Saturday Photo Hunt – Memory

This week’s theme is Memory.  I went through a few different ideas before choosing a photo.  Good memory, bad memory, scary memory, funny memory…

I ended up going with a memory that gives me all of those feelings.

My wedding day.  The day I literally married my best friend and the love of my life all rolled into one.

May 12, 2000, four days after my birthday and one day before the city exploded.

We were 24 years old at the time, 6.5 years ago.   We got married in the city he was born and the first city I stayed in after moving here.  A city called Enschede near the German border.

He wore a tie of my island’s tartan.  A nice way of bringing a little bit of my home to our wedding as well.   The photo was taken at a water mill in Germany.   I chose this photo because of the way I’m looking at him in it.  Smiling at him and thinking how much I love him and how happy I am to be his wife.   I hope to look at him like that for my entire life.

It was a small wedding, as neither of us wanted anything too big or crazy.  There was about 20 of our close family and friends.

My wedding is a wonderful memory and a very happy one.

There are other things surrounding it that are not so happy though.  As I mentioned earlier it was one day before a major explosion in Enschede that year.  Here’s a video someone caught who was nearby:

Wikipedia describes the explosion:

The fire led to an enormous explosion that left 23 people dead (including four firemen) and 947 injured.  The biggest blast was heard as far as 60 kilometers from the scene. About 2000 homes were damaged or destroyed, leaving 1250 people homeless. The extent of the damage was estimated at half a billion euros.

The fire started in the work area of the central warehouse where some 900 kg of fireworks were stored. The fire extended to two full containers that had been placed illegally outside of the building. Since the fire department could not contain the fire initially, it was able to spread to a third container, which exploded shortly afterwards. A chain reaction of explosions eventually led to the ignition of the firework bunker. An estimated 177 tons of fireworks exploded, virtually destroying the surrounding residential area.

At the time of the video, we were 2km away showing my parents where my husband went to university.   It was a beautifully sunny day for that time of year, it was May 13 and we were already wearing shorts.    We’d just come out of the little grocery store on campus when we heard thunder.   It seemed totally out of place because there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.

After a while it became a constant rumbling that seemed to go on for ages, and then the explosion happened.   It was the loudest bang I’ve ever heard, the windows around us exploded, the thick metal doors on the gym nearby were bending in and out, barely able to hold on.   It was so loud you couldn’t tell if it was just around the corner or 5 km’s away.

I managed to get a few photos before we got in the car to get out of there:



Smokey Sky

I consider the explosion to be the most frightening memories of my life.

It’s also a sad memory.  The man who was videotaping our wedding was killed that day.   Marcel van Nieuwenhoven was a freelance cameraman and he was in Enschede filming a report on the explosion.  He was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

For months we had no idea and were wondering if we were ever going to get the tape of our wedding.   It wasn’t until almost a year later that we got a phone call from a man telling us that he was the Marcel’s father.  He had been clearing out his son’s things and found the tape of our wedding, but had no idea who we were.   He recognized the place we were married and had the date on the video so he called and tracked us down.   He told us what happened to his son and mailed us the video.

So that is my choice for this week’s photo theme.  The weekend of my wedding which has a variety of different memories attached to it… good and bad.

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  1. I’d read about the explosion, but never seen first-hand accounts in this way. How horrifying!

    Your wedding photo is beautiful, though, and I’m glad you have such wonderful memories associated with that day.
    .-= Alison´s last blog ..Giro D’Italia in Utrecht =-.

  2. Wow, I didn’t realize your husband was from here. My husband’s parents lived a street away from the factory and barely got out with their lives. We have after pictures of their house and car and it still makes me tear up. We only have one baby picture of Tim that was given to us by a relative because everything was lost.

    What a juxtaposition of memories for you. And how amazing that you eventually got your video.

    Will be thinking of you guys too today.

  3. That’s one heck of a memory! *whistles*

    A great post with it’s twists even if there were luck and sadness mixed up….

  4. I like how you look at all the angles of your memory of that day. Thanks for sharing!

    (sorry you are confused, btw, at my recent “stuff” on my blog. Basically someone from my past, 15 years later, is trying to come back into my life in a controlling way and while dealing with multiple personalities is hard, when past issues come up it gets far harder to deal with…so I’m telling the story so it’s not stuck in my head)

  5. Wow! Interesting wedding memory!

    Xander with hair! :)

  6. Been a fan of your blog for a long time. I figured it was time to make it known. You have a gift for casual conversation that keeps a reader entertained. Hope your holiday season was as filled with memory as it seems your wedding day was.

    Take care…

    P.S. More Hedgehog discussion please.

  7. Hi! I tried to put myself on your map but I couldn’t get it to work.

  8. Beautiful bride you were—and I appreciate the expressions of your use of adjectives for the special day. Very good choice for ALL emotions.

    And the explosion was horrendous.

    My memory is shared

  9. What a horrific experience with that explosion! How kind of the grieving father to track you down with the wedding video.
    Mine is up too.

  10. Wow.. incredible memory :)
    I’m up.

  11. What a beautiful photo, you guys look so happy. A great choice for memories.

  12. I am with my sister (see above) on the way you two look in the picture. Smoochy!

    The explosions in Enschede were horrible… one of the biggest disasters to ever hit The Netherlands. Not a very nice way to start your “existence” over here, experiencing that news days after you get married there…

    Still, the wedding looked great and you looked (and still do) like the perfect couple!

  13. First of all – You look very nice at the wedding pic. As does your husband !

    Second – I remember that day. Not because I was at your wedding ( haha ) , but because of the explosion. I remember I thought ‘since WHEN is this possible at Holland’.. well .. It was and it is …

    Horrible … horrible it was. I am glad you have some good memories of your wedding though and I hope you keep reminding that day like a GOOD day ! You both look happy and wonderfull !

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