person with a character from one of the new races who was over level 15 and one who was level 24!! These people have no life other than the game and i feel sorry for them.

    If you cant play in moderation dont do it at all you will regret it.

  11. Nice site – I’m Canadian with half my family in Holland. Love it there. Keep it up!


  12. Some people say, “once an addict, always an addict”. Though I’m sure it can be done, as long as you stick to your guns and keep reminding yourself of the right addiction/life balance.

    My attention span never could get me into those long character games.

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