Pain in the Asstress

Today I had the absolute misfortune of watching the show Fat Actress with Kirstie Alley. Perhaps the fact that I’ve never liked her as an actress played a part in my disgust with this show, because she has come off as whiney and psychotic in pretty much every role she’s ever played. I think even if it had been someone else I would have felt the same because the way the show is played out is horrible. Not that I think there is anything wrong with the concept of showing what it’s like for an aging, overweight actress to get by in Hollywood.. Honestly, I think that’s a clever idea for a show these days, what with all the reality TV going on and all. This is so slapstick and beyond the limits of reality that I find it hard to watch. The entire time I was watching I was wondering what the difference was between this show and The Anna Nicole Show! Seriously, just two overweight, whiney, brainless bitches who flaunt their fat ass and stupidty for a buck. Gawd!

I don’t even know where to begin explaining what irritates me so much about this show. As a big woman I find it amazing how she can make it appear that all big women do is sit at drive thru’s scoffing down cheeseburgers, finding fries in our pockets and being completely oblivious to our own size. She’s feeding into the stereotypical image of fat women and that pisses me off. I think it’s sad that she had this opportunity at her fingertips to show what it’s really like, and wasted it on this garbage. Unless of course she really is such a whiney, ignorant slob.. then they should have some kind of disclaimer that this is what her life is like, not lives of ‘fat’ women everywhere.

I also find it ridiculous how they make it out like finding work in the entertainment industry is impossible for a woman with extra weight. If that’s the case how did Roseanne, Oprah, Ricky Lake and other plus size women get to be so famous? The problem with Kirstie Alley IS Kirstie Alley! If there’s any reason why she’s not getting much work as an actress it’s because she just flat out sucks at it and is an annoying whiney bitch!

I know this show is partly fiction but still, it’s pathetic and I’ll be amazed if anyone watches more than one episode of it. I’m also more amazed that people like John Travolta agreed to take part in it. He must have realized how utterly desperate she is to get on the airwaves again and threw that dog a bone.

I don’t remember being this annoyed by someone on TV since I saw Jonathan and Victoria and their antics on the last season of The Amazing Race, but it would take me a decade to explain what I despised about those two.

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  1. I’m pretty sure they were involved at one point, if memory serves me right. They also made some comments in the show but I don’t know if it was scripted or not. She said something about how she should have married him and he said ‘you had your chance but you married the other guy instead’.

    In any case, him showing up in that show for her was definately an act of pity. There’s no way on earth that he actually thought there was any value to it.

    The sad part is, I’ll probably watch more episodes just to see what happens and continue to bitch about it.

  2. I saw an interview of Kirstie Alley on the Letterman show, and was amazed to find out later that she’s 54. She’s probably going through some kind of “old hag” crisis (or something that pays the mortgage) since she hasn’t been in anything that made money since, oh, the “Look Who’s Talking” movies.

    Wasn’t she in horrible sitcom called “Veronica’s Closet”?

    I liked her in “Cheers”, though, she was MUCH better than the Diane character. I’d say that was her prime.

    The connection between Kirstie Alley and John Travolta is more than the “Look Who’s Talking” films — I think Travolta got her into the Church of Scientology.

  3. You probably read about a part in the first episode where John calls Kirstie just after she steps off the scale and is having a tantrum. She’s saying “You’re killing me!” and he gets all worried after she hangs up and calls the police.

    When she gets back from the drive thru, where she went to get a monsterous burger.. he is waiting for her. They start discussing her weight and he gives her a card for some crazy woman he used to date who apparently lost a lot of weight.

    Kirstie calls her for advice, and the advice she’s given is “how to throw up with style”. Fashionable bulemia. That she should use something stylish like an expensive pen, not the ghetto fingers down the throat method.

    I swear, this entire show is 100% garbage, you didn’t miss a thing.

  4. I only saw the preview for the show on an MSN clip. Glad I didn’t waste my time trying to catch it on tv. I read an article a while back where John Travolta was trying to help Kirstie with her weight by offering the services of his trainer and stuff. I guess the guy sees how desperate she is and wanted to help her out.

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