Breigh and Boys

Another one of my crazy train of thoughts

I was in the shower and I started thinking about my boobs, which I guess is normal… with them right there under my face and all. I know it seems like all my weird thought processes are about boobs, not sure what’s up with that.

Then I started thinking about the first time I let a guy grapple them. I was young, in my early teens, and I was hanging out in the dugouts behind Thompson Jr. High with a good friend of mine. That’s what you do when you’re 14 and live in a town where there is nothing to do. You find dark corners and make out in them…

I was the rookie in this dugout though, and had no idea what I was doing. We kissed, he went up my top, I felt something weird happening in my pants.

I thought I started my period, died of embarassment and ran all the way home.

That was the first time I learned what happens when you let boys touch your boobs. Other than him telling all his friends, I mean.

Then my mind flashed to the same baseball field only two years earlier. The day of my 12th birthday… and I remember it liked it was yesterday.

Me, my friend Cheryl and the P**** twins. Mine was Troy, hers was Terry… but Terry was mine before he was hers, but I dumped him for Troy. Aaaah how great it was to be 12!

Anyhow, we were hanging out chatting and laughing and OHMYGOD – holding hands! Troy let me wear his sweatshirt because I said I was cold. I really said it so he’d hug me but he went for the sweatshirt thing instead and I was roasting, but I dug that I got to wear his shirt so I left it on anyway. We were holding hands and walking around the baseball diamond when I looked up and saw my father standing on the hill.

Oh shit.

He yelled and told us to come for dinner. I was scared to go home but I did anyway because I knew my mother would protect me because it was my birthday. I could tell he was pissed though, the screaming he was doing before my mother cut him off was a pretty good indication of what would have been coming to me if she hadn’t.

Then my mind went to the first time Terry told me he liked me. Try to keep up, this was before I dumped him for his brother. I was in class… the bell was just about to ring and everyone was throwing their crap in the garbage. He met me above the trashcan and passed me a piece of paper, which made me think he was a dork because he should be able to throw his own paper in the basket.

Then he picked it up out of the garbage and handed it to me again, weirdo.

Finally he got frustrated and told me to read it. It said: I like you, do you like me?

I didn’t answer him, I ran away and later got my friend to tell him yes and that made him my boyfriend.

Then I remembered the time all the other kids were going swimming after class. I was sitting at the same desk as Terry, which made me feel so cool, he was so cute. We were writing notes on a piece of paper between us and he asked if I was going swimming with them. I had my period and that was still far too weird for me at that age, so I said I couldn’t go.

He kept pressing on asking why and while a smart kid … who probably would have been paying attention in class rather than talkin to her 12 year old boyfriend on a scrap of paper… would have known to say something like “I have a doctor’s appointment!“…. I chose to try to explain instead.

How does a 12 year old girl explain to her 12 year old boyfriend that she can’t go swimming because she has her period? Like this:

I can’t go because —-> .

In case you missed it, yeah.. I just kept drawing dots on the paper. He didn’t get it. He couldn’t make the connection between a dot on paper and a period.

Since I was a woman now, I figured he was too young and stupid to be my boyfriend… I mean he didn’t even know what a period was. So that’s when I dumped him for his brother.

By then my shower was over and my train of thought was ruined when I ran out of hot water because my husband used it all washing the dog.

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  1. Aaaahhh if only life could always be that simple cut and dry….

  2. BlogMad hit!

    Boobs rule!

  3. Happy Click & Comment Monday!

    I almost feel left out. I never did any of this when I was in my early teens, I was far more interested in sports and cars than boys.

    Loved the post though, I’ll be blogrolling you and checking back another time :)

  4. You made me remember…

    When I was 12, a boy from another classroom asked me if I would be his friend’s girlfriend. I had never spoken to his friend before…like, AT ALL. I said no. Life went on normally, and I don’t think I ever exchanged words with that other boy.

    Sort of trying for an “arranged” romance, huh? I’m so glad to be growed-up now.

  5. thanks for the heads up on 25 peeps…I forgot about it.

    enjoyed your last post…I ran home the first time I felt her up too…but for an altogether different reason…”JERRY! are you going to stay in the bathroom all darn day!”…that sort of thing.

    thanks again

  6. Great post. It’s nice to know you girls think about boobs almost as much as we do. And it’s also nice to know that we weren’t the only ones without a clue during our first makeouts.

  7. Back in those days, us blokes thought girls were rather dorky too.
    The years of innocence. How great they were.

  8. I love that ~ drawing dots on a piece of paper. Oh, to be young again.

  9. WHat kids do when they’re young, in what they think is “love” and those yrs of discovering who you are and what people of the opposite sex are doing and thinking. Great story i’ve got some of those locked away in some journals, your story makes me wanna dig around and find them, hehe.

  10. It’s kinda amazing what we do in the shower huh? The navy in me tells me to clean fast. You know, conserving water and all. but sometimes wow i’m just so tired, I think I just dream while soaking in the shower. It’s nuts. :)

  11. Happy Click and Comment! I love this post!!

  12. Happy Click & Comment Monday, Breigh!

    Great train of thought post there…I was like “wha??” then I think I hopped the train because I was right there with you…until the water ran cold.

  13. Here for C&C Monday from Cat’s blog.

  14. these stories made me smile. ah to be 12 again…

  15. What a great story! Its so wonderful to be young and in love :) It was so easy and innocent back then!

  16. Here from C&C Monday… Ahhh to be 12 again.

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