FOAD – Waitress Bitch

This week’s FOAD is going out to the pancake makeup wearing, pissy attitude giving, hate-my-job-so-I-will-make-you-miserable waitress bitch I encountered yesterday.

Yesterday I went into town to meet up with a group of other expat women for a bit of shopping and lunch.  After mass confusion and not being able to decide where to go for lunch, one of the girls  took the bull by the horns and walked into this cafe type place and decided we were going to eat there.  Outside.  In October.  In the Netherlands.  With a 4 month old baby. Okaaaaay…

A while back I wrote about Celebrity Big Brother and how annoying it was the way this chick Jodie Marsh drew her lips bigger than they really are. For anyone who’s watched it, they know she was also a whiney tart as well. This is who Waitress Bitch reminded me of, so she was probably doomed from the start.

After some moving around of tables we all sat down at one long table unit.

One of the girls who was with us had her daughter with us, who had no interest in eating at this place, so she took her across the street and got her a 6 inch sub at Subway then came back to join us.

With her there we didn’t have enough room, so I asked the waitress if we could add another table (they were quite small square tables).   She told me no because then she couldn’t get around us.

I stopped for a second, looking at the MASSIVE walkway that we’d only stick out part way into, which would leave enough room to walk an elephant through and wondered how this skinny ass thought she couldn’t manage to fit through.

I didn’t bother fighting her on it though, instead we squished up and I took a corner.

We’re all sitting at this table looking at menus, when Waitress Bitch walks up and starts going on with something about how she doesn’t know how she’s going to take our orders.  Then she says in a very scoldy tone…

I’m going to start at the back, with YOU.

We ordered our drinks and she comes back with them and notices the kid eating the sub.  She makes some sort of comment to the kid’s mother and then proceeds to bitch about how they serve food there and she shouldn’t have that sub there… blah blah blah.

Now I could understand if we ALL went and got subs and then parked on their terrace to eat them, but it was one kid with about 11 of us adults that planned to order from that place.  You’d think she’d let it slide, but that’s not what Waitress Bitches do.

After the apparently strenuous task our 10 drinks seemed to be for her, she returned to take our food order.

At this point I’m sitting there pulling my jacket around me trying to keep warm and getting quite tired of the sighs and tongue clucky sounds that keep coming from between those overly painted lips.

She decided she was going to take my order first, I wanted a cheeseburger with bacon, cheese and nothing else.  I didn’t want the fries that came with it or the veggie crap.  Just the cheeseburger and a water.

Not too difficult right?

She sighs, rolls her eyes and says…

Look, we are very busy and if you want something, order from the menu.  Our cooks don’t have the time for your special orders.

I looked at her, a bit shocked, and asked if they can make a burger with weird cheezy sauce, jalipenios, lettuce and whatever else, is it that hard for them to just slap the burger on a bun and skip the rest of the steps?

She then got very pissy with me and said something along the lines of how we are a big group, the place is busy, the cooks are busy.. order something else, etc etc.

That’s when I told her to forget it and that I wanted to pay for my drink.  At that point half of us left and went to another restaurant we knew that we liked and had a wonderful meal.

The other half, who were at the other end of the table and were completely oblivious to the Waitress Bitch’s attitude were confused and put in their order, so they stayed and we met up again later when they came where we were for desert (and to get warm).

I’m used to getting shoddy customer service in the Netherlands, but I think this is the first time that I’ve had someone be just downright rude and bitchy in a restaurant like that.

Thankfully, when we went to my favorite restaurant afterwards, ‘Happy Waiter’ (the friendliest and seemingly always happy guy) was working and reminded me that there IS good service to be had in the Netherlands.

So fuck you Waitress Bitch, this FOAD is for you.

Oh, and Jodie Marsh can FOAD too, just for being a halfwit.

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  1. I am a big resturant visitor and as I read this I felt the anger washing over me. I dont think I would have been able to contain my hate. And then fuck up my order with an attitude, I think I would have just left the food there finished my drink and pay for nothing. I dont screw with waitters….they spit in your food .

  2. Oh yeah, my hat’s off to you for not telling her off big time. Don’t know if I could’ve held my tongue. Let’s face it, she’s getting paid to do a job (which she signed up for, mind you) and if I’m there paying for it she damned well better do it.

    I understand everyone has a bad day and can’t always be Little Sally Sunshine, but this was just uncalled for. I’m glad you left.

  3. OMG. What a crazy b!tch. I don’t blame you at all for leaving. I wouldn’t have even bothered to pay for my drink. Did she expect to get a tip, acting that way? She sounds a little clueless. :-P

  4. I have had similar experiences at shops as well as cafe’s. I think these bitches don’t deserve to have jobs so they can go out and waste their money on more cheap plastic jewelery and spiked heeled boots. I have to give you a pat on the back for holding your tongue. It would have been very hard for me not to tell her off.

  5. If waitresses in Holland (or is it Netherland-s? — this always confuses me) generally look like Jodie Marsh, I should surely pay a visit there.

  6. That’s it. Please. I’ve had worse.

  7. Hey Breigh, thanks for stopping by and commenting at my place! Having lived in Belgium, I definitely can feel you on the bad service received in many restaurants and shops over there. I never understood it and probably never will. There is no such thing as Customer Service! At any rate, glad you ended up with a great server and a great lunch!!

  8. That was a great post! I’ve never had anyone THAT bad, but it’s been close, lol.

  9. I would have called her on her attitude then asked to see the manager or found them myself. explained how you guys were being treated and refused to pay and leave. I’m not paying for the bad service or atmosphere. I agree with the comment about how much business she was costing them by acting in such a rude and bitchy manner. That situation would piss me right off…grrr NOT everyone is like that waitress but that’s besides the point , and about the kid wanting a sub. Who cares the kid wanted something else and would have said something to her if she had made a comment bout the kid wanting the sub opposed to something they had on their menu. some people aren’t cut out for dealing with the public, no matter if they were having a bad day and you just happened to catch her on a bad day, it doesn’t make it right.

  10. Yes, Vanessa is right — you should have talked to her manager. It at the very least would have annoyed the hell out of the bitch. Why are there so many a-holes out there? They can make getting through the day a real challenge at times.

  11. I’m the Mom in this story.
    I’d have just flagged the B, but I saw how
    her words made my child uncomfortable and it was a choice
    of going postal on her a*#, or just leaving.
    Like you said the food was way better at the other place and
    we were nice and cozy warm, plus after everyone regrouped
    we had a great time.

  12. I would have asked for the manager or owner before leaving so he could see how much business she cost them.

  13. OK, can I have the name of the restaurant… So I can NEVER go there, please?

  14. Doesn’t surprize me seeing as how customer service here doesn’t hardly exist. I think I would have went off on her and got in her face, so I admire your restraint. Hmmm hamburger good!

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