It’s Fish Time!!

80 lb Black Grouper.  Photo courtesy of

OH YEAH! That’s one bigass fish, an EIGHTY POUND FISH to be exact!  You know how this works, that means I have finally reached my next goal of losing EIGHTY POUNDS!  Omg…

I remember when my mother came to visit me two years ago and she had lost EIGHTY POUNDS (yes I do plan on putting that in caps every time because I am that excited), I thought she looked like a totally different person.  I wish I saw that in myself still, I get glimpses sometimes where I think HOLY SHIT that’s not the same face that used to look back at me, but not often enough.

I love those moments.

I remember looking at her and feeling a mixture of pride and jealousy.  I was so proud of her for having the willpower and motivation to lose so much weight, she is my mother and I love her.  Another side of me was jealous when she shopped for those tiny clothes, I couldn’t help it.

I also remember thinking that it was a totally impossible goal for me, that there was no way in hell I could ever lose that much weight, especially since I had to lose almost twice that much to get to a weight where I’d be considered ‘normal’.

Remember a while back when I did my Confessions of a Fat Girl post and gave the comparison of me before and after having lost 50 lbs?  I have looked at that side by side shot about a million times since then to try to keep me motivated.  I wish I’d taken full body shots along the way, but I didn’t.  The face shots help keep me going though because for some reason what I don’t see in the mirror, I can see when looking back at old photos.

While looking through an album from my trip with Penny to the Christmas Market in Cologne, I saw a photo she had taken of me that day.  I sat there for a moment in a bit of shock because I found it so hard to look at myself again.  To think that there was a time when I found that version of myself to be acceptable enough to not do anything about it, it horrified me.  This is going to be my new motivation photo.

Left: Me in 2008 at 308 lbs.  Right: Me this week at 227 lbs.  Almost 81 lbs lost.

I chose the one on the right because it’s the most recent photo of me, taken on Thursday by a friend while we were out painting ceramic gifts for Christmas.

I can’t seem to stop obsessing about how fat my arms are in it, but that’s what weight issues do to you.  No matter what the achievement, there is always something to remind you that you aren’t done yet.  I hear that no matter how much you lose or how small you get that those issues never seem to go away, that makes me a little sad.  The good things far outweigh the bad though, so I will just have to deal with those nagging little voices in my head.

I still have a long way to go, and I try to not think of the fact that I have lost so much weight and am still at a stage where other women consider themselves to be disgusting and huge and in need of a diet.  I am proud of the weight I’ve lost in spite of that evil fatty inside of me that keeps trying to bring me down.

Just to keep up with tradition, do you know what else weighs 80 lbs?


320 sticks of butter!! Try carrying that around for a day and see how good it feels.  I don’t think I could again!


The average Bernese Mountain Dog, that is a lot of dog.  Photo from random internet search, couldn’t find original owner.


Rachel Zoe in this photo from US Magazine in January of this year. Yikes.  I’ve lost an entire human’s worth of weight!  If I ever take the weight loss that far, please stage an intervention.

So now the journey continues.  Time to push on to 90 lbs and then, the big ONE OH OH!  Now that will be a celebration indeed!!

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  1. Wow!!!! Tammy, you look truly amazing; so healthy and, even more so, so happy. You should be very proud of yourself. Way to go!

  2. Congratulations. You are doing great.

  3. Congratulations! As soon as I saw the fish picture I knew what the post was about ;-)

    I don’t think there is a perfect weight but I’m glad you were able to lose that much weight because that’s what you wanted. Just please, don’t try to weight 80 pounds… that is just freaky!

  4. You look amazing! Congratulations!

  5. Tammy,

    I love these updates. I have struggled with weight my whole life, and I don’t know what it feels like to be skinny, ever!

    For most of this year, I was extremely unhappy at work, but now that I’ve resolved that situation, I’ve lost the weight I’d gained, in just under a month. However…

    I have a long way to go. It’s almost daunting. When I saw your picture here today, it strengthened my resolve. I will lose this ass!

    Keep it up lady. I always thought you were pretty, but your smile has changed, and it shows.

  6. You make me want to cry I am soo proud of you, you have no idea. I have been there too. My highest is 286lbs and I have lost over 100lbs of that in one go. You give me motivation to lose the rest I need to lose. Because of you I got back into a gym and started looking at my food differently again. Thank you Tammy. You are my inspiration!!

    • Awwww you’re gonna make ME cry!! I had no idea you had lost that much weight, omg. I so want to see a before photo! I’m sure you’ll have that last bit off in no time, you don’t have that much to go at all! :) Thanks Candee!

      • I’ll send you a picture of the only one I still keep on my computer and next time you are here look on my fridge my only other picture I have I keep there to remind me not to get like that again.

  7. Congratulations!!! :P I love your comparisons, haha. You’re totally awesome.

    • haha yeah I am always really amused when looking for things that weigh whatever it is I’ve lost. I’m now in the territory where I can start using REALLY skinny models as examples :P … or girls from Survivor.

  8. So inspirational Tammy, well done!!!

  9. I love fish day. You are amazing and I so admire your resolve. I can’t remember if you have a target, just so we all know when you are supposed to stop and you won’t end up like Rachel. That is a terrifying rib cage.

    • I love fish day too! The last 1-2 lbs to each goal always seem to go sooooo slowwww. My end target is probably between 140-150, right now I’m just taking it 10 lbs at a time because anything else is too daunting. Although, I am quite keen to get to 100!! I would never end up like Rachel, I’d die first. I can’t even imagine being 150 or so, I was over 200 when I graduated high school and I’ve never known what it was like to be thin or ‘normal’. It’s going to be nice :)

  10. The way you feel about how you look is the best reward. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels, as they say (Kate Moss and Steven Tyler). :)

    • That’s what I keep telling myself, like today when I sat watching my friends and my husband eat the most delicious looking birthday cake. Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels, nothing tastes as good as being thin feels haha

  11. Hi Breigh! As a fellow traveler on the weight loss journey (wow that sounded hoakey) I applaud you!! I have also lost 70 lbs, have plateaued the last year, but am motivated now that I have just moved to NL, and seeing all these healthy, slim Nederlanders kicks my butt into gear. :)

    Keep going girl!

    • Hey April, thanks for visiting and welcome to the Netherlands! Well done on your 70 lbs, I was looking at your blog and you look great :) Added you to my feed reader too. You are so right, if you are overweight you stick out like a sore thumb here in Holland. When I was in Canada last month it was great because I wasn’t always the fattest person in the room! haha

  12. You are such a superstar!! What an inspiration to me!

    • Kara, you aren’t doing so bad yourself. That photo on your blog of you out on your walk was awesome. The difference in your face is amazing!

  13. Tammy, you look great. I don’t see fat arms in that photo, I see someone enjoying themselves and being a little sneaky with your ‘top secret’ disguise. lol

    Congratulations to you! …and your Mom too!

    • Suzy, oh I hate my arms and legs, they are both still so pudgy. I had a great time at the ceramics though, had to hide the finished product so the person who is getting it wouldn’t see :P

  14. WOW… AMAZING job! It’s really inspiring to read how much better you’re feeling about yourself and how you’re motivating and propelling yourself toward your goals (not just this one, but the others on your list too!)

    Keep kicking ass, girl!

  15. you so rock Tammy!! am really proud of you!

  16. You should already celebrate, because it’s awesome what you have achieved so far.
    Keep it up and go for that big one oh oh !

  17. YAY Congrats should be so proud of yourself. It’s hard work and never easy..but you are doing it,sticking with it and will reap the benefits of it :)

  18. So cool!! It’s such awesome results! Gen xox

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