The-Diet Weigh in Week 11

This week I haven’t lost anything, but I think it’s ok. I broke even and haven’t gained anything either… still holding steady at 17 lbs lost.

Again this week I haven’t exercised as much as I should have, while I still maintained a good eating pattern. Obviously the key is doing both rather than just one or the other…

Now that we have the car I can start looking seriously for a gym, which I think will be fun and motivating. Especially if I find one with a nice trainer who will tell me what to do and guide me. I have no idea how half of the weight machines work so I’ll definately need some guidance.

I think the weather is playing a part as well… it’s been so grey and rainy here over the past two weeks, I don’t really feel like doing much. When it was sunny and even really hot, I still walked and biked regularly. It makes me a bit worried about what it will be like for me during the winter when every day is like that. Again, I’m hoping a gym membership will make at least a small difference with that as well.

Oh well, time to push on for a loss in week 12!

If you are interested in joining the-diet just click the link and sign up! It’s not really a set diet, rather just a bunch of people who are trying to lose weight coming together for some motivation! Everyone does it in their own way.

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  1. Don’t be so upset you didn’t loose anything. Maintaining your weight as long as you are keeping your healthy habbits is a good thing. I too didn’t gain or loose this week which surprized me cause we went camping last week for 4 days and we were rained in the entire time, and well there were homemade chocolate chip cookies.

    I really hope you find a gym, it does make a big difference. My only suggestion is find one where you feel somewhat comfortable, because if not you won’t go as much. I think it would be great to find a trainer to get you set up, but once you got a routine and some knowledge about the machines I think you would do fine on your own. Trainers cost alot of money.

    BTW I will probably be heading into your neck of the woods next week if you want to get together. I will let you know when I figure out what day I will be there.


  2. I’m going to take a look at the link you posted. (Browsing through BE right now). I recently had what they are assuming was a gallbladder attack, and I’ve cut out all fat from my diet. (Bad fat that is). I’ve also figured out-that by eating 5 small meals a day-I’m actually losing more weight than I would otherwise, being limited in what I can eat. Good luck in losing the weight!

  3. One good thing about a trainer is that even if you think you’re not feeling up to working out, your trainer will motivate you to do it. That’s one reason why when i was younger, body building worked for me, because my friend and i were training each other, and each one motivated the other. But after I lost my partner, it gets tough to work out, because the motivation just isn’t there.

    The only bad thing about trainers is the cost. And well, in this case, when I couldn’t afford it, yeah, it got bad. :P

    But i do recommend a trainer if you can.

  4. Wow you are hot!!!! Good luck in Canada

  5. Well i’m like that as well haven’t lost and haven’t gained so l.ike you broke even this week though i’ve lsot 5 pounds since my starting to eat better, protion control and def getting active with walking and the sports that I like to do. I did the gym thing and while it worked for me for the short time i did so , since working backshift was a killer and going to the gym right after work didn’t apeal to me at ALL. So hope you find a gym that suits you and that will help and motivate you more. good luck and keep us posted!

  6. Push yourself for two or three weeks, then week four five and six become natural. Its amazing.

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