More Ghosts

Continuing on from my Do You Believe in Ghosts post…

First some back story. Over the years I’ve gone to a few fortune tellers… not because I necessarily believe in them, but because it’s fun. When you live on a small island and don’t have a lot to do, going to see the crazy old guy who read tea leaves is an evening of entertainment.

I’ve been to three fortune tellers in totally different places and totally different times, and all three of them told me that I am going to have idential twin boys someday. One said by the time I’m 28, which didn’t happen. Another said I’ll have twin boys and then two years later I’d have a girl but no time frame, and the third said only that someday I will have identical twins and they would be male.

So, on with my story…

I saw a post by Yoshi about my freaky toy story and after reading his story about the ouija board I remembered one of my own. One of the other freaky things that has happened to me throughout the years…

Going back about 8-9 years ago when I was living with Jerk-Ex in Prince Edward Island. We were in Summerside visiting his sister after she just had her 2nd baby… I really liked her and her boyfriend, it was one of the few pleasant things I got out of my relationship with him… his family. I liked them more than I liked him…

Oops, got off track.

So after the kids were in bed and we finished our tacos, his sister decided to dig out her Ouija board. I was instantly skeptical, yeah… right.. lets talk to some ghosts!! (Inside my head I was laughing… this was before I encountered the crazy toys).

I didn’t want to touch the thing, but was curious enough to sit around with them while they did it. As like any other Ouija experience I’ve had, the people started moving the thing around… whichever one of them it was I don’t know, but someone was. The story that came about was that they had gotten a spirit of a little boy from Seattle who died when he was 8 in some sort of incident involving a closet.

They asked the board boy a bunch of questions and were ooohing and ahhhing and getting all spooked out about the answers, while I sat there scoffing.

Jerk-Ex’s sister and her boyfriend had their hands on the thingie and said something along the lines of “ok you tell us something to ask it that we don’t know, smartypants!”.

I thought long and hard… what could I ask them that they wouldn’t know. Better yet, that Jerk-Ex didn’t know. He may have been a jerk but he was a jerk who knew a lot about me and my family.

Before I could think of anything, he blurted out “Ask him if she’ll have kids!“.

Now, it didn’t matter to me what the answer was because I’m sure that at some point over the three years I was with him, I’d mentioned the twins thing to his sister… at least I thought I had.

The board boy replied “2

Girls or boys?

Boys … twins

What will they be named?


The other one.. ?


At that point I spat out a “NOT FUNNY” and got up to go to the bathroom… partially because I was cracking to pee and partially to stop myself from kicking someone.

When I returned I had a question for them, it was one I knew they wouldn’t know because even I didn’t know it.

I asked them to ask the board boy the middle name of my grandmother’s sister, Rita. My great aunt I called Diti…

e … l…. s… b…. t… h

ELSBTH?? haha Yeah ok :) Either you choosing random letters or the board boy can’t spell!” , I said taunting them.

They argued vehemently that they didn’t push it and that there really was something going on but I just laughed and rolled my eyes and suggested we stop with the Ouija nonsense and watch a movie or something instead.

Elsbth … pfft.

We put the movie on and I forgot all about it. I never did think to ask anyone in my family what her middle name actually was.

About a year later my Aunt Diti passed away… when I walked into the church for her service there was the most beautiful photo of her sitting there. She looked to be in her late 20’s or early 30’s and it was stunning. I couldn’t stop staring at her. When I looked at the paper next to it it said…

Rita Elizabeth O’Leary

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  1. That’s really spooky, and sounds similar to what my mum experienced.

  2. That’s creepy! I totally believe :)

  3. Very Interesting! And yes, I do believe .. :)

    Cheers from Toronto!

  4. Creepy.

    Now I won’t be able to sleep tonight. Thanks. :P

  5. Ok, that’s just weird. That’s just really crazy.

    Now any skeptic will tell you, that while you think you didn’t know what her middle name was, you probably heard it long ago. Of course that would not explain the fact that you weren’t holding the planchette, and had no way of influencing it.

    freaky. totally freaky. i bet anything if i saw that picture i’d freak out. even if i didn’t know the history. LOL I do that with pictures of people. I think that’s one reason i don’t do portraits so much, and photograph locations, instead of people.

  6. I have never tried Ouija before, but I have heard so many stories like this where wierd stuff happened. I’ll have to give it a try.

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