
I really need to get a new memory or start writing things down. Every day I see/hear/read/think things and think oh I must write about this in my blog. Of course once blog time comes around the memories of these things are nowhere to be found.Oh,

Oh! I remember one!! Ok, I got another good blast of “You never REALLY know who you are talking to” the other day. Although I guess you could say it goes for real life as well rather than just on the internet. The other night I was chatting with a friend, just gabbing about various online communities we share and people we know in common. During the conversation I learned one of the most horrific things I have heard in a long time.

I’m really trying to think how to word this but I’m just going to come out with it. (By the way I would never even mention this if I didn’t trust the source 100%). There is a very beautiful and intelligent woman, who many men lust after on a daily basis who shares a community with me online. To be honest I’ve been very envious of her in the past… I’ve read her website and seen her pictures and thought “Wow! I wish I looked like that, I wish I had her attitude!”. Not long ago I spoke with someone who knows her very well, and she had confided in this person that she has herpes, genital herpes. Apparently this isn’t much of a problem for her as the virus hasn’t really ravaged her body as it does with some others. Sadly, this was passed on to her by a former lover who showed no remorse when he found out what he had done. Sad huh? I bet you feel sorry for her. Yeah, well DON’T! Apparently she sees this as giving her some sort of right to do the same to others. Yes, that’s right.. this woman has sex with men without telling them about having the virus. Not only that but she refuses to wear condoms with them. Her answer to why she does it? “Well, someone did it to me”. Isn’t this one of the scariest thoughts you can imagine? Here is this stunning woman who seems to have everything going for her, she has men falling at her feet everywhere she goes, and the entire time she’s keeping this secret. She sees absolutely no fault in what she’s doing and sees it as no big deal.

When I heard this I was absolutely stunned!! What kind of monster knowingly has unprotected sex with people (and I’m sure this lady has no problem finding partners) and infects them with this horrible disease!?! I honestly don’t know how she can live with herself and it disgusts me that people like this can walk around in our society undetected. Why, I’d love nothing more than to show her website here and warn everyone, but believe me it isn’t her privacy I’m protecting, rather the trust of the friend who told me this information.

Yeah, so moral of the story? No matter HOW good someone looks or how cool you think they are, there could always be that little something you don’t know. Scary, huh? People like her should either be dragged by the hair to the square and stoned to death, or in prison. Not out banging unsuspecting dummies who are too hot for her to object to her riding bareback.

Salem's Eyes Bunker turtle So on a lighter note, I’m still completely trigger happy with my camera and it seems the most interesting subjects I can find around the house are my pets. I absolutely love the pic I took of Salem’s eyes. I’ve always found them to be so striking and finally I got him to sit still long enough for me to get a nice pic. It took a lot of “PSSSSSSSST CHHHHA CHHHHHA TOOOOT WHEEE” noises to get him to stare at me long enough to get the pic. Of course, now I have the pic and my cat thinks I’m completely spastic. Oh I’ve also been taking some videos if you want to see them. Oh and before you say anything, my turtle’s water is not dirty! It’s just the light, and the stuff floating at the top is food. :P

Tonight I finally caved in and decided to hook up my gaming computer. I figure it’s about time I tested it. When I took it apart it was like this grand step towards my “new life”, making sure that I wasn’t too busy gaming to start getting the ball rolling for my Dutch lessons etc. Now that I have that, and my little petsitting business underway I think it’s time that I see if gaming can be a healthy hobby for me now. I’ve missed it over the past 5-6 months but have been too afraid to game again for fear of getting hooked and losing track of real life again. I think it will be ok though, I just have to keep my priorities straight. Although one of the priorities should be dusting more, jesus every time we change anything around in this house I end up amazed by the dust bunnies hiding under and around things. I swear, I was so not born to be a housewife.. I really suck at it.

I have been talking to my friend Theressa about starting aqua aerobics. She looked into it and found out that they have it a few times a week at the pool right behind her house, which is an easy bus ride from me, so I think we’re going to go for it. I have missed swimming and my trips to the beach last month really made me not want to stop again. So this will be fun for me to do 1-2 nights a week throughout the winter. Plus, I’ll get exercise and maybe even meet some people. I hope it’s ok to swim a little before/after the aerobics and just arse around in the water a little.

I’ve also been thinking about changing my hair for the winter. I’ve had red hair now for about a year and while I like it, I’m itching for a change. The last few times I’ve gone to get my hair done I saw this girl that worked there. She has black hair with blue bits in it, I say bits because I’m not sure what to call it, it’s not streaks.. more like chunks. Anyhow I have seriously been thinking about going black and purple. I love purple, and I love black and I feel like a change for my hair. I sort of worry that I’ll look like some wanna be goth chickie but I don’t really give a shit. It’s what I like. I don’t want to damage my hair too much either with all the dye. Oh well, we’ll see.

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One comment

  1. It’s alright.. you will come back to Azeroth one day (besides, we have many fish to catch! :; )

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