Home Alone

It’s been a week since my darling hubby ran off to the South of France to visit his family.  Like the times when he goes away for work, I’m weird before he leaves and just after he leaves, but then I’m fine.

The week has gone by quite quickly and other than some shopping, a haircut and a visit to the hospital I didn’t really go out much.   I spent most of my time doing housework, hanging out with the pets and messing around online.  Like any other day.

I did learn some things while I have been home alone!

1.  I definately need Xander home to keep a proper sleeping schedule.  When he is home I go to bed at 10:30 or 11:00pm and am up before 8:00am.  Since he’s been gone I’ve gone to bed anywhere between 12am – 2am and woken up anywhere from 8:30am – 10:30am.  Today I napped from 5pm – 7:30pm and will probably not go to bed until very late.   I love keeping my own schedule but I end up not feeling well if I don’t keep a GOOD one like when he is home.

2. After discovering these Broodje Unox, I’ve been eating them too often. It’s the closest thing to a hot dog they have here in NL. They have normal hot dogs like back home, but in bottles with liquid – eww!

The only prob is, they have no buns for them. These come with a bun and are easy to make. Pop the bun in the oven for 4 minutes, throw the dog in the microwave for 40 seconds. Voila! Lunch!

3.  I’ve also decided that my husband is the messiest one between the two of us.  I’ve had a MUCH easier time keeping the house tidy with just me in it.  He is a pack rat who is always bringing home things he doesn’t need.

An example:

We are at the supermarket the week before he leaves and he goes off on his own for a second.  He comes back towards me with a package in each hand and a smile that if it weren’t for his ears, would wrap all the way around his head.

He waves the packages at me and exclaims, “Look! It’s coffee! The kind that has to go in a coffee machine, I know we don’t have one but they gave it to us for free!”  

He then tossed it in the cart as I reminded myself to throw it out when he wasn’t home.

I did throw it out, yesterday… along with a number of other things he won’t miss and I have no intention of naming because I know he reads this.

4.  If I lived alone I would need only 1 glass, 1 plate, 1 pot, 1 pan and 1 set of utensils.  I’ve found it’s much easier to keep a clean kitchen when you just keep using the same stuff.   I eat breakfast off the same plate I ate dinner from the night before.  A quick run under the tap with some soap and wiped dry = clean dish and no mess!

Ok it also = one hell of a lazy housewife but I was alone, there were no witnesses.

5.  You would think that him being away would mean HALF as much laundry.  Really it’s more like 1/4 as much.  I don’t know what he does but he goes through more clothes than anyone I’ve ever seen.   Then again maybe it’s because like the dishes, I can run around in the same shorts and t-shirt every day because there’s nobody here to see (or smell!) me!

6.  I am scared of the dark.   Not a dark room, but dark outside.  Xander usually does the night time dog walks and they have been my responsibility while he is away.   I HATE walking by myself after dark, and the dog doesn’t count because unless it’s a white fluffy dog or my attacker is less than 3 feet tall, he doesn’t care. 

I look behind myself about 40 times per 10 steps and constantly run a scenario in my head of what I’d do if someone snuck up and tried to stab me or something. 

It involves a lot of screaming, scratching (I watch CSI, I know how to get their DNA) and some serious ball kicking.

7.   Even though he’s a messy, coffee collecting packrat, I love him madly and wish he’d get home already!

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  1. and anyway, broodje unox is inferior. One of my favourite foods in the whole world is the broodje rookworst from HEMA. that tart grease that comes out on the first squeaky bite…oh my…/me looks at plane ticket prices

  2. brootje unox = project fatass failure

  3. I am behind you right now as you are reading this :)

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