
It’s 5:48am and I’m awake. Well, awake might be a bit of a stretch but I’m out of bed. I got out of bed for yucky girl reasons I’d explain but I fear it would make the boys never come back.

It sucks being one of those people who can’t get up and go back to bed. If I have to pee, have a coughing attack, get bitten by mosquitos or have unmentionable girl things taking place and I wake up. I get out of bed and I’m up, that’s it. So I’ve been sitting here since about 4:45am… Lovely.

There isn’t much to do at that time of the morning other than hang around and think. I’ve been thinking about how incredibly indecisive I am… especially over the past few years (since living in NL). I don’t think there has been anything in my life in the last 5 years or so that I haven’t changed my mind about at least twice… from big things to the little insignificant things.

Hair – Long hair, short hair, black hair, red hair, red and black hair, black and purple hair… the list goes on and on.
Piercings – Nose, eyebrow, eyebrow, nose…
Dutch – Hate it, learn it, hate it, learn it, hate it, learn it.
Work – Search high and low, fuck it don’t want a job anyway, gotta get a job, screw that, got a job, I quit!, I want a job!
Weight– Gotta lose weight, I’m happy the way I am, fuck I’m out of shape, more to love! I’m SO going on a diet!
In laws – love ’em, hate ’em, love ’em, hate ’em, they’re ok… FOAD!!
House – keep renting, buy it, keep renting, buy it, lets move, buy this place, need a bigger place, this is fine, buy it!
Canada – I want to go home!! Oh, NL isn’t that bad, we’re leaving!, we’re staying!, I hate this place I want to move back!, NL Forever!
Crafts – I want to learn photography!, Scrapbooking!, I want a new crossstitch!, expensive quilting lessons! I’m so gonna finish this one!, I never do.
Pets – Awww my babies!, I hate those fucking cats!, look how cute he looks, fucking kitty litter!, come cuddle!, oh ffs goddamn cat hair!! Find a new home!, No, they’re mine!
Weather – I love the fall! Winter blues I need the sun!, Summer rules!, Argh too hot!! can’t wait for winter, Winter sucks I’m so depressed!.
Furniture – Honey lets move the livingroom around!, Hate it, let’s move it back, Let’s move it again, I have a better idea!, Let’s move the bed!
People – I need more friends, people suck, I want to socialize, I don’t want to go! I want friends, people piss me off!

The list goes on and on… Seriously, I honestly think I have some sort of mental disorder, besides the depression I mean. The last time I was at the doctor she reccomended a place with psychiatrists and such. I dunno, maybe I’ll look into it in the winter. That’s another thing I’ve been indecisive about… whined for ages that I have nobody to talk to but when the option is there I don’t go because I’m afraid of what they will say.

The thing I’ve been most indecisive about lately is children. Which is pretty ironic considering I’ve been obsessing about having a child for years. Three years to be exact…

For my entire life I’ve said the same thing to the men I’ve been with. My body is like a microwave, pop things in and out all ya like but don’t dare try to bake in it!

I honestly never saw myself as the type to ever want children. I wanted to live, travel, have time to myself and be free to do what I want to do without the burdon of any little people needing me. I saw babies as crying, screaming poop machines and had no interest in them beyond the odd cuddle before giving them back to mommy.

Something changed when I was 28, like someone flicking a switch. Suddenly I became obsessed with having children… I wanted a baby and I wanted one NOW! This kind of thing isn’t unusual for me, with most things I want, I want them NOW… but this was different because I had no control over it, and nobody could give it to me to shut me up.

I don’t know what my reasons were for getting so obsessed with it. I’ve thought about it a lot and came up with a few possible answers…

I thought maybe it was because my mother lost the ability to have children when she was 29, and I was worried that what happened to her might happen to me too. It’s not really been something that was active in my mind all the time but there have been times I’ve thought about it and wondered…

It may have been because of growing up and realizing how alone I am, or could be. I don’t mean physically alone… rather alone in the sense of being an only child. Yes, I have Xander and if my dreams come true we will be together for the rest of our lives. I’m not blind to the fact of the day and age I live in though… and there is a part of me who thinks… “what if…?” What if one day Xander meets another woman and leaves me? What if that happens and my parents are already gone? I’ll have nobody. I’m essentially an only child, I do have a half sister but we’re not that close. I would have no real family… perhaps that sparked the obsession to start my own. So that when I look into the future, even to the point where I’m old and grey… I’d know I’d still have family and people who love me.

One big possibility was that it was a desire that came out of depression and pure lonliness. I wouldn’t be alone every day… It gave me something to think about, to try to work towards and possibly something to look forward to. Being away from my family, not working, and feeling so low about myself… I may have needed a purpose. I think I thought if I had a child, I’d feel like I was really doing something meaninful here… that I could put all my energy and love into this child and I could stop waking up every day wondering what I’m doing/going to do with my life… because I was a mother. LIke it would help me define myself somehow. Also, so that when I was asked for the 20283823rd time “What do you do here?!” I could look at them with that judgemental look they always give me when I say “umm I’m a housewife” and say “Wtf do you think I do dumbass, I’m a mother!”.

Hell… maybe it was just my biological clock ticking out of control.

I don’t know, but whatever the reason was… I don’t feel it now. Is it because I’m on my anti-depressants again? I don’t know. It could be… maybe they are making me see things a bit more clearly now. Maybe it’s because the obsession with having a child has been replaced with the obsession of losing weight… or maybe it’s because things in our lives are really starting to change. With my moods being much better and more stable, us making plans and having things to look forward to.. like getting the car, joining a gym, travelling and all the things we should have been doing all these years?

In any case, I’m sort of back where I started. I’m not sure I want to have children.

Rather, I’m not sure what I want… or don’t want. I don’t know if I do want to have children but have become scared and jaded by the years of disappointment and upset that came with each month that we failed to concieve… or if I spent the last 3-4 years chasing a dream that I’m not even sure was mine to begin with.

So confusing…

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  1. Tanya – Thanks for being so honest, because I know what you say is true. That’s the problem, and what makes it so hard. We have a lot to think and talk about but as it stands now, the baby thing is off the table, at last temporarily.

    Staci – I’m so glad that you said that. I often wonder if this is all in my imagination or if I’m just -so- mentally unstable that things bother me that don’t bother other people. I know exactly what you mean about feeling like you lose yourself more and more as time goes by in NL, I think I lost myself long ago. We’re not going anywhere though so I hope I find ‘me’ again soon!

    Candy – Thanks for the post and it’s great that you didn’t take the bad humping too seriously. I’d probably cry and not write for a week hehe Hopefully he’ll be gentle!

  2. p.s. by the way I meant to say I love your blog and the story of how you met your husband was really incredible and got tears in my eyes. You sound like you have quitea great life, lots fun and are a cool person!!!

  3. Hi Breigh,

    How ya doing? I noticed your comment over at Desert Odyssey and you said you worried about the guy at the bottom of the rank for “humping” and how much it would suck to be the guy with one hump.

    I am that guy, well, I’m a girl. and I got the lowest rank on his humping with one hump. He hated my blog. But i didn’t feel bad about it, I thought it was hilarious. Lucky isn’t into art or literature and said he didn’t know anything about art…and I post tons of pics of my paintings so it’s pretty hilarious. I enjoyed getting humped and met a few cool people and came to have a lot of compassion for Lucky because he says he doesn’t know anything about art…and I think that is a truly sad way to live in the world. Art is so cool and fun! So ther eis Lucky with a huge vacuous hole in his existence and I feel empathy for the poor guy. It’s really sad. Not everyone is exposed to the world and all the different people and art. It takes a lot of intelligence and curiousity and tolerance to look at art and enjoy it. Poor Desert odyssey…but maybe one day he will get out there and learn some stuff. in the meantime I loved being humped and I think he is a real character and I am happy for the exposure and experience. maybe one day he will get into art and revisit my blog. there is hope for everybody. I have a feeling one day he will love my blog, heh heh.

    So…I thought I’d drop over to your blog and say hi and see if you have been humped yet and see what your blog is all about.

    Don’t be afraid, I doubt you’d get the lowest score like I did…have fun and nice to “meet” you. But you know what? The lowest scored hump actually stood out to you didn’t it? I’m not as dumb as I look.


  4. What a fantastic post.

    I am here via 25 peeps – hooray, I helped keep you there! – and had to add a link to you on my blog.

    Wonderful writing!

  5. I hate to say this, but I’m going to anyway. I found that my time in NL f*cked with my brain everyday, and I didn’t even know how much until we left. It’s like I lost myself there in a way. I didn’t realize how much I was floundering until we got back to the US.

    I’m not saying that your only solution is to leave. No, no, no. But cut yourself some slack, girlie.

    Besides, having a car might help with your overall outlook on things. :)

  6. Very good post…

    hope you figure what you want, unless of couse dont
    then enjoy the journey nonetheless, unless of course you dont want to
    then be safe and take care
    and live in another of paradise..


  7. p.s. Oh yeah…you are ROCKING the 25 peeps thing. ROCKIN!!!!

  8. Ah sweetie…indecisiveness is supposedly what all women are good at. :)

    As for the baby thing…I am staunchly childfree and always will be. It is for some people and not for others. Allow to make one point about kids. You can not melt them down and fuck them over again. (Sorry) BE SURE you want this. FOREVER.

    You realize that now that you are very MEH about the babymaking, it could happen. I have read about that happening to SOoooo many people. Too many.

    Hair colours, changing you mind about where to live, peircings etc etc..these are things you can change somewhat if you are truly miserable with your choice. A baby is not.

    Either way, I hope you get what you want and are happy with it.


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