My husband just messaged me on MSN from work.  He said that a co-worker told him that Quebec voted yes to finally become their own country.

I raised an eyebrow and went to look into it.   Here’s what was said in an article on

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s stunning motion recognizing Quebec as a nation within Canada has reignited a debate over the divisive issue, with some supporters cautiously viewing it as a bold political step while critics described it as a recipe for tearing apart the country.

Harper’s comments in Parliament seemed to pre-empt a planned motion by the Bloc Quebecois that states the French-speaking province is a nation. The wording of that motion, however, does not include the words “within Canada,” leaving federalists worried it could be misinterpreted.

What it seems like is that they are giving them something just to shut them up.   Like saying ‘Yes, yes… you are your own nation. Now go play!” when really not a whole lot is meant to change.   A nation within a united Canada, so basically they are their own nation but still belong to Canada? How does that work?

My first instinct when I heard about this was to groan.  This crap with Quebec has been going on for a dogs age and it’s just getting irritating.

Lets face it, the only Canadians who can even stand the Quebecois are uhhh, the Quebecois?  Sure there are nice people in Quebec, the problem is it’s a ratio of 1,000:1 of assholes to nice people…  the nice ones aren’t that easy to find and who can be bothered looking.   As a ‘nation’ they are rude, self involved and a royal pain in Canada’s collective ass.   The only good thing that even came out of Quebec was poutine.

Personally, if they weren’t a major link between the maritime provinces and the rest of the country I’d be happy to let them make their own country and piss off.  Unfortunately that’s not the case though.

I’m sure they are going to go to town with this being their own nation bullshit.  I wonder how long it will be before the rest of Canada has to change their currency every time they want to drive from one side of the country to the other.

Wouldn’t it be great if they made themselves their own country but were cut off from Canada and not allowed to enter or pass through ever again.  I’d totally back them separating then.   Plus, imagine all the money we’d save on ink if we didn’t have to have a french version of everything in the country.

Shame we can’t just cut that chunk of the country out and drop it in the middle of the Atlantic.


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  1. As a Southern Ontarian I have to just say “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! to bilingualism!”

  2. I think my country fought a war over something like this…..I think.

  3. lol, it reminds me of a book I read, where a city declared itself to be a nation of its own. The King said, sure, go ahead, and then proceeded to send knights dressed as bandits to loot, sack and kill along the border. The ‘nation’ demanded help in dealing with the bandits, which was refused because they were no longer part of the country. The ‘nation’ quickly asked to be re-admitted.

  4. Boy, I hear a lot about this poutine. It must be the food of the gods…

  5. Yep you are correct.
    Harper has said we would recognized them as a nation within Canada.
    But it will not be considered for law.

    I actually agree with this acknowledgement. Quebecois is a nation within Canada. It will always be so as long as every Canadian gets the choice to not learn their second language(french) fluently.
    Canada is the only country in the world who does not know their second language fluently.
    The US follows as the next worst at learning their second language (spanish).

    Anyone who will bark about this better be bilingual, or they have no right to say anything.

    I was never for Separtiste, but I can honestly say I agree we must recognise Quebecois as a nation within a nation until we all speak French and English fluently in Canada.

  6. A tous les Québecois…..VA TE FAIRE FOUTRE!

    I lived there for a year. Bastards. The lot of them.

  7. I got lost in Quebec City once and no one would give me proper directions out. One guy even sent me to the middle of nowhere which scared the crap out of me. A police officer told me (in English) that he did not speak English. I thought I’d be there forever like in some weird episode of the twilight zone. I kept driving and driving until I finally stumbled on something familiar. I cried when I got out I was so happy! haha. What Harper did was nothing more than a symbolic gesture and pat them on the head. He’s probably sitting home telling his wife “gee I hope those stupid Quebeckers don’t figure this one out until I am out of office”.

    It’s a shame they’re so nasty to tourists b/c it is an absolutely gorgeous city with a lot of old historic buildings and cobblestone roads. I loved the scenery. The people were another thing altogether.

    Le Quebec, pouvez vous descendre dans l’océan!
    (you get the picture..descend – ocean..voila!)

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