25 Things That Annoy Me

Following Lynn’s lead… I’m making another post to pimp myself on 25peeps. I thought her idea for making lists of “25 things that…” clever so I’ll risk being a total wannebe and make a list of my own.

25 Things That Annoy Me
(AKA 25 Things That Make Me Want To Kill You)
(( In no specific order ))

1. Leaving the toilet seat up. While I don’t land my ass on the cold, hard, pee stained bowl… it still bugs me. Especially when I have to pee really bad and the seat up almost makes the difference between making it and pissing my pants.

2. People on the tram or bus who sit behind me and chew their gum loudly. *Smack Smack Snap Crack Smack* It makes me want to turn around and hit them on the forehead in hopes that the jerking motion of their head causes the gum to get lodged in their throat so they crumple over into a heap of silence.

3. People who don’t deal with their candy wrappers, chip bags and whatever other fucking crinkly thing they’ve brought into the movies. When I used to get my chocolates for in the cinema, I’d make sure to open them and have them situated in a way that made reaching them easy and silent. Why can’t other people do this?! Why do they wait until the movie starts and then start opening their loud crinky bags?! Assholes.

4. That I am quite possibly the only woman on earth who still feels tampons no matter how I change the direction, force or depth that I shove the damn things in there. No matter what I do I still feel like I’ve got a log lodged up my twat.

5. That I’m forced to use tampons because since going off the pill I bleed like a gutted pig and am paranoid every time I wear a pad and stand up that I’ve got a giant red fucking bullseye on the back of my pants.

6. That after years of obsessing about having a baby, I’m starting to wonder if I really want one at all or was just obsessing because I needed something to obsess about and look forward to.

7. The toll trying to concieve and the bullshit that comes along with it took on my sex drive / sex life.

8. That tooth in the very back of the top of my mouth that cracked like 2 years ago and now is only half there… but I leave like that because I’m not covered for dental and figure if it doesn’t hurt I may as well leave it, rather than face the possible mountain of dental bills to have it removed.

9. That I’ll gladly endure the pain of piercing my face, but I’m scared to death of the pain of the dentist.

10. That people I don’t like and who don’t like me still read my website because they are fucking assholes and are sitting there like vultures hoping I’ll say something or reveal something about my life that they can swoop down on me and pick me apart about.

11. That some of those people are family.

12. The feeling of raw chicken… it makes me gag and I have to handle it with a knife and fork. If I get chicken slime on me I have to wash my hands furiously.

13. The buzzing of mosquitos. It’s bad enough that they eat me alive, but they could at least have the decency to do it silently without coming up and buzzing “I’m coming to get you, bitch!” in my ear first.

14. Waking up at 3am because I have to pee, and having to decide whether to risk going to the toilet and ending up totally awake, or twisting my legs up tight and taking however much more sleep I can get.

15. The fad among teenage girls over the last few years of being ‘bi’ … or claiming to be, rather. Makes me wish I was a full on lesbian so I could go around calling their bluff. They’ll do anything to make the teenage boys drool nowadays… if only they had the smarts to realize that teenage boys drool at the sight of a leaf blowing in the wind. They could save themselves the trouble of living a lie.

16. Milk that is past it’s date. I can’t drink milk on the last day of it’s best before date or any day after… and don’t even ask me to deal with curdled milk. Not gonna happen.

17. People’s armpits. I hate armpits with a passion… I don’t want to see yours and don’t be trying to look at mine. If you are wearing a tank top, keep your arms down ffs!!! Especially if you have hairy pits or those little globs of deoderant. I don’t care how clean shaven or fresh they are, keep them away from me.

18. Secrets… I hate secrets I don’t know about. Especially if people act like pricks about it and let you know there is a secret you don’t know. For christs sake, if you’re not going to tell me the secret than don’t tell me it exists, you jackass.

19. People who only message me when they need something. Like this one chick I know here in Rotterdam.. I never hear from her unless she needs some kind of info. She’ll message me asking me how I’m doing and I sit there counting until she says something like “Where can I find…”, “What is.. “, “How do I.. “, “Can you tell me… ” or whatever else she needs. She never asks how I’m doing just for the sake of asking how I’m doing. I’ve stopped caring how she is doing.

20. My wide feet. My feet are wide and it’s been a major pain in the ass the last while because I’ve been looking for a pair of flip-flops and the band across my foot is always too tight on my size.

21. Dutch TV. It blows… I know I’ve bitched about this before but it’s been a while and it still blows. Now we pay 2 euros more per month for digital TV that blows too. Thought we’d actually get some decent shows but all we get is more channels with total shit on them.

22. Not having a car. I want to go to the beach today but I can’t be fucked taking a train to get there and having to drag all our crap with us. We should have a car in a couple of weeks but in the meantime, this still irritates the shit out of me.

23. That I don’t get more comments on my blog. I know I’m not -that- interesting but I’m an attention whore and I love when people post comments. It makes me feel special.

24. People who put their faces too close to mine. PERSONAL SPACE PEOPLE!!!! It makes me feel like I’m about to suffocate. I even feel like I’m suffocating now just thinking about it. Argh.

25. My thinning hair. I’m still paranoid as hell about it.  After making this post I realized there is something that ticks me off even more than my thinning hair.  PEOPLE WHO HAVE MUSIC ON THEIR BLOG!  I hate it, I hate it with a fire that burns.  It’s so fucking irritating to click on someone’s website just to jump out of your skin as some song comes blaring out of your speakers.  If you are one of the idiots that does this, stop it. Other people hate it too.

I kinda dig this 25 lists thing. I’ll have to think of what 25 things I’m going to list next, but in the meantime…


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  1. Im not going to say what every person else has already said, but I do need to comment on your knowledge of the topic. Youre truly well-informed. I cant believe just how much of this I just wasnt conscious of. Thank you for bringing a lot more data to this topic for me. Im truly grateful and truly impressed.

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  4. Breigh, if they don’t like your open and honest nature, they don’t have to read your blog–and if you’re as frank IRL than it’s their option as to the amount of your “openness” they have to endure.

  5. e – Yeah, it pisses me off to no end when they don’t have something there to turn it off. It pisses me off even more when it’s really silent and I’m tired and suddenly I have fucking Ramstein or something blasting at me.

    Lori – hehe it’s a blessing and a curse. For every person who loves me for my honesty and openness, there are 2 people who hate me for it :P

  6. Breigh, I love your frankness and your ability to verbalize what I really wish I had the nerve to say (and no, you’re not the only one with the tampon problem–I’ve just never heard anyone else express it that way)

  7. Just found you from decadently… And I completely agree with #25! I can’t tell you how many sites I’ve gone to in the past WEEK that all have music streaming from them. And the *worst* thing is that over half of them didn’t have the player viewable so I could TURN IT OFF! GRRRR!

  8. Well I’m a total hypocrite when it comes to commenting. I love getting comments but I’m lazy about commenting on other people’s blogs. I really must work on that. I mean logic would tell you that if you post around on blogs, they will come back and counter-comment you. haha

  9. GREAT list. I too love comments, but don’t get as many as I would like. Oh well. C’est la vie.

    I agree with the whole personal space thing. In HK it is IMPOSSIBLE to get, so I relish having more of it here in OZ.


  10. Sorry about that crap link for the Prison Break pictures! I swear, WP’s WYSIWYG is out to kill me: Here’s the proper one: http://www.rablade.com/caps/thumbnails.php?album=106

    I couldn’t agree more with #9. I hate the dentist something fierce. I had one filling that almost had to be a root canal and it’s only increased my paralyzing fear. I’d rather have my teeth rott out of my head than go back..
    #23 ;_; *tear* I totally know how you feel. Sometimes I tell myself “oh well, I just post because its my blog and these are things I like” but I can’t help but being depressed when I see “Comments 0”!!
    HAHAH I dont know what it is, but I hate armits (#17) too!! I think they’re gross and I hate sleeveless shirts on me or other people. yuck.

  11. I know, I know I suck! I wish I could blog more. Maybe I’ll just direct people to your blog from now on.

  12. Solution for 10 and 11:

    Ads! Maybe it can help you cover your hosting fees.

    I guess this comment, somewhat, also covers #23.

  13. I LOVE your list, even though you are a total copy cat. ;)

    I hate, hate, hate music on blogs! What are people thinking when they do that? Are they trying to drive me over the edge? It’s even worse when it’s bad music.

  14. Laura, you’re alive! I haven’t seen many posts on your blog lately.. *scold*

  15. Damn girl, how do you find so many interesting things to blog about?? Hoefully this skill will rub off on me one day.

    I agree with SO many things on your list. If I had to create my own it’s probably exceed the entry’s character limit. Stuff sucks!

    Shall I comment spam you? :) Don’t worry, I’ll try and have something “meaningful” to say with each spam msg and not ask you if you want some cheap viagra or something. And you ARE interesting. Don’t make me get all Lion King on you.

  16. Well I can totally agree with a few things on your list that bug the hell outta me…. part of that made me laugh but so true!

  17. Darryn – IT IS NOW!! http://darryn.net/archive/2006/07/23/1158.aspx


    Penny – vent on girl!! I agree, people in the supermarkets bug me too! I have a big thing with personal space. I don’t dig crowds, I hate when people stand too close to me in line or crowd me with their carts. The face to close to mine bit is the worst though.

  18. Cracking up here…seriously cause most of your 25 I can totally relate to. People who aren’t ever happy with what they have bug the crap out of me, or people who are stick skinny and constantly say they are fat…YEAH RIGHT! Or people in the grocery store here in Oz that ram you with thier carts in order to get past you grrrrrr… or people who stand RIGHT behind you in line, I just wanna scream back the fuck up!

    Ah nice to vent a bit. Hope you guys are having a great weekend!

  19. shit, 18 is about me, isn’t it? I did eventually tell you the secret though.

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