It’s All Inconclusive

Well the blood work came back and the only thing that showed up was that my glucose was high.  I phoned the doctor and was surprised when All In Your Head Doc’s wife answered.   She was the ‘nice’ one (if you use a really wonky scale of what is nice, I mean).  Here’s the conversation:

“Hello this is *Name*Birthday* calling for the results of my bloodwork”
”Ah yes, let me see… yes, your glucose is high, so we will make an appointment to talk to you”
”Ok, umm, so what does that mean?”
”Well, it means you could be diabetic but we will have to do more tests.  You should lose weight."
”Do you not speak Dutch yet?”
”Well, yes, some”
”You have been here a long time, this is bad!”
”Uh, ok, well I like to do these things in English so I know exactly what is happening”
”You should speak Dutch by now!”
”SO ANYWAY, about that appointment?!”  *Gives middle finger to phone for a few seconds*
”Yes we will book a double appointment so you can talk to my husband and find out what is going on.”
”Great, yup see you then!”

Jesus, well any good mood I may have been having before that phone call was pretty much obliterated.

We made an appointment for later in the week.   I got off the phone and was too busy being annoyed that she wasted time while talking about my health to scold me about not speaking Dutch with her.   Once I got over that it sunk in.  Possibly diabetic.  Well it makes sense I guess, I do need to lose weight and my father, his father, and loads of others on that side of the family have diabetes.  Crap.

I spent the week preparing myself for the big double appointment.  I saw lots of lectures about my weight, info on diabetes and what I need to do.  It would be a lot to take in.   A double appointment, how long is that?  The last time we were there for about 30 minutes for goodness sake.

I spoke to my mother, who has a decent amount of experience with Diabetes from dealing with my dad.  She ran the numbers of what is considered high or dangerous, what is acceptable and what numbers I should be shocked by.  So I went into the meeting at least somewhat prepared.

I went, and here’s what was said.

“Your bloodwork came back and your glucose is a little high”
”How high was it?”
”Well, it was 7.2 we consider anything between 4-7 to be normal. You are .2 over and it’s possible that the injection I gave you in your foot the day before may have affected it by .1 or .2”
“Um, so doesn’t that put me in the normal range?”
”Yes, but you are on the high side of the normal range which puts you at risk for diabetes in the future”

At this point I’m sitting there pondering what is going on.  Obviously, over the years I’ve not been as active as I could.  I’ve also gone through some shitty times where food was my one source of comfort.  I gained weight, and yeah… a fair bit of it too.  I knew a change in habits was necessary, I’ve known it for a while now, but I’m not like can’t move, smash the window and get me out with a crane when I die fat.   Besides, if I fall within the normal range, and don’t actually HAVE anything… what is causing the symptoms I went to him with initially?!   I still have no real answer, but I still will have to sit through lectures about things already knew anyway.

There was no lecture though.  I assumed with the booking of a double appointment, that meant they’d have some kind of info for me about what exactly is going on.  So not the case.

“Ok, so you’ll need to change the way you do things. Eat less and be more active”
”Right… great… so your wife said that more tests need to be done to find out for sure?”
”Well, no… “ *Enter some weird explanation here that I’ve forgotten already, because I was too busy boggling over how two doctors who are married and work together 24/7 can not even get their facts straight between them*
”Ok, I thought she said that in order to be sure it wasn’t a fluke and to find out if there really is a problem with glucose / diabetes that two tests needed to be done”
”So, there is a place here in Rotterdam that you can go to that will help you with your lifestyle change.  Here is their card”
”Right, ok”
”I will send you for more bloodwork, you can call me 3 days after for the results”
”Ok…” but I thought he said I didn’t need it… hrmm.

There were a few little bits I’m forgetting but that was basically the entire conversation.   Wow, do I feel informed!  When my husband was urging me to go to the doctor, I said these exact words.

They are just going to say they don’t know, it’s inconclusive, they can’t help me… but I need to lose weight!

Not sure I was that far off, this seems like a lot of needles and frustration to go through for such predictable and useless results.  Like with my infertility problems, hair loss and everything else.  They always say I MIGHT have something, but they aren’t sure, tests are inconclusive… but lose weight!

Yes, I know I need to lose weight.  What I DON’T know is why these other things are happening.   I see people more overweight than me all the time, they have full heads of hair and most of them have children.  In fact, I can’t remember the last time I saw a balding, childless fat woman.   So infertility, hair loss and everything else isn’t just weight related.   If they could say, this is happening because this happens in your body because you are overweight.  FINE, I get it!  They don’t do that though, it’s like they never know what they are doing and my weight is the obvious fall back choice so they have SOMETHING to say.

Ugh, now I’m ranting.  Anyhow, the card he gave me is for a physiotherapist?  I’ve never been to one but when I think of them I imagine people you see after you break a leg, not someone who is going to help you with getting motivated about making a big lifestyle change, or helping you figure out how.  Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know.  I just hope it’s not another case of me going somewhere, making the effort just to be told I’m in the wrong place, they can’t help me, etc because that happens far too often.

I need to call back today for the results of the 2nd set of blood work, but I’m not exactly sure why I’m going to bother, they won’t tell me much.   In any case, I’m reconsidering my decision not to go to the clinic in Den Haag.  At least there I’ll be able to speak to them in my own language, where I can explain myself and have things explained to me effortlessly, without the added lecture on my language skills.  I think I’ve come pretty far in regards to speaking Dutch over the years, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have the right to do the important things that need clarity in my own language.

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  1. Ash – (Sorry I missed your msg) I have thought about an acupuncturist but I have to see if they are insured or maybe get an appointment to see what they think they could do.

    Amber – When I was having my problems with infertility I had a lot of tests done. My doctor said I had PCOS-LIKE symptoms but it was, wait for it – INCONCLUSIVE! My periods are very regular but soooo brutal. I have infertility, hair loss, sluggishness, weight issues etc. When I asked what could be done, I was told nothing because they can’t say I actually HAVE it, just some symptoms of it. Like everything else, it was a near miss. I really need to get a 2nd opinion on this.

  2. I’m no doctor, but this doesn’t sound like diabetes. I say this because I had nearly the same exact problem. For about 4 years, I didn’t have periods and if I did they were super light. Also, at this time, I could not get pregnant no matter what. Has your doctor investigated PCOS?

    After my divorce, and coming back from India, I decided to have a physical. My results showed I was extremely insulin resistant – meaning, my body produced way too much insulin and only used a little of it. The extra insulin sat around in my blood and eventually turned to fat. So, losing weight was an uphill battle and nearly impossible.

    In India, due to all the foreign germs and my lack of appetite, I lost about 30 pounds, which made my periods come back. When I had the physical, and the doctor saw my insulin levels (not the same as the A1C, the test you had) were at 16 and not 10, she put me on a drug called metformin. Almost immediately, my vision wasn’t blurry and I felt more energetic. I also changed my eating habits – which being in India for 4 months helped, since it was mostly vegetarian. But, I won’t lie, it was difficult to change habits I’d had for 20 years.

    I was on Metformin until March of this year, when I got pregnant, and the doc switched me to Glyburide, which I admit does a much better job. After being on Metformin for 2 years, my A1C was 5.3. The doctor won’t let me go above 6. I have to test my blood sugar 4 times a day now, due to pregnancy, but it could be worse. It helps me know what not to eat.

    I know this is a ton of info, so if you want to e-mail me, I can share more. I know how hard it is to face the possibility of diabetes.

  3. Paule – I get a lot of lower back pain, and really strange sensitivity to touch, especially there. I have it all over, like if someone pokes me or the dog jumps on my lap I just about die. Poke me in my very lower back .. pretty sure I’d kick someone if they did. haha I had no idea you guys were moving!! I hope you’re not going to go too far are you? Start looking near us, that way I can be your first customer, for err whatever it is! :P

  4. Danielle Mutsaers

    I would definitely sign up and figure out a way to get there!

  5. I have all the equipment but no space to train people. Our apartment is currently for sale. We are looking for somewhere with premises for my business, so when we find somewhere I will let you know and you can spread the word. Be nice to have do some small group classes.
    I am qualified in NSLBP (non-specific lower back pain) fitness too which is always useful as us gals get a older,lol.

  6. Sonya – That must have been horrible to have your in laws talk to you about your weight like that. My in laws and I have not had a perfect relationship but one thing I can say for them is that they’ve never made any hurtful comments about my weight. Thank goodness… I would have been mortified if they had.

    Paule – Girl I think I may take you up on that offer, because I need SOMEONE who knows about this stuff that I trust who can kick my ass and get me moving. haha

    Suzy – I will have to remember that phrase and give it a try. Although my problem with Dutch is partially not enough knowledge, but mostly forgetting the bits I DO know when put on the spot. Frustrating.

    We also have no room here for equipment, nor enough for me to do any kind of aerobics videos. If it tells me to step any more than one or two steps in any direction I’m screwed and can’t do it hehe One down side to these small Dutch houses! Err.. one more, anyway.

  7. Tammy, I completely understand!…all of it, really…
    -Drs?..yep, I know, I’m huge, but thanks for reminding me, cause I’m sure to forget–blahh
    -Exercise?’s tough!..and I have crappy knees that hate me! :( ..and no room in the apartment for any equipment.
    -and as for talking to people about *important* things…I’ve told them before if they insist on speaking Dutch: “Je kan in Nederlands probeer, maar als ik je niet verstaan, moet je tot ik begrip herhalen, of je kan het in Engels een keer zeggen.” ..though that’s probably not proper Dutch, I don’t care….and it works much of the time.

  8. Danielle Mutsaers

    Paule, that would be awesome.

  9. So many ladies on here wanting to do some safe and effective exercise without judgement or feelings of self-consciousness. I should start an exercise group. If someone had a large enough space I could come along and give a class suited to your needs and abilities and throw in some nutrition/dietry advice.

  10. I always ask that they tell me things in english when it’s important and I dont think there is anything wrong with that. Whats annoying is that you know they can speak english but like another person said and I agree with is that they don’t sound as important when speaking english. I hope you make an appointment with the other clinic and maybe get some more answers.
    I totally need to go in myself..and won’t. I need a full blown check up and I just won’t do it right now.

    I also understand the whole are they talking about me thing in public..or within the family for that matter. When we first came Edwins parents hammered away about dropping weight and then when we first met his brother’s girlfriend the first thing she said to Edwin was that he didnt look like his photo..he was to fat. By fat means my husband who when I first met him was below 190 and at 6’4 ” looked scary thin is now 220 and he is considered fat here. I can only imagine what they say about me.

    I just hope you can get some decent answers to your questions because the symptoms you are having aren’t normal.

    Sonyas last blog post… Homemade Tortillas

  11. God what a crap experience you are having. The doctors drive me nuts here too. They always want to prescribe anti-biotics for everything which I hate.

    I am studying oestrogen dominance at the moment and I really think you should look into it. Sounds like you could do with seeing a hormone specialist as all your symptoms are present when progesterone and oestrogen are out of balance. Google it and see what you think:)

  12. Danielle Mutsaers

    A friend of mine posted on Facebook a ton of photos that she’d scanned in from us in the 90’s. It made me cry looking at them, because I looked so much better, and was healthier. I really want to get back to that.

  13. hehe well I can’t feel sorry for the telling you you’re gorgeous part but the rest, yeah that’s rough. Xander always tells me he thinks I’m beautiful and hot and all that, but he does admit that my weight worries him sometimes.

    He doesn’t care if I’m overweight, just as long as I’m healthy. Which I guess I’m not so much anymore.

  14. Danielle Mutsaers

    I totally understand, because I feel the same way. I have to constantly remind myself that not everyone is preoccupied with me as I am. LOL The groups of teenagers are my downfall as well. It doesn’t help when they are yelling insults or being nasty though.

    It sounds like Xander has found the right balance. That’s such a help. Leander says he wants to help, but in the same breath he tells me I’m gorgeous and hands me a Luikse wafel. *sigh*

  15. You are so right, Danielle. I try to remind myself when I am out that people have better things to worry about than me. I think my insecurity takes over though. For example, walking by groups of teenage boys. Oh god, it’s like hell to me. If they even chuckle in their conversation with each other, I’m convinced they are laughing AT ME. I don’t talk about it, I don’t mention it to anyone I’m with… I just die a little inside.

    I’m always paranoid about my weight, if I’m red, if I look as warm as I feel, if I’m sweating, if they notice how thin my hair is getting.

    I also try to look at other people with things wrong with them. People who are overweight, short, have weird teeth or whatever and remind myself just how little significance that thing about THEM has in my life. So that I can remember that none of them give a crap about me or any of the things I’m worried about either. It doesn’t always work though.

    I wish to GOD there were “Don’t give a shit” pills. I’d be OD-ing on those mofos.

    As for Xander, yeah I’m REALLY lucky in that regard. He is very good about finding the balance between being supportive while not getting like the food police on me. If he knows I’m making an effort to lose weight, he’ll do whatever it takes to help out and will never offer me anything he knows I shouldn’t have. If I say I want it, he’ll question me once but if I persist he’ll just say ok and not push it any further. I think I’d go INSANE if I had to fight my own lack of willpower AND him pushing food at me too. haha

  16. Danielle Mutsaers

    You’re lucky though that Xander is so supportive. That’s such a help. Leander keeps saying I look great and offering me another cookie. It gets a bit difficult to resist that every single night, and it’s quite irritating. I wish he would get behind my efforts more.

  17. Danielle Mutsaers

    I feel that way too when I go walking, but I’ve learned to just tune it out and ignore everyone else. Honestly, they aren’t paying attention to us anyway, they’re busy with their own selves. I just put my iPod on and go. I do try to avoid the hoardes of teenagers biking to school though, as they yell insults and such.

    I feel like with every new situation I learn a new set of Dutch vocabulary. Like chapters in a textbook; I’ve done funeral, pregnancy, school, medical, etc. If there’s a word or so I don’t understand, I stop and have them explain it or give it to me in English. After a little while, you get through the new “chapter” and have it learned for later.

  18. Alison – You are right, I shouldn’t feel guilty for wanting to use my own language in situations like this. I do though, sometimes. I know when you live in another country you should do your best to speak their language, but often the doctors don’t explain things well anyway, add to that the bits you might miss while doing it in another language… ugh. I just want to make sure I have all the facts.

    Danielle – Yeah *sigh* I wish there was somewhere close by that I could walk in peace. My mom walks at a walking track which is totally shielded from the street and the only people you see are others who are out exercising as well. Here in Rotterdam, I can’t exercise without being on display, not something I enjoy.

  19. I wish we lived a bit closer to each other, so we could go walking or working out together. I need to get back to it too, I just need my damn foot healed first.

  20. Denise – It still amazes me that your doctor wasn’t more alarmed by your symptoms. That really scares me.

    Danielle – Yeah, that IS the crappy part. It’s enough to get you going but not enough to KEEP you going. I have the same with my therapist, 8 sessions paid for by the insurance and beyond that I’m on my own. So I only see her once a month or every 6 weeks.

    Canucky Woman – I really hope I am able to follow in his footsteps and get my weight in order and start exercising more. I need to find a gym I’m comfortable in, I think. Good thing is, hubby is really supportive so he’ll go and do it all with me when the time comes. That helps a lot!

    I just called the doc and the 2nd results came back the same. Glucose was 7.2 and he said for me to get more exercise to burn off the sugars. Now I go back in a month to have more bloodwork done to see where I stand then.

    Ugh, I know I need to do it but actually making it happen is the hard part for me. It’s like the more weight I gain, the harder the exercise is and the less I want to do it. It’s like that no credit without credit cycle hehe Around and around.

  21. My Dutchie’s bloodwork last year indicated that he could develop diabetes too. He’s much like you…a comfort foodie with a weight problem dating back 30 years since he quit footie and took up guitar. So he was referred to a diabetes nurse.

    I was surprised at how few changes he had to make to bring his levels down to the normal level…and how much better he feels. Although he was supposed to follow this strict, boring diet, he merely cut back on shite and we both got a gym membership at the Life Fit Centre. We only have time to go once or twice a week, but it’s made all the difference in the world. He’s lost 12 kilos (although he could stand to lose about 20 more at least) and rarely complains about being tired anymore.

    Of course, guys ALWAYS lose weight faster…grrr…

    I also believe that people who nag that you should “know Dutch” are frustrated because they can’t sound as important and intelligent as they want because they can’t express themselves in English as well as they’d like. So they make their problem your problem. And since it’s their country, they can feel smug and justified while they lecture you.

    Wish I had a snappy comeback though. I want to say that my Dutch will never be good enough to discuss complex medical issues so put up and shut up. Instead, I just bring the Dutchie with me to avoid these situations…

  22. They are just going to say they don’t know, it’s inconclusive, they can’t help me… but I need to lose weight!

    That’s the same thing I get every time, too. I waited forever to go in for my heel spur because I was sure I’d just get another lecture. Surprisingly, it didn’t come, which amazed me.

    A physio can help with what exercises to do and such. The problem is that you only get 9 appointments paid by insurance. So yes, it would be a way to get help working out and lose weight, but after 9 sessions you’re on your own with paying for it. I had a great physio this last time for my back, I’d have loved to keep working out with him, but it would have been on my dime, and we can’t afford that right now.

    The good news is, it doesn’t appear that you have diabetes. That’s excellent!

    Zullen we samen wat nederlands kletsen, om te oefenen? :p

  23. Oh Tammy, how frustrating. I agree 100% that you should get your medical info in English if you can. With something like this it’s too important to miss the details because of the language. I still drive out to our old town in Everberg to go to a Flemish Dr because she’s good and will speak English to me. Most of the French Drs in the city wont. Don’t let this discourage you. If you aren’t satisfied with the answers go back or go to someone else. It’s annoying but you have a right to know what’s going on. You know your own body and if it’s not acting the way you think it should then trust your instincts.

    Alison Cornford-Mathesons last blog post… Yellow Tiger Lily

  24. I don’t go to the dr anymore now, esp after the last ridiculous attempt that I mailed you about. Try an acupuncturist if you can find one, they actually seem to make sense. Also, mine helped me a lot with weight loss and they have this ‘sugar spike’ diet which really seems to work for the flushed/heart racing/shaky feeling.

    Ashs last blog post… places to eat in uithoorn

  25. Oh my dear. I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing at this so called more advanced medical system than the US or in your case Canada. Don’t you just love the we don’t know answer. My favorite was you have a “Mechanical problem” when I went in with shortness of breath and chest pains. They still haven’t done anything with it.

    The only thing to get you thru this insanity and to help keep your your own sanity is keep your sense of humor. Because I have a feeling it will only get better. The comedy of the dutch mindframe that is. :)

    Keep smiling do what you think is right and if it means camping out on their doorstep until they listen the do it. As for the lanugage. Tell them to flikker op. They are there to help you not criticize your language skills. Would they do the same to a dutch person with a speech problem. Think not. Ok enough of my ranting.

    Take care and get the help you need and make that appointment in Den Haag anyway. You will feel better in the end. Second and/or third opinions if need be. But most importantly take care of yourself. You know your body better than they do. Is there an option for you to see a dr in Canada?

    Keep us updated.

    me in the north

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