
Ok if you’re a bible thumper religious, then you probably don’t want to watch this. Then again, maybe you will… I’m sure some religious people are out there who are sickened with George Dubbeya too.

It’s funny cuz it’s true…

Thanks to Tanya for sharing!

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  1. Thankfully I’ve never had any religious friends who pushed it on me. One of my good friends here in the Netherlands is Jahova’s Witness and when she told me that when we met I though “uh oh!”. She’s actually very cool though, never tries to ‘convert’ me and is extremely good natured and up for a laugh.

    Not all religious people are on a mission to recruit everyone around them into their cause, thankfully.

  2. See,this is the BIGGEST problem I have with the Xtians at my school. I see it in their eyes…the evil glint…the hope…that longing…

    They *want* to convert me. They want me to open my closed, cold heart and find jesus. Funny, I didn’t realize religion was a game of Hide and Seek and the main player was that well hidden.

    I won’t preach to you that you should not believe all that bibical drivel and all I ask is that they not preach to me to change my mind.

    Thing is…*I* uphold MY end of the deal. THEY do not. *grump*

  3. I’m non-religious and I have absolutely no problem with people who are religious / spiritual and have their own beliefs. What I love about this video though, is that it’s all about people pushing THEIR beliefs on others and being so hypocritical about it.

  4. *jumps up and down*

    “Me too! Me too!”

    That’s some funny shit :)

  5. Spread the love…..

    Sway, you are NOT the only non-religious person. I work in a Xtian school, BIG time, bible-thumping born-agains…and I am SOOO not in that club.

    We’re out there…more than you know. :)

  6. LMAO That’s so great! Damn right its true…

    It’s funny, even though I knew what it was about before I listened, the first couple times he said it I thought he was saying, “Keep your cheeses off my penis” XD Cheeses, Jesus, all the same to me :P

    YAY for us non-religious people, I feel like I’m the only one sometimes..

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