BAM!’s First Hate Mail

Today we at BAM! got our first hate mail!

I expected this of course, since people who put music on their blogs obviously know how much people hate it and keep it there anyway, so they will have some absurd inner rationalization about how we are all nuts and they are like the underdog ‘artists’ of the blog world.

Umm.. yeah. haha

Anyhow, seeing as it is our first I thought I’d share it with you.  Sort of like how a shop frames their first dollar.

New comment on your post #506 “BAM! – I’ve Had Enough! – FOAD”
Author : Anti-BAM (IP: ,
E-mail :
URI    :
Whois  :
If you don’t like music on blogs either don’t go to them or have your speakers turned off.  It’s their blogs and they can put what they want on them.  No one is begging you to go there.  I think it’s disgusting that you are black listing people for their creativity.  Grow up!

yeeehehehe Creativity?!  Oh surely they jest!!

Yes, how silly and completely selfish of us to not spend all our browsing time with the speakers off.

I decided since I have this fancy shmancy wordpress thing, I should put it to some good use and went ahead and did a search through my comments to see if there were any matches.

It took me exactly 47 seconds of super sleuthing to suss out Miss Anonymous!

New comment on your post #504 “Molly & Cleo”
Author : Teena (IP: ,
E-mail :
URI    :
Whois  :

I’m like, an internet detective! Case SOLVED! If BAM! had a headquarters, I’d totally frame this.

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  1. Since when is it creative to put music created by some other individual on a blog? I’m also curious about the rights of the musician/songwriter in these cases. When we purchase a music CD or download a song legally, does that also give us the right to embed it in our web pages? Does anyone know the answer to that?

    Yes, when I visit a page with music on it, I can search madly for it and hit the stop or pause button, but sometimes the embedded music is darn hard to find.

    Oh well, I guess some people don’t care if they disturb others.

  2. Awesome! Creativity? Why are they creative by putting someone else’s music on their blogs?

    I like to listen to my own music (not music I have created, but music that I have chosen) on my laptop while I am surfing BlogMad or Blogexplosion. Why should I have other’s music forced over the music that I already have playing?

  3. I didn’t stay at her site long enough for it to load. Thanks for the heads up Thraxus, added her to the offenders list.

  4. If someone feels their opinion carries any weight, then why do they feel the need to hide themselves behind a cloak of anonymity? The members of BAM! are simply finally putting a voice to thoughts we’ve all had, and we’re not doing it from the shadows either.

    I’m also not surprised that the first person to complain about BAM! also happens to have an embedded music video automatically playing on her own blog.

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