Crazy People Scare Me!

This week’s FOAD Thursday is being dedicated to the crazy guy on the bus yesterday.

I was on my way to my doctor appointment and just as I stepped on the bus this guy sitting behind the driver turned to look at me. No wait, he didn’t just look at me, he glared at me. He freaked me out so much I actually stopped in the doorway of the bus for a sec, afraid to go any further.

Judging by the look I figure he thought they were out to get him … they, meaning me… and his look was telling me ‘Come any closer and I’ll cut you, bitch!

I think what also gave me a moment of pause was how much he looked like this dude. Haywire from Prison Break, and we all know how crazy he is.

I think it was the eyes, those crazy eyes…

So I tell the bus driver where I want to go and carefully shuffle my way sideways past Haywire, who is watching me like a HAWK.

I went to the back of the bus and sat in the 2nd last row, in front of some chick who chewed her gum incredibly loud and kept making that *CRACK* noise with it. Thankfully she got off the bus one stop later.

Then Haywire got up and started walking towards the back of the bus. He was staring me down and I silently hoped and prayed that he was on his way to the exit doors in the middle of the bus and was goin to get out at the next stop. He didn’t though, he kept walking and came and sat DIRECTLY BEHIND ME in the seat that girl just got out of.

I was stiff as a board, I couldn’t move, this insane bastard scared the bejesus out of me!

He sat behind me, with nobody anywhere near him, and started talking in some language I didn’t understand. In fact, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a language at all, at least not one anyone other than him and his imaginary friends could understand. He sounded angry, and I wanted to get up so badly but I was like a deer in the headlights… frozen and fearing for my life. I think I thought that if I made any sudden moves I’d spook him and he’d think I was getting up to tackle him and take him back to our secret labratory. So I stayed perfectly still.

There was a partial plexiglass wall between the middle seats and the exit door. I squinted and made me eyes go all weird trying not to look through it, but rather catch the reflection of the back end of the bus in it. Thinking at least that way if he stood up and tried to stab me in the head I’d have a bit of warning.

I think if a fly had landed on me at that point I would have jumped out of my skin, I was SO freaked out… and let me tell ya, even on the hottest summer day when the Rotterdam busses reeked of BO… I have never gotten off a bus so quick in my life as I did when my stop finally came.

I think the other people around me must have I was the crazy one, the way I leapt up out of my seat and turned around, as though making sure nobody was after me.

So this FOAD goes out to Haywire, the crazy eyed, talking to himself, wanting to kill me slowly and painfully dude on the bus yesterday.

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  1. lol, sorry I’m not laughing at what happened to you.. it’s the way you tell it hehe. But seriously, I’d have freaked too! :=)

  2. Why do all the crazies congregate at the transit system?? I’m just glad the didn’t follow you when you got off the bus.

  3. Yeah, I’ve had enough run ins with crazy folks. :) I feel for you!

    I’m not sure FOAD thursdays would do it for me, since it almost seems like everyday is a FOAD day at times. :P

  4. I like the idea of FOAD Thursdays…yeah I’ve at times been a Freak Magnet…why do they find me and what are they mumbling about?

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