Rom’s Frogsmoker Mug

As you’ve seen from previous posts, part of my plan of attack for this past Christmas was to make as many homemade gifts as possible. When my friend Barbara asked if I wanted to paint ceramics with her and some other friends I was all over it, because it gave me another opportunity to make something for  someone.

I had been wracking my brain trying to figure out what to make for my father in law, as I’d made the Christmas Stars Throw for him and Jenny as a combined gift, but I wanted to get something small for each of them as well.  When the ceramic idea came up I knew exactly what I was going to make.

Well no, not really… I couldn’t decide between two things, a mug or an ashtray.  He loves his coffee and his cigars so I knew either one would get used, but seeing as he really only smokes outside and uses mostly covered ashtrays to protect from the wind. I went for a mug!


I know, my ceramic painting skills are fantastic, aren’t they?  This actually took me frigging ages and it still came out sort of looking like a preschooler did it.  Still though, it was a gift with a personal touch and it’s not exactly like you can find things with Frogsmoker on them in the shops.  I knew he’d like it regardless!

You see, he also writes a blog called Frogsmoke, where he discusses all sorts of things about the French. He is Frogsmoker.  He and Jenny have lived in the south of France for years now and from what I can tell from our visits, and his blog, the French provide a lot of subject matter for a blog like his!  He has another blog as well, Bouguereau Remastered which has some pretty comical examples of photoshopped paintings by William-Adolphe Bouguereau. I’d never heard of him before seeing my FIL’s blog, but I get a big kick out of the photoshopped paintings.


Of course I made sure to put his name and the year on it so he doesn’t forget.  Not that he’ll forget his name, from what I can tell he’s still many many years away from that… but it’s always nice to see your name on something, isn’t it?  Plus, you’re probably less likely to find the name Romke on a mug than you are Frogsmoker!  Unless you are shopping in Friesland, perhaps.

Oh, and I know you are all in awe of my mad artistic skillz but please, don’t flood me with emails.  I’m afraid I won’t be taking orders.  I know it’s disappointing, but you’ll have to get over it.  You can always paint your own mug, or pretty much anything else ceramic that you’d want, here!

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  1. I think it looks great. It’s more like it has its own style, rather than looking like a preschooler did it! That’s a compliment, even if it may not sound like one! :P Love the idea of making thoughtful gifts. I wish I knew anything about crafts!

    • Gaby, when you are over here we’ll make a date to go paint some ceramics! Sounds like a great way to meet face to face and hang out, don’t you think?! :)

      • Yes, it sounds excellent! It’s just a shame I’d be yet another one of those people you have to meet halfway along the country!

        Or, we could also make a day out of GaiaPark, I think you wanted to visit every zoo in NL? You can cross that one off, then!

  2. Monica Van Maanen

    Great artistry on that mug!

  3. For the record: I do smoke indoors as well, so that’s your next Xmas prezzie sorted!

  4. Barbara Stoutjesdijk-Lyddane

    I think it looks GREAT!

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