Eating Ass

Ugh I had the wierdest fucking dream last night and it’s fading too quickly! Here’s what I remember:

I was in an area where there was a lot of people, like a city center or a mall or something and there were different areas that only certian people could go. Someone showed me how to trick the system so that I could appear to be a better class than I was and get better access to the cooler areas.

Then wherever it was that I was at, it was lunch time. I had a tray in my hands with this food on it that looked like some weird cross between spaghetti and chili (I hate chili) and I really had to go to the bathroom. I was looking around this place and suddenly there was at least twice as many people, they were flooding out of all these different areas. I saw a sign that said American Bathrooms and thought that I could find a place to go there, because the american bathrooms have more toilets than whatever the alternative was in my dream. I can only assume it was European bathrooms.

It was like the bathroom and the lunch room were the same place. The room was the size of a stadium and there were people milling about everywhere. I was desperate to get to a toilet but every stall I looked into had someone in it. The thing was, the stalls were all different… some had a little window so you could look outside the stall while sitting on the toilet, others had a little room before the toilet where people were hanging out and some had no toilet at all, just a little bench with a table that people had their food on.

I looked into one stall and there was a young girl in there, not someone I remember knowing now that I’m awake… but she was throwing up blood. It was disturbing but I moved on. I saw other random things, people having sex, a boy eating some weird cubed meat off a toilet seat and other things I remember too vaguely to describe. I do remember seeing a number of my childhood friends, they were all in their late teens or so.

After what seemed like a long time, I knew lunchtime was almost over so I had to find a place. There was a guy who I met up with that was helping me search, he was young, mexican and attractive. A friend of another guy who I knew better, and I was surprised by how nice he was being to me.

When we found an empty stall it wasn’t really a stall. It was like a table with a little round stool but apparently it was what I was looking for. There was no walls, no door, I was completely out in the open. He stood behind me with his hand on my shoulder and I gave him this “Wtf I can’t do this with you standing there” look, so he left and went to sit at a nearby table. This is when it got really weird, because I sat my plate on the stool, pulled my pants down and sat on it.

Although I don’t remember feeling any physical action in my dream, I think I was eating with my ass! As I sat there I realized that the knitted sweater I had on had hung down behind me and was getting dirty with this chili spaghetti, so I took it off, don’t remember what I did with it. I sat there long after the plate was empty, feeling totally embarassed and wondering how I was going to wipe my ass without everyone looking at me. So I sat there, on this dirty empty plate with this mystery sauce smudged all over my ass, humiliated and afraid to move in case anyone noticed, which I know they did but to everyone around me it seemed normal somehow.

Don’t remember much after that, I think I woke up before I ever solved my ass wiping conundrum.

Is that fucked up or what?!

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  1. Wow Breigh,

    That is one strange dream…you sure no drugs or alcohol involved in this? heehee

    Pretty detailed…you don’t have any idea where this stuff came from?

    good thing you didn’t crap yourself…hahaha

  2. Wow, that almost mkaes MY fucked up dreams seem normal – almost. I’ve had washroom dreams too, I’m just glad I don’t wake up with … you know.. all over my bed. Ok, too much information.

  3. hehe I actually almost added “and I didn’t even eat any cheese before bed!” but I didn’t think anyone would get what I was talking about. If I eat anything dairy before bed I get strange dreams.

    I didn’t eat a thing before bed last night though, which makes this dream even MORE weird.

  4. Ok, no more spicey food before bedtime!

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