Orkut vs Dotnode

Today is my friend Jolynn’s birthday, Happy Birthday Jolynn!! Hope you have a great one! :)My husband is a genius. Now I know you all have heard me talk about how geeky he is, maybe some of you have even read his blog and seen for yourselves. He’s so incredibly intelligent! Yesterday he really proved it to me though. While I was watching an old rerun of Sisters (Yes, another old show the Dutch dug out of the TV Graveyard) Xander says to me “Ya know what I realized yesterday?”. I braced myself, preparing myself for something truly geeky that I wouldn’t understand. I could tell by the look on his face that it was something serious and he was quite proud of himself for this discovery, so as usual I said “Hmm?” and waited.

“There are twice as many boobs as there are men!” was his response.

No, he didn’t burst into laughter afterwards, he didn’t even crack a smile to show me he was kidding. This was no joke, it was his realization, and he was damn proud of it. That’s right, no matter how old they get or how early you wean them.. they still spend their lives obsessed with the tit.

Today I got an email from a friend from Orkut inviting me to something called Dotnode or .Node for short. It’s another social networking website. I decided to sign up for it just to see what it was like.

Why I like Orkut better:

  • Orkut is supported by Google, so you know it has some good backing to keep it alive and able to support the amount of users and traffic it’s bringing in. Dotnode is new and has only one developer (who I’ve spoken to on IRC and is very nice). I am unsure of his ability to handle the traffic once the site takes off and people really start inviting their friends.
  • I am already a member of Orkut, already have my community memberships, friends, etc.
  • They already have a large member base of over 1 million users.

Why I like Dotnode better:

  • There is no limit on the amount of photos in your album. (Orkut limits at 12)
  • .Node allows you to make threads sticky in communities. So you can keep important threads at the top.
  • They have a blog option for users who don’t have a blog and want one.
  • There is also a website option for members to make personal websites with .node
  • They have no jail option, so I won’t spend a few days a week in jail like I do on Orkut. (but then that makes me wonder how will .node will deal with people abusing the system).
  • The look of .Node is much more attractive than Orkut’s yucky blue.
  • Messages you don’t need to stay in your message box like friend invites, friend acceptance etc disappear after you click ok that you’ve read them, rather than filling up your message box.
  • You can put images in posts rather than just links.
  • There is more than 10 posts per page in each thread. So you can read a thread without having to change pages every minute.
  • It’s created in France so it is all in the same time as me. Post times etc don’t need to be figured out into “Tammy time”.
  • It has it’s own IRC server that you can connect to right from the website.

I think that’s it but I’m sure after I’m done I’ll say OH SHIT and realize I forgot something. Oh well.. I listed enough.

My diet is pissing me off, maybe it’s the heat but I’m just not motivated at all! It’s so sticky and humid here lately STILL. I’m beginning to wonder if this weather is ever going to break and give us some pleasant summer weather. I’ve been trying to watch what I eat, and I’ve been walking as well (Ok not as much as I should be but I am!) and my weight is going UP, not DOWN! ARGH!!! Man, this weather makes me grumpy. Oh well, worst case I just continue on like I am and walk when it’s not too gross out, watch what I eat, etc and in the fall when the weather is more exercise friendly I’ll get serious about it again.

Oh yeah, my mother messaged me on MSN earlier to tell me my grandfather has shingles. Not that I was really sure what shingles is, so I looked it up. This is what I found from this website.:

Shingles is an infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which is the virus that causes chickenpox. Shingles occurs in people who have had chickenpox and represents a reactivation of the dormant varicella-zoster virus. The disease generally affects the elderly, although it occasionally occurs in younger and/or immunodeficient individuals. The first sign is usually a tingling feeling, itchiness, or stabbing pain on the skin. After a few days, a rash appears as a band or patch of raised dots on the side of the trunk or face. The rash develops into small, fluid-filled blisters which begin to dry out and crust over within several days. When the rash is at its peak, symptoms can range from mild itching to extreme and intense pain. Contact with a person with shingles may cause chickenpox (but not shingles) in someone who has never had chickenpox before.

She said he’s not too bothered by it, I’m sure it’s not life threatening, just annoying in the summer heat.

I had the chickenpox when I was 21 and that was a nightmare!!!

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