Enough With The Crying!

I swear, for the last year or so I’ve been a complete crybaby.   I can’t explain it and I can’t pinpoint when it began, but I’m pretty sure it’s getting worse and it’s freakin’ embarrassing!

Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not unhappy.  Not unhappy at all, in fact.  I know I’ve posted a lot about depression in the past but that’s really not a factor now.  I’m happier now than I have been in years, so why the heck am I crying all the damn time?

I’ve always been somewhat sensitive.  I remember a number of times when my father rolled his eyes at me and my mother as we wiped away our tears in the airport.   Oh, no… not when we were saying goodbye to each other, but when we were waiting to pick someone up and were sitting watching strangers saying goodbye to each other.  He thought we were nuts.

It’s good to be empathetic I suppose, and to be sensitive to what other people are going through, but this is just taking the piss!

I think the first time I really noticed it was when I went to see the Sex and the City movie with my friend Penny.   No lie, I don’t even think we were five minutes into the movie and I was sniffing and getting my tissue out.

I saw the girls in the movie together again, I felt all nostalgic – and I cried.   Miranda and Steve had problems – and I cried.  Big and Carrie got engaged – and I cried.

I won’t even get into the mess that was me when Charlotte found out she was pregnant.

At one point Penny turned to me and said “What the hell is the matter with you?!”, and I had no answer, I had no idea.

It’s not stopped since.   Happy times – Cry.  Sad times – Cry.  Seriously, it’s out of hand.

The straw that broke the camel’s back was this weekend.   Xander was working on my laptop setting up Windows 7 on it and afterwards I was sitting there as he showed me everything.  It went a little like this:

Xander: So this is this and that is that
Me:  But do my buttons still work?
Xander: What buttons?
Me: *Poking at buttons*  These ones, this one is for my mail, this one is for my browser, this one opens VLC …
Xander: Oh, I don’t know, try them and see.
Me: Ok that one works, but why don’t I see my volume bar thing on the screen when I turn it up and down?
Xander:  I dunno, I guess that doesn’t happen in Windows 7
Me: What do you mean?  It should show me how loud the volume is as I change it.
Xander: Well, you can hear it.  Plus, look you can see it if you hover over the thing here in the corner.
Me: Yeah but then you have to hover over and away, over and away, over and away to see the difference. Not like on screen like before…
Xander: *Blink*

….. *Silence*

Xander: Are you CRYING?!!
Me: NO!!!!! … YES!! And I don’t know WHY!! *SobLaugh*

No really, I didn’t even realize my eyes were tearing up until he told me and I said no at first because I really didn’t think I was.  Then when I realized I actually was getting teary-eyed without even knowing it, I felt so silly that THAT then made me cry, and laugh, and snort a little I think.

I cry when someone gets voted off a reality TV show.
I cry when someone wins something.
I cry when someone sings really well.
I cry when something really exciting happens to someone.
I cry when someone tells me a sad story about people I don’t even know.
I cry when someone tells me a happy story about someone I don’t even know.
I cry when I see a cute puppy.
I cry when… Oh I dunno, I’m awake?!

I’m not sad, I’m really not.  I’m not unhappy in the slightest, and it’s not that I’m crying because things make me sad, I cry at the good things too.   I have a great husband, two really awesome dogs, I’ve got a big mosquito net that stops me from being a mosquito buffet at night, and I have some awesome friends.

Why the heck am I crying all the time?

No, I am not pregnant.
I don’t take any drugs.
I am not depressed.

Is there some sort of Cryalotia disease or something nobody has told me about?  What is happening to me?  Is it early menopause, oh I hope it’s early menopause!  If I can’t have babies I want to not have periods too.

Someone, tell me what is happening before I … cry!

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  1. It is a natural process that might just be in over drive for you. Everyone cries when a stimulus (sad movie) triggers a response (tears). Emotions are one of the many things that science still cannt exsplain away, just keep tissues on hand.
    By the way I love the saying, ” this is just taking the piss!”

  2. Umm, hayfever?
    .-= alala´s last blog ..the flea marketeers =-.

  3. Oh girl, I cry all the damn time.

    I held it together pretty well during Sex and the City…until Carrie confronts Big after he left her at the alter. When Charlotte is holding her to keep him away…oh man, my eyes just teared up writing that!
    .-= Ginger Magnolia´s last blog ..Totally Music Tuesday =-.

  4. HORMONES! Seriously, get your hormone levels checked.

  5. Drats. I can’t blame perimenopause then.

    For me, it’s music. Especially if I like a song and start to sing along…and it’s NOT because I hear my voice (lol)…It’s just that the song touches me for some reason.

    Animal Cops makes me blubbery too.

    Andrea said it best. Our society has trained us to believe that the survival of the fittest means the toughest, the most logical, the money makers. Imho, the fittest are those who are comfortable enough in their own skin to cry. They are the most emotionally healthy.

    (That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. ;-D)

  6. I get real emotional as well and I can’t stop it. I cry when I watch Extreme Home Makeover…I know I’m sensitive and I should accept myself as who I am. What’s your astrological sign? I’m a Pisces:p

  7. I think you just need a hug :)*hugs* Oh wait.. no stop.. don’t cry it was just a hug!!

    I have a friend like you, tears up at an funeral commerical or flower commerical or listening to a good song… needless to say I just make sure I have kleenex when I’m with her :)
    .-= Melissa´s last blog ..Dutch word of the day =-.

    • I get the feeling that Heather, Penny and Danielle are going to start carrying around kleenex too :P

      • I always have loads of tissues with me at all times. Between my allergies and my crying, I keep Kleenex in business. (Actually, I can’t afford Kleenex at the rate I use it, I buy Aldi brand.) So don’t worry, you’re covered if you’re around me. ;)

  8. if you think you cry in your 30’s…wait for 40 my dear!! seriously cry-time. crying wells up so quickly it catches me off guard….like watching Idols or something, the good singers…wow!! i get such a lump in my throat i can’t even talk…god help me if someone plays “o canada” …i completely lose it!! and i know what you mean…they’re not sad cries…but huge surges of emotion…shows we’re alive tammy!

    • That’s exactly what it feels like, this big surge. It happens to me loads throughout the day and I feel that big save of emotion and then do that look up and blink thing to make the tears go back in haha

      Oh god, if it’s worse after 40 I’m screwed! :P

  9. It happens to me once in a while. I don’t know why, but everything seems sadder and more important than usual. I can totally relate to the “crying in front of TV” thing.

    It goes away after a while… let’s say it’s a phase.

    Sorry, lack of better explanation!
    .-= Zhu´s last blog ..The Oh-So-Sexy French Myth =-.

  10. It’s a positive thing Tammy! It means you are in touch with your feelings! Just think how much richer your life is for that compared to all the people who pent it up, pack it in, ignore it, shoo it away. Imagine a whole life of doing that. I’d so much rather be the teary emotional person opening themselves up to their experiences and emotions than someone who “keeps it under control” and lives a duller life because of it.

    If it’s become an irritant, think about why it’s in irritant. Is it because it causes practical problems such as wetting the front of your shirt or because of “what others think”? If it’s because of the latter, rebel! You’re living your life, not theirs. They’re just jealous they aren’t able to -experience- like you do!

    And so what if you were able to get it under control and wouldn’t get strange looks anymore? Well, the world would be spinning just the same as it is now, the only difference being that you wouldn’t be going all out on your experiences anymore. And when you’re an old granny rocking in your chair and remembering back to these years, what will you remember? The wonderful heart throbbing moments or just how well you controlled them? And what will the people who look at you funny be doing? Absolutely nothing that’s related to you. They won’t give a shit about your emotions then.

    So let ’em rip! Live!

    • I think it’s irritating for a few different reason, one is because of what other people think, but also because my eyes and head always get sore after I cry. It’s not so bad if I just tear up once or twice but after a while, or if I end up having a really big cry for some reason I get a headache and my eyes get burny. That is no fun. Like the other weekend my friend and I watched P.S. I Love You, and I had read the book so knew all that was coming and cried through the WHOLE movie haha By the end I was like, ugggh.

      You are right though, I’d definitely rather be the person who feels for others and is over emotional than the person who is unable to show or feel any emotion at all!

  11. I cry at pretty much all of the above (except for reality shows… I am heartless when it comes to them) but I also cry when someone sings Oh Canada.
    .-= mmichele´s last blog ..Jed behaving badly =-.

  12. I cry more now than I ever have in my whole freaking life. My youngest turned 9 this weekend and he needed shots. So I started tearing up when he got them and had to stop myself from smacking the woman. I cry over commericals now,songs,if you look at me wrong,if something is wrong and I had nothing to do with it,if someone gives me a compliment. It’s just over the top now..lol
    .-= Sonya´s last blog ..Buttermilk chicken Strips =-.

  13. Old age? I dunno! I cry a hecka lot more than I ever did. I cry more than when I was pregnant. But I have no idea, except we are older and wiser so therefore we have the right to cry when the hell we want to :)

    • Maybe it’s a 34 thing… is this some stage BEFORE menopause? Some hormonal shift we are going through, I wonder? I’m glad I’m not alone though. So if we are ever in town and I burst into tears, just ignore me and enjoy your bagel. I’ll stop eventually hahaha

      • You shouldn’t embarrased about your crying, I think it’s cute :)
        And don’t even mention the M word, please we aren’t THAT old for gods sake!

  14. Well I like you, tears and all! And I promise to always share my tissues with you.

    • Oh good because I’m sure I’ll need some :D We’ll stock up when we’re away at the end of the month, just in case! haha You never know what the hell I’m capable of if I see a nice sunset or something!

  15. I so know how you feel. I cry at the drop of a hat these days…

    In fact, I got called into the bosses office, and I wasn’t even in trouble, and I cried. Luckily, she was also pregnant and understood…but good god! I’m supposed to be a tough chick.

    • Yeah but you have a good excuse, you are pregnant! You totally don’t count. If I were pregnant I’d be letting the tears flow and be all “I’m pregnant, leave me be!” I’m not though, so I just seem nuts.

  16. Danielle Mutsaers

    Seriously, I am the same way. I cry at the drop of a hat, and all the time. I don’t know why either, I’ve just resigned myself to the fact.

    • It’s really annoying. I don’t mind so much when I’m home but sometimes when I’m talking to people and something strikes me, or I’m watching something with friends, I drive myself nuts trying to hold it in haha

      • Danielle Mutsaers

        I’m the same way, and feel silly for crying, but I honestly can’t help it. I’ve decided that people will just have to deal with it, because it’s obviously not going away.

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