Is October Over Yet?

This pink is starting to get on my nerves.

Good cause… good cause.

Still looking forward to getting back to normal though.

I’ve been so restless lately.  That kind of restless where I can think of a load of things that need to be done but I don’t want to do any of those things.

I don’t just want to sit here either…

There’s an episode of Will & Grace on TV which has played here at least 6 times in the past year… One day they’ll have to start playing new ones.  I’m Will & Grace’d to death.

It’s coming along that time of year where I miss gaming.  Sitting in on a cold winter night playing WoW with all my fake-friends.  Only I don’t actually miss gaming, or my fake friends, but I miss the time gaming helped pass. 

I have been thinking about getting a sewing machine and trying to make pet stuff (like rat hammocks, play tubes etc) and selling it online.  Don’t know if there is much of a market for that stuff here in Europe but I suppose it’s worth a shot.

I’d have to learn to actually USE the sewing machine first, of course.  Right now I sew everything by hand and that just takes way too long.

I realized I’ve bored you to tears with this, but I’m not one to suffer alone.  If I’m bored, you must be too.

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  1. Hey. Telling people about yourself and your life can never be boring. At least not to me, as long as its genuine.

    I think the pet stuff is a great idea! I am sure there is a market for it.

  2. I was bored, until i joined the other day.. (yeah I’ve yet to make a post about it) Okay so it’s virtual, but then isn’t almost everything online virtual?

    I’m enjoying my secondlife lol, being who I’m not in real life.. sounds odd but it’s fun!

    I reckon the sewing will take off btw.. you could advertise on

    Take care

  3. Hi there! I found your blog through the 25 most popular site thing. I clicked on your picture because I appreciated that you were trying to win due to sex appeal. Plus I loved your hair!
    I then found your blog and had to laugh, you remind me of my Canadian friend living in Sweden. Plus you like grey’s and kathy reichs! I hope you don’t mind but I am going to add you to my favourites for reading!

  4. I’m sooooo bored that I’m actually considering going to the mall. I DESPISE going to the mall! But at least I could people-watch for awhile to waste some time.

    I still can’t sew a stitch. Good luck with that!

  5. Hehehe, I have a sewing machine and I have NO idea how to use it. Rock on! :)

  6. Hey Breigh (Found your site a few weeks ago and have been enjoying it since…)

    Is there a market? Absolutely. I work from home and my business is craft and pet-related. Ebay, Etsy… oodles of places to sell goods like that. People will eat it up. They’d be willing to hand over the extra $$ to have it shipped, too.

    I was terrified of my sewing machine when I first got it but a week later I felt like a pro…granted, I haven’t attempted the fancier tricks, but 95% of the time all I need is a straight line anyway.

  7. I miss gaming too. I had to give it up. I have a tendency to obsess LOL

  8. I think the pet idea is a great idea. If you start out only making a few small things and seeing how those sell then you won’t loose out on such a big amount of money it it doesn’t take off :) Plus with little bitty doggies being popular, I am sure it will sell just fine.

    I will be in your area next week if you wanna hook up just let me know. It’s always nice to meet new people :)

  9. Hey,
    The animal things sound great!
    I know there is a huge market for the stuff here!
    If you give me a list of the things you want to make I will research the prices for them here! Then you can have an idea of how to price them for the business.
    Remember if they are cheap you can sell them world wide!
    The sewing machine. Well there are a few tricks to learn about using it. Most places that have sewing machines for sale also hold classes to learn how to use your brand to its fullest. The first ones might be free as well! Sounds like a start to fill your time!
    Wanna start knitting? I could make you a tutorial to start knitting stuff for the animals too! Like a fleecey ratty bed or hammock. Yeah I am trying to fill in time too!

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