Cold… again.

I so need one of these.

I have a cold… AGAIN!!

Two colds in less than three months… do I even have an immune system?!

I blame Xander.  Last week he came home, sneezed twice and said he thought he might be coming down with something.  Then of course, was fine.

This is how it always happens.  He comes home and is momentarily affected by the germs he drags home from work… just long enough to share them with me.

Then I go on to be sick for weeks while he is perfectly fine.

It could also be this party I went to on Saturday, I noticed a few people there were sick as well.  Maybe someone sneezed on the turkey.

Right now my nose is running like hell and I sneeze nonstop.  I could handle that if I didn’t know it’s just a matter of days until the cough up a lung stage.  Bleh again.

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  1. That totally sucks!! I hope this one passes quickly!!

  2. If your feet smell and your nose runs, then you are built upside down.


  3. Feel better…..wait dont u live in a place where the happy drug is legal?????

  4. Marius aka Quoth aka StoHellit

    Hey there,

    I just have to let you know that your “spat” section had me in tears…. It was so funny and you don’t know it but you gave me SOOOO much ammo for mocking poor Xander. (We are in the same guild and often chat on vent) Also I think you should have a poll to see how many ppl stands and wipes and who sits, should be interesting but it could also encourage Xander.

    Anyway thanks for the laugh and great job on this site.

  5. That is TOTALLY my story with Chris. He gets a little sniffle, then I end up with a full-blown chest cold that lasts a couple of weeks. Hate him!

    I have a bit of advice…there is a product in the US called DanActive, and I know they sell the equivalent in NL. They are the tiny little bottles of yogurt-ey stuff, and they help boost your immune system. They work! (Knocking on wood, trying not to jinx myself.) I have hardly been sick at all since I started drinking them everyday.

    Feel better!

  6. Right now my nose is running like hell and I sneeze nonstop

    Sounds like it’s time for a video post! LOL

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