I’m Sick Of It!

Being a big TV and Movie nut, I rather enjoy reading websites about stars, upcoming shows and films, and celebrity gossip.   I like seeing the sneak peak photos of movies that I’m waiting excitedly for *CoughNewMoonCough* and seeing who is dating who, who’s up for the lead in what film, and so on.

Lemme tell ya though, there are some people I am so sick and tired of hearing about.  Like, want to gouge my eyeballs out with a spoon type of sick of it.  Some are because they look weird, others because they act weird and some I can’t really explain but I just know I can’t stand looking at or hearing about them.

A few examples.


Adam Lambert, the latest big thing from American Idol.   This guy is the reason I STOPPED watching American Idol this season.   I mean look at that pic, he looks like a younger, black haired, gay Rod Stewart.   He is SO over the top and sure, he may be able to sing but he’s not THAT good.  He’ll never be a Carrie Underwood or Kelly Clarkson.  

We were talking about it on Facebook one day and I didn’t understand why all these women friends of mine were losing their shit over this guy.   He’s ridiculous!   He’s going to turn out to be one of those Idol contestants that ends up on Celebrity Rehab or Dancing With The Stars, desperately trying to extend their 15 minutes of fame because their singing talent and over the top LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME antics don’t seem to be doing it for them.

Oh, and don’t even get me started on the sexual ambiguity.  I totally believe that it’s a person’s prerogative to keep their private life private.  If he was someone who you could believe for a second that they were straight, fine, keep up the act… but dude, there are like, buttloads (pardon the pun) of photos of you in drag and making out with men on the internet.  The jig is up!


Oh sweet jesus, where to start with this one – Lady Gaga.  Speaking of OVER THE TOP!

I actually like some of her music and hate myself for singing along with her pa-pa-pa-poker face, because after seeing about 3000 photos of her in absurd outfits, loads of which are all tight crotched and legs spread, ugh.  The woman makes my skin crawl.

What’s with the teacups?  Is it that difficult to be original in celebrity world now that she is driven to being the girl with the teacups?  I just want to slap them out of her hands and then cackle in her face while they shatter on the sidewalk.

Also, the makeup, hair, outfits… I really have to wonder if she goes so far with it because she actually has some sort of vision of herself (or really, it would be her stylist, wouldn’t it? She probably pays someone to make her look so absurd), or does she do it to try to hide the fact that without all the garb, she’s rather plain.  I’d even go so far as to say ugly.   In any case, if I never see another photo of her and her little teacups or stupid looking outfits it will be too soon.  Weirdo.

Ok, the next one doesn’t really need much in the way of words, the photos should do it.


Apparently I’m not the only one who feels this way!  When I was looking up a photo of Clay Aiken this was one of the first things that showed up.  Every single time I see him in the tabloids I think of Chucky.  His skin looks like plastic, he seems to always have this evil looking face and ugh, he just makes me shudder.   You know, I have NEVER heard this man sing!  I didn’t see his season of American Idol and after knowing he was on it I refused to watch.  I don’t need to hear him sing, because I’d not be able to hear him through the screaming pain of my eyeballs.

Recently he’s grasped desperately at a bit of air time with his comments about Adam Lambert.  Those two should get together, have a wild night of man sex and then do a remake of the duet “Islands in the Stream” or something.

Oh, and the whole “LOOK AT ME!  I’m out of the closet!” routine.  Dude, everyone knew you were in there.  You weren’t surprising anyone. 

plus8John and Kate Plus 8, the two who bred their way into a TV show.  You’d think that having 8 children would take up enough of your time and limit how much attention you could give each child, let alone working for a TV show on top of it.  Ok so the TV show makes them money which helps them raise the kids, but do they think of the kids?   Who wants to grow up and be remembered as the children of these two morons?

Right now they are in all the papers because apparently John is having an affair and Kate says everyone wants her hair.  She’s right, I want her hair.  I want it badly.   So I can squirt some ketchup on it, toss it on the Trans Canada highway, then watch and laugh as people swerve to avoid the roadkill.  She and Adam Lambert must see the same hair stylist.  As for the affair, who can blame him?  I don’t even watch the show and have never seen them live, but if I was married to someone who is supposedly so controlling, thinks THAT hair looks good, is so delusional that they believe other people want it too, and have popped out eight kids, I’d be banging the teach too.  Poor Kate must be like wiggling a hot dog in an open window by now.

So those are the ones that come to mind right away.  There are others I’m tired of hearing about, mostly because I have no idea who they are and don’t care, like Heidi Montag and that boy of hers, but I can’t be arsed to give them any valuable ranting time.

What do you think of all these idiots?   Are there celebrities you’d wish the earth would open up and swallow too?

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  1. Oh man I am so so sooo sick of Jon and Kate. That woman is a freaking nutcase for sure.

    I have also caught myself singing along to Lady Ga Ga’s ultra catchy songs..I wanna take a ride on your disco stick..man I hate her for doing that to me.

    I no longer watch reality tv..it needs to be over and done with already.

    Sonyas last blog post… Handmade Cupcake Toppers

  2. “Poor Kate must be like wiggling a hotdog in an open window”….OMG! That is too funny. Is that a Cape Breton expression, a Dutch one translated into English or a purely Tammy one? Regardless, it is the best one I’ve heard in a long time!!

    • I have no idea where I first heard that saying. I don’t think I made it up though. Probably a Cape Breton thing, you know how crazy us Capers are for saying weird shit.

      • Between living here in Prince Edward Island since university (our current minister is from North Sydney, actually) and growing up in the military, I’ve known a lot of Capers and I’ve never heard that one. I just may have to use it in select company: I can just see the shocked look on my husband’s face now.
        BTW, enjoy your blog immensely. It’s so wonderful to see how much more content you seem lately.

  3. That hair cut has to be the fugliest hair cut ever. It looks like she went into the hairdresser and got called away for an emergency half way through the cut. I have NO idea who they are, I keep hearing they’re cheating on each other, but have no idea how they even ended up in the media? I can’t think of anyone else right now that annoys the crap out of me… there are plenty I’m sure, but it’s pretty easy just to avoid it all here! I usually catch up on the 3 month old gossip whenever I’m at the doctors office or something lol.

    Nicolas last blog post… Bloggity-blog-blog

    • They had twins and then had sextuplets (I think). Anyway, they had a lot of babies and got their own TV show. Like “Octomom”.

  4. I can’t stand Adam Lambert as well – makes me sick to look at him!

  5. It’s a good thing you don’t like in Canada anymore I guess, because the JOn and Kate dispute is all over here! Each and every people magazine has them on the cover. Gee… They must be the first people on earth to cheat on each other, have disagreements and divorcing.

    God I hate that crap.

    I don’t mind pop culture but I find it way to stupid at times. I stopped watching TV a few years ago because I just couldn’t bear seeing Paris Hilton everywhere. Now I just watch the shows I like on my computer (which is nerdy, I know).

    Zhus last blog post… How Much Does Immigrating Really Cost? (5/10)

  6. I’m with you on all accounts. Seriously, WTF is up with Lady Gaga and those clothes/makeup/hairdos?!?! You look ridiculous! Have you ever checked out the gossip blog Oh No They Didn’t!? It’s great.

    Ginger Magnolias last blog post… Summertime

    • Oh I -stalk- ONTD! I read it religiously hehe It bugs me that their RSS won’t work for me though, I need to check it manually all the time.

      • Do you ever comment? If so, what’s your username? I don’t comment there often, but my name there is rockstarteacher…

        Ginger Magnolias last blog post… Don’t Be Ignernt!

        • Naw I don’t comment, I couldn’t be arsed to make an account, I just read it… obsessively haha Do you know any other good sites like that? They are my link to the outside world. All the mags here are all about Dutch stars, like… who cares about them :P

          Breighs last blog post… Allergic To Nature

          • That’s the best one, and the only other one I read is Perez Hilton, which is total crap, but good to check out if you don’t have a lot of time. The problem with ONTD is that I spend so much time there when I click on it!

            Ginger Magnolias last blog post… Don’t Be Ignernt!

  7. I don’t follow any of that shit.

    But here’s something to ponder. Why do “reality” TV shows have writers?

    Nobody™s last blog post… That’s All Folks

    • That is a good question, I’ve never thought of that. I guess it can only be SO real, but then it makes you think of shows like Survivor. How much of the stuff really happens spontaneously and how much is staged. I was once watching and these people were crossing a rocky thing over some water and one of them fell in. The camera was there underwater to see them falling in, how did they know to be there? That sort of made it click in for me that a lot of it must be staged.

      I still love a lot of it though like Big Brother and Survivor.

      • Years ago right after the first season of Survivor (which I did watch, and enjoy), there was an article in a television trade journal about production of the program. There was a LOT of interaction between camera people and the “survivors”, more than what the producers wanted, but they tolerated it anyway. Don’t believe for a minute that they only eat the food they find themselves, they bribe crew members out of food in exchange for making good tv.

        Even the nightly television news is staged. They tell you what they want you to do to make the story more interesting.

        Nobody™s last blog post… That’s All Folks

        • Damn! I would have loved to see that show! I think deep down I KNOW it’s all fake but with some, I like them enough to accept or overlook it. Another thing I find, the UK or Australian versions of the same shows, like Big Brother, are soooo much better than the US version. A lot more real. Well, at least it seems it.

  8. Oh GOD, one should be forwarned to potty before reading this and not to be stuffing one’s mouth. Otherwise you will need a clean up crew in more ways than one. I’m with you on the John and Kate deal. They need to get a life. Who cares who slept or didn’t sleep with whomever. Him the teacher her the bodyguard while out on the road working. Why the hell isn’t she at home taking care of her litter of children. One has to wonder when the psycho-nut Octomom will start her show. What will they call it. Psycho Octomom plus 6. That woman really needs help and not in the childcaring sense.

    Thanks for an other bright start to my day.

    • I just read today that Octomom has signed on for her own reality show, so it’s coming for sure. I won’t be watching it.

  9. Amen sister! And after actually watching The Hills I can say Heidi and Spencer are horrible, so they should go too!

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