Saturday Photo Hunt – Lost

This week’s theme is Lost, and I resisted the urge to swipe some photo of one of the sexy LOST stars and use that.

Instead I’m going to post this photo, taken about a year or two ago of one of the kids in our neighbourhood.

I am using it for this week’s theme because I think it’s an example of how in many ways kids these days have lost the innocence that children their age once had.

One evening when we were on our way out for a bike ride, we noticed a few of the neighbourhood kids pounding on (and breaking) some of the toys at the school for the handicapped across the street.   When we told them to stop, this is the reaction we got from one of them.

I just happened to have my camera on me and took a photo for his parents (who honestly didn’t give a shit when I showed them, any wonder the kid has turned out the way he has).

What happened to the days like when I was young, when you wouldn’t dare behave like that around adults.  When I was a kid, I’d never dream of doing something like that for fear of my parents finding out.

A sign of the times, a cultural thing, or just bad parenting… I don’t know.

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  1. It’s so many things, life is too fast now, Parents certainly are a big factor. So many ways to get the bad examples in life now and as a parent, I know it’s hard to shield them. My kids grew up great though!!

  2. A sad sign of our times. As for who is to blame I think it is a combination of bad parenting and society as a whole.

  3. it’s a sad thing what is happening to the world’s youth today.

  4. I say bad parenting is behind the majority of it. Parents nowawadays are 1) completely self-absorbed in their own career and hobby endeavors, and 2) are afraid to spank or over-discipline their kids for fear of what the neighbors and/or the law might do to them. Hogwash!

    And then there’s all the media that children are exposed to, with the foul language and derrogatory slang terms in their music, the movies they watch, and even in their video games.

    What a shame that we’ve (inadvertently or not) essentially stolen our children’s childhoods from them.

  5. I think it’s a mix of all, although I believe that ‘loose’ parenting takes over the majority of that. It’s difficult to teach your children respect when there are so many others out there (kids and adults) that show so little respect themselves. Saying that, I think my teenagers are pretty damn good at being respectful to others…I beat it into them when they were growing up (just kidding lol).

    Any kid of mine that was seen doing something akin to the lad in this photo, woulda been shipped off to Guatamala in an air tight container! lol

    It’s alarming the disrespect we see around us these days. Bit scary to think that one of those louts could one day be running our countries.

    (And I SO wanna read the post below about Greys Anatomy, but seeing as the 3rd season hasn’t even started here in NZ, I’m going to restrain myself!)

  6. This is sad. Can’t imagine what kind of parents he has.

    Mine is up too.

  7. From a parents’ point of view…
    My husband and I are so lucky that our Sons respect us and everyone and everything else. To the point other parents would request their kids only be put in class with my kids.
    I am very proud. But I noticed a big difference between how my husband and I parented to how other parents did it. We had very few rules. But my husband and I were consistant with eachother to enforce every one of our rules and never sway. Other parents did not want to put the energy into enforcing, and it seems that they lost confidence quickly as their children got older and more demanding, and less respectful.
    We have always made our kids responsible for their actions. It was tough, but in the end we have adult kids, and teens that we could talk with instead of being ingnored by.
    Our kids still eat dinner with us every day. We sit and talk in the evenings. We have special family movie thons where we all get together and watch comedy movies of the family choice.
    I know our kids are special. But they are only special cuz they understood the rules and the consequences, and were never confused by us.

  8. Quite a charmer, isn’t he?

    Good Lord.

  9. This really pisses me. I would have blown his head off if he were mine.
    Mine’s up too.

  10. Wow, what a photo! You made a powerful statement here. It’s true – there’s a loss of innocence and loss of respect. So very sad.

  11. Don’t blame the kids – he needs someone at home with the balls to bust his ass!

  12. Yet another reason why spanking should be mandatory.

    I don’t blame schools, I don’t blame socieity, I don’t blame T.V., I blame the parents. Each and every time a child is raised to be a little **** like this no one is to blame but the parent(s).

  13. Oh man. That’s terrible.

  14. no other words need to be said…..I’m in agreement with the innocense lost these days.

    Mine’s posted

  15. On second thoughts, scratch that idea. It’s definately a firing squad job for that pungent twerp.

  16. What an obnoxious little runt. Surely his parents should be castrated and burnt at the stake and the burnt offerings served to him to eat? That would surely change his attitude.

  17. Goodness, what a horrible kid. I have phoned the kid’s in questions school about them misbehaving. I think everyone has to make the parents/school/whatever accountable. My kids would be in serious deep shit if they ever pulled one of those.

  18. Yeah, that is so sad. I think it’s a bit because of all the three reasons, but mostly parenting. And yes, I do have kids of my own. If I found out they were out giving people signs like that – not to mention trashing something – they sure would know they did something wrong! They’d be spending the next 65 years in house arrest!

    The saddest thing is that these days the parents truly don’t give a *** as you said. And that’s probably one thing that makes kids behave badly. They are hurting, because no-one cares.

    Ok, enough lecturing. My photos are up too.

  19. Some kids can be so cruel at times. I blame the parents, if they were taught the values of life at an early age they might just grow up having respect for others, or at least their elders!

    Good idea for this weeks theme
    Happy Saturday.

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