Must… Resist

So the PMS monster rears it’s ugly head again. It’s definately one of those days that I hate being a woman.

One of the worst things is trying to resist the urge to lose myself in a sea of chocolate. Now, I love chocolate every day of the month but during those 3-4 days I crave it like a, shit… I just tried to think of some kind of clever saying including whores and penis cravings but it just wasn’t working. Lets just say I crave it a LOT!!

I know it’s ok to have a treat now and then but I want to prove to myself that I can hold out. May sound weird but I guess it’s a lesson in self restraint and discipline, which I have always felt I have very little of. If I can get through this period with no chocolate, I’ll be totally chuffed with myself.

I’ve been doing good this week, I’ve not cheated at all and have even started doing AEROBICS! Felt good but made me realize just how unfit I am…eek! Two years ago when I was trying to lose weight I bought an aerobics DvD and I used it twice, the longest I lasted doing it was 13 minutes (out of 30), how pathetic!! This time I made it through the full 30 minutes! WOOT!! Of course on minute 29 I was “marching it out” in a rather clunkymanner while whining and wrinkling my nose in disgust as sweat dribbled down the middle of my back… but still, I made it through the whole thing! haha

It was funny though, I was doing my hops and kicks and thinking “Whew, this is some workout!!!” when the lady on the DvD said “Ok we are almost done with our warmup, time to start burning that fat!”



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    The most recent picture of me, I’m afraid! That’s late 2005, just before Christmas/most of the fatloss.

    I’ll get you a more recent job as soon as I can get my hands on a camera. I used to be such a camera whore, I don’t even own one now! :P

  2. Chocolate is always hard for me as well. I hope you make it through your tough chocolate craving and hopefully you don’t drive your husband too insane.

    The aerobic video sounds like really good exercise. I have found out with me and working out it’s all about what I tell myself I can do. For example, when I am on the cross trainer at the gym and doing my whopping 11 minutes, and when I have like 4 mins left and feel like I am gonna die and fall off the machine in front of everyone, I seriously have to tell myself for the next 4 mins ” I can do this, I can do this.” Sounds dumb but it gets me through the exercise, that and mentally cussing out the timer on the machine. But hey as long as I stick with it and finish the exercise it’s all good :)


  3. Whew Theo sounds like you’ve really gotten your shit together diet-wise! I’d love to see some before and after shots!

    Yes, that is just a sneaky way for me to get some new photos out of you! I haven’t seen you in ages! :)

  4. Excellent work Tammy :>

    I ballooned quite a bit up until last year (recovering from an injury/operations etc) and finally got back into a clean diet and exercise regime to get back to full fitness. Here’s a summary, if it’s any help:

    Diet – lots of clean foods. Skinless chicken breast fillets, broccolli, porridge oats, lean beef steak, scrambled eggs (4 whites, 2 yolks), oily fish (mackerel ftw!), king prawns.

    5-6 small meals a day, complex carbs only in the morning.

    No bread, no alcohol, no Coca Cola (!!).

    I’m also quite addicted to chocolate, and my sleeping medication can sometimes give me a hypoglycia episode. So I allow one or two (small) bags of Maltesers with medication before bed. I believe they’re around 110 calories per bag.

    One weekly “cheat” meal – whatever I wanted, in moderation of course. This helped me a LOT, and gave me something to look forward to after a week of eating relatively bland meals.


    30-40 minutes of fasted, low intensity cardio – 3 or 4 times a week. Usually done as soon as I awoke, before breakfast. Low intensity being so that you can feel your heart beating quite hard, but not racing, and so that you slowly develop a sweat.

    Weights 3 times a week, working a specific group of muscles for each day, e.g:
    Monday – Biceps and Back.
    Wednesday – Triceps, Chest and Abs.
    Friday – Legs and Shoulders

    Weightlifting when you’re taking in fewer calories than you’re burning won’t gain you any increase in muscle size.. though it will help to increase your metabolism.

    Any questions, or you want a bit more detail (meal structures, etc) feel free to email me or ICQ me :)

  5. LOL i hear ya sista~keep up the good work though.

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