Blog Confusion

These are things I don’t get and can’t seem to figure out. Since I have some blogging pros cruising through my site, I thought you might have some answers.

1) What in the HOLY HELL is wrong with the wordpress editor? I make most of my posts using bloggar because I like how it works and it’s easy. I can’t seem to write PAGES with it though, and this is where I come into problems. On my old site (which was all written using HTML in Notepad) if I wanted to create an extra paragraph of space between paragraphs I’d just add a < p > or a few < b r > ‘s. When I try to edit a page using the wordpress editor, I can’t put a blank line of space in to save my life! If I just hit enter in the editor or try adding the above code in the html part of the editor, it doesn’t work! It just automatically deletes the spaces and keeps it the way IT wants it. I’ve been fighting with it for days and can’t figure out how to make it stop! Why is the wordpress editor so damn difficult?!

Btw, I tried turning off the rich editor and the auto correcting xhtml crap, it didn’t make any difference.

2) Why isn’t my site pinging Technorati automatically? I followed the instructions, I even sent in a ticket and got a response saying they tweaked something and it should work now, but it doesn’t. I have to go to their site and manually ping it…

3)Why do I lose so many damn battle of the blogs on Blogexplosion, does my blog suck that bad?

Yeah, those are the things bugging me about my blog and wordpress at the moment. I can’t believe I’ve spent most of my computer time for the last two days just trying to figure out how to make a < p > or < br > stick on a page. ffs… should I have stuck with movable type? .. Cuz wordpress is being a pain in my ass (as I suspected it would be in my last post).

Oh yeah, and I’m being peeped out again!! CLICK HERE TO KEEP ME ON (yes, I do know I’m shameless)

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Stop The Presses! I Am Printing a Retraction!

Have you ever read my About Me page? If you have you’ve probably seen this… …

Project 365 (Day 12) Normal

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  1. I’ve heard that BE has really gone downhill when it comes to the blog battle thing lately, so I wouldn’t get too disheartened.

  2. When you upgraded your WordPress, is there a chance you didn’t copy some things over? Or did you do it all from scratch? I don’t have any problems with the editor (I don’t use the visual rich one), so I’m not sure why it’s not working for you.

    I used to have a problem with the automated pinging (a few versions ago), but I think it’s ok now.

    As for Battle of the Blogs, I think it’s pretty random anyway, isn’t it? I didn’t think that a lot of people gave a considered opinion.

  3. The fancy editor WP uses is a type of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), basically, it turns the HTML in your text field into what it “would look like” on the page itself, but therein lys MANY of my issues with WP. It likes “strong” instead of “b” for bold, it likes “p” instead of “br” and, all in all, it NEVER works right. I find myself typing in notepad and then pasting it over because it just hates me so much. I thought it was just me, but I guess you’re having the same issues!
    Particularly with pictures, “Center” tags never work, because it likes to put “align” tags instead. AS:LDFKAS:DLFK I hates it…. ;_;

  4. I used to use movable type and I switched to wordpress because I thought it would be easier.. gah!

    Yoshi I’m really curious about this Expression Engine that you use..

  5. I have had the same problems with WordPress, and I’ve wasted so, so much time just trying to get line breaks to work in my Thursday Thirteen (as you can tell by my posts, I STILL have not figured it out).
    The only time I have success is when I am starting a fresh new post with not text or graphics pasted into the body of the message. Otherwise, I’m nearly always screwed.
    I’ll find a way around it, but I joined WordPress to make my life easier, not more challenging. I have enough of that in every other area of my life!

  6. I use wordpress and I occasionally have that problem too. I find it works best if I’m on a role and typing away. Go back and make any corrections and the paragraphs get messed up.

    I’ve tried using the qumana editor ( It’s a program that you download and install on your computer. You can set it up so that you write your blog in the qumana editor and then post it directly from there to your blog. It even indents paragraphs if you type them that way! (that’s something else that bugs me about wordpress) Of course if you go into wordpress and edit the post from there after you’ve posted it with qumana the post often loses whatever features it gained when you typed it in qumana.

    WordPress is the worst when you are cutting and pasting things into it. It really messes up then. I like a lot of it’s features but it’s editor needs work.

    As for the battles. I was doing well for a while and then I started losing every battle. I still lose most of them so it’s kind of depressing to go and battle. If it’s any consolation I almost always vote for you because I like your site.

    Technorati … how did you claim your blog? I had my site on a different domain and I had it claimed using the code you put on your site … but when I moved my site I reclaimed it using the ? rpc … the automatic wordpress thingy they have set up there. So I think I have both things hooking me up to technorati now. Either way I haven’t really had any trouble with Technorati picking up my sites. I think in the very beginning I did … but not anymore. I don’t think it’s a wordpress problem, I think it’s a technorati problem.

    You’ve been peeped!

    Oh BTW I just started an “I am Canadian” blogroll. If you’d like to join please visit my site.

  7. Oh I forgot to mention that I used to use wordpress, and I fixed that problem by using Expression Engine. :P

  8. 1. wordpress’ editor isn’t a straightforward text block. It uses some kind of fancy editor, and even if you disable it still uses it to an extent. That could be one reason why i don’t like wordpress. The editor is a bit wonky.

    2. You know, I’ve never used the auto pinging feature (or plugin or whatever) for wordpress. I’m at a loss why technorati won’t work for you. I would assume that the wordpress “pinger” is broken. :P

    3. That I can’t answer for you. I’ve noticed that there’s a trend in the battle of the blogs, and it almost seems to me that some winning parties sway people over with BE credits. But if I were to go on BE then I would vote for you. Although I have to admit that I really don’t care for BE. :P

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