She is Canadian!

Only one of the reasons I chose Tricia to come stay with me this week.

Our utter Canadianness (yes, that is a word dammit) is part of why I feel I’ve bonded with this great chick.  She -gets- what it’s like to be Canadian, why I miss my country, people, culture and everything else great that there is to miss about it!

She has even started the I Am Canadian! blogroll, which I think anyone who IS Canadian should join.  If you aren’t, beat it… you can’t join the kewl kids group.  We’re too good for you!

She has a green thumb as well, which I certainly don’t.  She loves gardening and often posts beautiful photos of flowers from her garden.  I, on the other hand, am congratulating myself for keeping the few plants in my house alive for more than two months.  I also didn’t even bother buying flowers for my balcony this year because they just die anyway.

Another of the major reasons why I like her is because she digs reptiles.  Not just a little but a LOT… and instead of being one of those people who turn their nose up when I say I have turtles or would like to have this or that reptile, she thinks it’s cool, understands it and offers advice.  I LIKE THAT!

She just seems like such a well rounded person.  She’s a nurse, a wife, a photographer, an animal lover, a blogger, a gardener and who knows what else… and she seems to find the perfect balance for it all.

This woman is definately someone I would seek out and try to meet in real life if I lived closer, without a doubt.  So please stop by and visit her and see for yourself.  She has so many interests and passions, I’m sure there is one you’ll have in common too!

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Stop The Presses! I Am Printing a Retraction!

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Project 365 (Day 12) Normal

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  1. Breigh! Such a sweet welcome to your site. Thank you so much. I think you’re pretty cool too, and you know if you ever come to Toronto you’ve got to let me know. :)

    Are you missing anything from Canada that you can’t get there? Other than our Canadianness? Maybe I can send you something? Smarties? Maple Syrup? I know you are on a diet but you could have one smartie a day (difficult I know!) or just a little syrup? LOL

    Janine- I’m only visiting “Virtually”. Breigh rented me some space on her blog this week, that’s how I’m visiting. :)

  2. you would meet if you lived closer? but i thought you said she was visiting you this week?

    sorries! im confused!

  3. I agree.
    I like being part of the CLIQUE!
    Tricia is the reason for so many of the blogs I read today.
    I like her organization skills of blogging.
    I like her blunt rants.
    She is good for the clicks on everyone’s blogroll.
    If you are a Meme follower or wish you were, then you have to see her blog.
    This chick here in the Netherlands is pretty cool too!

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