I Am Switching Teams!

I’m a fan of Twilight, I don’t think that’s any secret around here.  Even though the first movie frustrated me with Bella’s lip biting and head wobbling, the missing pieces and the bits thrown in that weren’t even in the book… I’ve still watched it again.  Ok more than once, leave me alone!

While reading the books I was also sort of 50/50 in regards to which team I was on.  Sometimes I felt like I was Team Edward, sometimes I felt like I was Team Jacob.  Neither one really won me over completely.  I loved them both equally for different reasons.

When I saw New Moon I was swayed more in Jacob’s direction, I was about 70/30 in Jacob’s favor.  Maybe because he’s so damn cute, but also because Taylor Lautner did such a good job of bringing out that tough but tender side of Jacob.  Then, there was also the fact that he was so damn cute, did I mention that?

I sort of felt like it was unfair to Robert Pattinson.  He was absent for a lot of the movie and after having watched a tall, dark drink of water through most of the movie, seeing him topless and looking all skinny and pasty didn’t do it for me at all.  They did him a great injustice there, because I know I’m not the only one who was underwhelmed at the long awaited shirtless scene at the Volturi.

Don’t get me wrong, I still love Edward and the scales have tipped back a bit once the novelty of New Moon wore off, so it’s more like 60/40 in favor of Jacob now.  The hotness still demands he get a little more love from me.

But… at least  for today,  it has changed, I’m on a new team now…



From ONTD:

Twilight‘s Kellan Lutz is the new bulge in Calvin Klein’s Spring/Summer underwear campaign. The 24-year-old former Abercrombie & Fitch model is posing for CK’s X Underwear, a new line hitting stores this month.
The ads were shot by photographer Mikael Jansson and will appear in magazines starting later this year – Vanity Fair will run the first on March 9.
The underwear itself is made of cotton modal (for softness and breathability) and premium microfiber. There’s an embossed “X’ over the Calvin Klein logo on the waistband’s front patch.
Fox411 reported earlier this year that “executives have a plan to model the ads very similarly after the famous Mark Wahlberg campaign in the 90’s. They want to recreate the look of the hugely successful ads, and who is better than Kellan Lutz to fill out those little underwear?”

Who better, indeed!!  Personally, I was a big fan of Marky Mark, and I’m still a fan now that he’s Mark Wahlberg.  I dig his body, I dig his face, I dig his voice, and I dig Entourage (he’s an executive producer, if you didn’t know already). Oh and I also dig him in those little undies… so Kellan has a big uhhh, well…spot to fill.

Anyhow, back to Emmett, I mean Kellan.  Whatever.

I love Emmett in the books.  I think he’s the perfect mixture of sweet, funny and sarcastic.  Of all the boys, if it were a real life situation, he’s probably the one I’d go for.  I know, everyone always wants Edward or Jacob and I do too, but if I was really asked to think about what all the boys in Twilight are like and who I’d probably be drawn to if this fantasy actually existed, it’d be Emmett.  After a while I’d find Edward too smothering and bossy, and I’d find Jacob too sweet and clingy… but Emmett would be just right.  He could be sweet and take care of me, while still being aloof enough to keep me interested and he could kick some major ass too.

So, you can imagine how much it irritates me that he gets so little screen time in the films.  Although, I feel like this about mostly all of the characters who aren’t Bella, Edward or Jacob.  It gets my hackles up!  Kellan Lutz, from the little I have seen, does a pretty damn good Emmett.

Oh well, at least I get to look at him in his underwear.  If they are trying to make it up to me, it’s working.  If he doesn’t get more air time in Eclipse though, the undies gotta go!

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  1. I’m writing this as you commented over on Xbox4NappyRashes site congratulating him on the birth of his daughter.

    I’m writing it on this post as it’s down the page a bit and i don’t want him to see it:)

    A while ago, before Martin’s (xbox4nappyrash) wife got pregnant I promised I would post a youtube video of me singing “Yes” by Mcalomont & Butler whilst accompanying myself on the ukulele to celebrate the birth of their child.

    This will not be a pretty sight as I can neither sing, nor really play the ukulele (this isn’t false modesty – I really can’t).

    However what I thought might make it really cool would be instead of just a straight video I put together a montage of videos shot by readers of his blog all celebrating – i.e. dancing, sticking thumbs up, cheering, holding up signs, that sort of thing. It would have to be something that would work without sound as I would put my (awful) soundtrack over the top of it.

    It would be great if you could participate. If you send me a short 5-15 second video clip (or at a push a photo, but a video would be much better) along with your name and blog then I’ll put it together with other submissions and get something ready for the end of the week. I think it would be a really nice thing to do for martin to show him and E how pleased we are for him. and Martin has been incredibly supportive of me and my various projects in the past.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this. My email address is dghughes28@yahoo.co.uk

    Thanks again.

    .-= Dan´s last blog ..In which I have a burning desire and prostrate myself at your feet =-.

  2. Oh he is sooo yummy!
    .-= Kara´s last blog ..On The Go! =-.

  3. You can have all three. I’ll take Ashley Greene.
    .-= Nobody´s last blog ..Nobody’s Business =-.

  4. I’ve always thought that Emmet was the cutest one. He just seems like more of a manly man than the other twinks.

    *Waits to get eggs and tomatoes thrown at her*
    .-= Hilly´s last blog ..This Is Where We All Fall Out… =-.

  5. LOL Im still for Edward..
    .-= Sonya´s last blog ..Black and White Wednesdays =-.

  6. One word….. YUMMY!!
    .-= Candee´s last blog ..What I miss most =-.

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