Slow Cooking in the Netherlands!

New Slow Cooker!

I have a new lady power tool!  That’s what I call kitchen appliances because my excitement over a new blender or crock pot is pretty much equal to the joy my husband shows for a new saw or drill.

It’s a slow cooker and I looooooove it!  It’s the best thing that has ever happened to my kitchen (except maybe the dishwasher).   They are not at all common here in the Netherlands and it requires you doing a bit of super sleuthing to track one down.  I found my 6.5L Kenwood here,  where I got it pretty quickly after ordering it, only about 2 days.  It was recommended to me by a friend as she had gotten the same one and loved it.

For ages I’ve seen women on my expat women’s lists talking about their crock pots and how great it is, but I never got one because a crock pot requires crock pot recipes which requires cooking skill, which I did NOT have.  I can make things but I’m not the best cook… or at least I never used to be!

This week I made STEW, and it was delicious!! Voted best so far by Hubby.

Since getting it, I’ve used it at least 2-3 times a week and I love it to the ends of the earth and back.   What I love most about it is that I can get UP AND AT ‘EM early and get dinner ready when I still have energy.  Towards the end of the day I tend to have that feeling where I just can’t be arsed to cook and look for the easiest thing we have.   Now, I can start the day by preparing something nice and later on when I’m keen to just kick back and chill out, dinner is ready!

My new favorite thing is Draadjesvlees or ‘Butter Braised Beef’ in English.

At the moment I am making a recipe given to me by a Canadian friend who makes this regularly for her family.  I made it a few weeks ago and Xander gave it a “YUM – you can make this again!” rating.   Here’s the recipe if you want to give it a go:

Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes with Ham
6 cups raw potatoes cut into small cubes
1 medium onion minced
1 tsp salt
1/2 lb cooked ham cubed ( I have added more)
4 TBSP butter
4 TBSP flour
1tsp salt
2 cups milk
1 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1. Layer potatoes, onion, 1 tsp salt and ham in slow cooker
2. Melt butter in saucepan. Stir in flour and 1tsp salt. Cook until bubbly. Gradually add milk. Cook until smooth and thickened. Add cheese and stir until melted. Pour over potato-ham mixture, stirring lightly.
3. Cover. Cook on Low 6-7 hours, or High 3-4 hours.

I like this one because it’s quick and easy, unlike the stew which took about an hour of prep before going in the pot (so worth it though).  It’s rich and definitely not a diet food, but it’s tasty!

The only down side to owning one of these fabulous cookers in the Netherlands is storage space.   Kitchens here are small and cupboard and counter space is sparse.  It was a concern of mine when I ordered it, but I figured I’d sort it out once I got it.   It hasn’t been an issue for me though because it’s been in the same spot since we got it.  It gets used so often I just never bother putting it away.

Another issue is finding the cuts of meats required, as a lot of the recipes (of which there are MANY) are from Americans.   Finding roast beefs, hams, etc here in the Netherlands can be difficult.   Firstly, it’s hard to find the meats in the same sizes as back home and also when you do, you pay dearly for it.   Thankfully there are a lot of recipes that don’t require big hunks of meat though!

So if you are like I was and were considering getting a slow cooker but weren’t sure what you would do with it, if it would be worth the money or if it REALLY makes things as good as everyone says.  Take it from me, just do it!  It opens up a whole new world for you, cooking-wise.

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  1. i bought a crockpot for my cousin in limburg , nl. now want to send cookbook written in nederlandse. please help, i can’t seem to find one. i’m in ct. usa. thanks, mes

  2. Hey,

    Do great minds think alike? Yep! I can not believe I found you. I was looking for a crock pot and started to play with sites that would let me order one without a song and dance.

    There you are, thanks for the advise and site on where to buy. Miss you.

    Hugs, Christy

  3. WOW! All these years here in NL and I did not know I could buy a slow cooker here! I actually brought mine from Canada but it bit the biscuit very soon. I think my adapter died and it fried the cooker! haha!

  4. Hi Breigh, I’m an Australian living in Amsterdam and the one thing I miss in the kitchen is my slow cooker. I noticed the dutchies don’t use them much – they are big back home – and have struggled to find one here. The link in your blog isn’t working any more – can you advise where I can get your version from – especially one with a timer on it? Thanks!! Caroline

  5. I’m looking to purchase a crockpot in Croatia and am not able to locate one there(220). Does someone know if a 6.5 Kenwood work there and where can I purchase it?


  6. I just moved to Breda and I want to order a crockpot from that website!! But I can’t find it. What is crockpot in Dutch?


  7. I simply loved your recipe! Will definitely try to surprise my family this evening! Welcome to the slow cooking club as well lol :)
    .-= Lelik´s last blog ..Russian pelmeni recipe =-.

  8. I have wanted a crock pot for years. I had one in NYC before and I used it all the time. My mother used to throw everything in hers in the morning and it would be done by dinner time. I love low-impact cooking. I’m so glad I read this. And at just under fifty bucks, I’m going to order one now!
    .-= Andy Baker´s last blog ..What’s the Facebook For? =-.

  9. Hi Breigh!
    You might want to check out this blog for crockpot recipes :

    The lady who started it wanted to publish a crockpot recipe everyday for 2008. She gives her opinion on the results of her recipes and how her family liked (or didn’t) how the meal turned out. I like her writing.

  10. Oh I still need to make the draadjesvlees, but minus the witlof for me… not too keen on it cooked! Frank made it one night and I prefer it raw.

    Melissas last blog post… 120-105= me getting ripped off.

  11. SEE!!! Now you know why I LOOOOOVE the crock pot!!! Make some chili and let it cook all day .. omg then buy some nacho chips and you are set!

    Melissas last blog post… 120-105= me getting ripped off.

  12. I love my crock pot there are some many things to cook in it and most of the time you just set it and leave it until supper time. It’s really great, I must say i couldnt live without mine. I know they just came out with slow cooker meals that you just add water to and leave it to cook. Not sure if you have something like that in stores over there but that would something to check out if you find some prep times long before the actual meal is cooked.Good job on the meals you’ve made the pics prob doesn’t do it justice!

  13. Tammy,
    I love my slow cooker bought it about 8 yrs ago in Utrecht. Hachee is fantastic made this way. I make enough to freeze leftovers. Welcome to the world of slow cooks. :) Oh and I forgot so is Chicken n’ dumplins.

  14. Astrid (Canada)

    The slow cooker is one of the best things I think of moving to Canada.

    You should ask you mom, to send a cookbook, I do like the one from company’s coming.

    Enjoy your slow cooker:-)

  15. I love slow cookers! Glad you joined the club!

    Ambers last blog post… Independence Day

  16. That food looks delicious!

    mmicheles last blog post… A Premio Dardos Blog Award

  17. Whoo Hoo,welcome to the wonderful world of crockpotting! I love mine aswell. I miss the ability to buy huge chunks of meat though at a low price. I laugh when I see the roasts I like to buy the chicken legs here and then I peel the skin off,marinate it for a few days and then pop it in the crockpot until the meat is tender. I shred it off the bone and use it in all kinds or recipes. You could make your own bbq chicken shredded meat for sandwiches..gosh you can do all sorts of things with a crockpot:) Have fun with it!!

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