Pink Everywhere!

Whew, it was hard for me getting my site this color.  I’m really not a fan of pink, but I tried to get the most decent color pink possible, rather than some in your face bubblegum pink.

A lot of bloggers are making their sites pink for October to promote Breast Cancer Awareness, which I think is awesome.   Like me, many of them have a personal connection to this cause, knowing someone who has been diagnosed with it at some point in their lives.

For me it was my grandmother on my father’s side.  I called her Nana Muriel and together with my mother, she is one of the most amazing women I’ve ever known.   She was strong, intelligent, caring and I loved her more than I could describe here.

When I was 12 years old I found out she had cancer in her breast.   She had the breast removed and was fine until I was 20, when we found out that the cancer had spread to her lung.

We thought it was over after the breast cancer, but it had spread to her lymph nodes and she didn’t tell us.  For years we thought her battle with cancer was over, but it was really just beginning.

When I was 20 she went to the doctor about a cough and found out she had lung cancer.   She had her left lung removed and went through extensive chemo, but it wasn’t enough.  After a few months the cancer had spread and we lost her.

Seeing her go through all of this was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, and the memories of how she was in the end still haunt me.   I loved her so much and feel that I lost her too soon.   She hasn’t been at my last 10 birthdays, wasn’t at my wedding and has never met my husband.

So this is my way of showing my awareness and trying to make sure other people can’t avoid it or ever forget.  I want people to be reminded every day they look at my website that they should do breast exams, remind the women in their lives to do so… and to take a minute to think about how many people in the world are affected by this, whether it’s directly or indirectly.

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  1. Maybe you’re interested in this:
    You can also order the special ribbins there.

  2. The site is def a nice thought and to remember Muriel. There’s never an easy way to deal with something like this and hard to believe it can happen to somoene you truly love.

  3. I must be blind, I don’t see any pink… but it is a nice idea.

  4. I like it…and I HATE pink too .

  5. Check out the Boobiethon as well at!

  6. Yeah I have lost family to breast cancer too. But I can’t bring myself to support any of the mainstream cancer societies or researching knowing full well there are cures that they work HARD at ensuring the general public never knows. They have cures and won’t use them because they can’t patent (therefore earn money) on them. They make far more money with chemo, radiation and drugs.

  7. Great idea! Site looks great! It’s good to see someone else supporting a cause. Any cause. Apathy is such an epidemic right now…
    My Grandmother on my mother’s side had the same thing happen. Though, it didn’t spread, so that was a relief. She’s fine now. But it was only 5 or so years ago, and it really scared us. There are a lot of women in my family (4 aunts, 3 cousins) so it’s definitely something that’s always on my mind.

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