The-Diet Week 6 Weigh-In


I was so good this week. I mean soooooooooo good. SO SO SO SO fucking good it hurt sometimes, like at the movies when I took a container of chopped fruit instead of getting Maltesers… or when I went along to McDonalds with Xander and Alan and stuck to my no coke no fries promise to myself and had just a cheeseburger. I’ve walked, I’ve danced and I’ve even done my aerobics video a few times this week.

I drank 28727227373.5 liters of FLIPPIN water!!

What did I lose? Nothing!!

Week 1: 0 lbs lost
Week 2: 2 lbs lost
Week 3: 2 lbs lost
Week 4: 2 lbs GAINED
Week 5: 7 lbs lost
Week 6: 0 lbs lost


Is it because I ate a regular dinner last night and didn’t have a crap by weigh in this morning? Am I doing the “I am woman watch me retain water!!” thing? Is it because I’m just coming off of my period?! (Sorry boys!) Why? Whyyyyy have I lost nothing?

I am trying not to get too discouraged because I do feel a difference even after only 9 lbs.

  • My ankles are looking more like ankles again rather than cankles.
  • I feel generally less bloated
  • I see a difference in my upper belly just below my breasts and on each side. (Xander excitedly describes this as “Your boobs look like they stick out more!)
  • I feel more flexible and get less muscle aches now that I am exercising more

But… I don’t see the difference where it counts this week. On the scale…

What I’m going to do different this week:

  • Bring up my exercise bike from the storage room and add that to my daily exercises
  • Buy a pedometer to keep track of my walking and bring a bit more motivation and fun into it
  • Buy much more different kinds of fruit so I can get a bit of variation in my fruity snacks
  • Cut back on the amount of bread and cheese I eat
  • Start gathering information on fitness centers here in Rotterdam and try to find a reasonably priced one that I like

I have some questions for you fitness fanatics out there (*cough* Karl *cough*)
Which is the healthier side dish with meat?
Mashed potatoes
Roasted potatoes
Baked potatoes
Brown Rice
White Rice

.. and is Spaghetti (brown) really more healthy than normal white spaghetti?
What about popcorn, is that really unhealthy or is it ok to nibble on?

OH, and what are considered freebies? Like what are good things you can eat to fill up that are next to nothing calorie-wise? I need something other than fruit to snack on.

Frig, I have so much to learn about this fitness stuff. Help me people!

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  1. I was talking to my husband and he was telling me that gymes in Rotterdam are very expensive. Naive me had no idea, so I really hope you find one you can afford. I got lucky in that mine is pretty much across the street from my house but it is a expensive one for Roosendaal. Here there is one where you can do unlimited fitness and group lessons for like 15 euros per month, but it was on the other side of town. As if I am gonna go there on my bike this winter hahah NOT!

    From what I have heard most gyms will have someone available to run you through the machines the first couple times you are there. I paid I think 15 euros to have someone meet me and give me an idea for a good workout routine.

    I am joining an aqua arobics class next week, time to face my bathingsuit fear and just do it!!! We’ll see how that goes.

    Anyway I was just thinking about you, knowing you are going through the same thing and seeing if it’s all going ok.

    Might I also suggest a gym with AIRCO makes a huge difference :)

    Have a great weekend,

  2. Thanks Penny :) I haven’t found a gym yet but tbh I haven’t been looking all that much either. Waiting till we have the car (next month) and can get around easier.

    I have been looking into David Lloyd’s gym here in Rotterdam though, it seems nice.. even if it is somewhat expensive.

    I’ve also heard that the Achmea fitness centers are pretty good.

    All I know is I have to have a gym where there is someone to tell me what to do, and that has a pool so I can swim and do AQUA AEROBICS! hehe I’ve always wanted to do aqua aerobics :D

  3. Hey sorry to hear you had such a depressing week in the losing department. Just remember at least you are making changes to be healthier. At least that’s what I tell myself when the scale isn’t going down fast enough LOL!

    What they say about gaining muscle better be true LOL! I have been at it now for 5 weeks and have lost only 10 pounds, but I can feel and see the muscles getting bigger.

    The one thing this has taught me for sure is that it’s alot easier and faster to put it on than to take it off. I guess I am just impatient :)

    I read you mentioning something about trying to find a gym in Rotterdam? Any luck on that yet?

    Hang in there,

  4. I can imagine how good it must feel to lose all that weight. I’ve only lost 9 lbs and I can already feel a difference in my clothes and see small differences in my body.

    My weight hasn’t really been going down but I try to comfort myself by putting on clothes that used to be tight and are now comfortable. I’m really hoping that what they say is true, the whole gaining muscle thing.

  5. Yeah, I’ve heard of that, but I can’t bring myself around to doing that. It just feels nice to drop the 35-40 lbs. and for my pants to practically be falling off. I’m definitely eating healthier and feeling better. It isn’t something that you can just stop doing, go back to the way you used to eat and expect to stay skinnier. It is more of a change of lifestyle… Good luck with whatever you choose.

  6. I’m not really doing any kind of diet in particular, rather just trying to cut out the things in my life that are unhealthy and I can life without, while making an effort to be more active. Diets kind of make me cringe because I don’t think it’s something people really stick to for good.

    You are the 2nd person to mention this South Beach diet to me though, one of my neighbours was telling me about it the other day, she was all excited saying about how you can make chocolate mousse out of egg whites :P

  7. Hi Breigh,

    I don’t know if you are focused on doing this particular diet, but I was at 225 and not happy with where I was. So I did South Beach. At first it was hard, but not so much anymore. Their thing is cutting out carbs. So all of the things you are talking about are off limits (at least at first – you can bring them back later). I’ve lost between 35-40 in 3.5 – 4 months. Its been pretty nice. I still need to lose more, so I’m going to start adding exercise into the mix (that was all done by changing what I eat). It may be something you want to look into if this particular diet isn’t working for you. South Beach is more of a change of life (how you choose to eat). Go to a library and check out the book if you are interested!

  8. One good thing about the Netherlands is that they aren’t big on gravy. So you never get it at restaurants etc and you sort of get away from it at home. When I have mashed potatoes I just have them with some butter / salt / pepper.

    I like sour cream on a baked potato but it’s not a must. I also like ketchup on it (don’t judge me dammit!! :P )

    Most meals we eat are chicken / rice types of meals. Usually we have chicken with some kind of sauce (like curry or chicken tonight or something) with brown rice.

    I also love pasta. Which is why I was asking about that. One thing, gotta cut back on the parmesan cheese I think.

    Great news about the popcorn!!! The only popcorn I can really get here is microwave popcorn and it’s already salted so I can’t do much about that. I don’t put butter on it though, I don’t like how it makes it all soggy.

    I wish I liked celery but I don’t :/

  9. Hitting a slight plateau after losing 7 lbs in one week is fairly normal. You do not want to push your bosy too hard.

    When I did Weight Watchers, the fibre in Brown rice and pasta was pushed more than anything else. Fibre helps move your food around in you and eventually out of you, so this helps. However, as Karl the fitness genius said, it totally depends on how it prepared. A grilled steak dinner with a baked potato and steamed veggies (no butter, cream or the like) is more healthy than a caesar salad with croutons and all that goopy dressing.

    Popcorn is good bc of the fibre. I LOVE popcorn as a snack and use it all the time when I was dieting. No butter, no salt for me ever, actually. I hate buttered popcorn.

    Celery is reputed to be a 0-calorie snack because of the energy your body needs to burn it off. I keep baby carrots in the fridge as a snack, as well as cucumbers and cherry tomatos.

    Also, as a snack, I have found some of the protein bars and fruit bars to be nice. Read the labels and look for ones that are high in fibre, low in fat and not too much sugar. There are some GREAT ones from Australia. Want me to send you some? :)

    Jeeez….now I am hungry! :) Good luck girl. Good to see that the boobs are growing too. :P

  10. Breigh, you’re doing great! Muscle wiehgs more than fat (or so “they”‘ve always told me, though I still haven’t the foggiest clue who the heck “they” are). If you’re starting to see actually physical signs that your body shape is changing than, that should be more of an indicator than a mere milimetre or two of movement on the dial of the scales. You go girl!!!

  11. Hi Breigh! :)

    I think “healthier” has a lot to do with how food is prepared and what little extras you get with it. For example, are you having gravy with the mashed potatoes? Butter, sour cream, cheese with the baked or roasted? Those add ons will dominate the base nutrition of the potato. For me, I’d go with mashed potatoes simply because I can eat those plain (well with a little pepper) and enjoy them, where with the baked/roasted potatoes I’d be more tempted to pile on some extra stuff.

    The whole brown is better than white for rice/spaghetti is commonly heard, and I think the reason why is typically brown rice/spaghetti has more dietary fiber, which is something most people have a really tough time getting enough of in their diet.

    For example, for one cup of white vs. brown rice:

    0.4 vs 1.6 g fat (brown has more)
    53.2 vs 45.8 g carbs (brown has less)
    4.4 vs 4.5 g protein (basically tied)
    0 vs 3.5 g fiber (brown has more)
    242 vs 218 calories (brown has less)

    So while brown rice has more fat, it supplies some fiber and has fewer carbs and calories.

    The RD I dated for a little while absolutely loved popcorn as a snack, so take that as a good sign. BUT you can’t drown it in salt and butter – the butter especially will kill it as a healthy snack. One cup of airpopped popcorn is 31 calories and is pretty decent overall. The twix bar I eat as a snack has 80 calories. ;)

    You don’t have to develop OCD to eat well, don’t get me wrong. :) I think it is surprising how few good decision are needed to really improve overall nutrition.

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