Canadian Invasion

Rotterdam Market

My parents have been here now for a week and a half.   I have three days left with them before we get up and put them on a plane… not something I am looking forward to.   I am looking forward to getting back to our old routine, as I’m sure my parents are… but the airport scene always sucks.  I always want to get it overwith really quickly, which is weird because I should want every last minute I can with them, but those last few minutes can get really tense with the trying not to cry and all that.

We’ve been having a great time.  We’ve done some sightseeing type stuff and a fair bit of shopping but for the most part we’ve mostly just been spending time together, which is nice.  They’ve been here a number of times so they’ve done the whole touristy thing.

As you can see above, one thing they have done before but were keen to repeat was the Saturday market here in Rotterdam.   Spot the Canadian!  Mom may have managed to blend in but no way in hell dad was.   With all the Dutchies walking around in their winter coats these days, dad got a few weird looks going around in shorts.   In his defense though, it was 20 degrees… so I’m not sure why they still wore their winter coats anyway.  It’s like once October hits it’s winter and that’s just that.


We also visited Kinderdijk again which I’ve been to a number of times but still couldn’t stop myself from snapping photos of.   I figured it’d give mom and dad that real feeling of where they are.  What says Holland more than windmills?

Canadian Thanksgiving

Last Sunday they got to meet some of my friends, which was great.  I’m always talking to my friends about my parents, and to my parents about them… so I thought it’d be nice to get everyone together, and what better excuse than Canadian Thanksgiving!

Canadian Thanksgiving

It was my first time cooking for so many people, but thankfully I had my mom there to help and Penny took care of all of the baking (omg, best cake ever).  I got a huge turkey which was almost 17 lbs and had a ham as well.   Unlike Ramona, this turkey wasn’t as keen to spread her legs for me to stuff her.  So, we named her Prudence.  Not sure why we always name our turkeys, I’m sure Peta would be disgusted that we give names to animals just before we put them in the oven.

Sunday we went to Diergaarde Blijdorp, but I haven’t gotten those pics off my camera yet.  It was a beautiful day for the zoo though and we all really enjoyed it.  I always forget how huge it is until I get there again.   I was bummed to see that the gorillas were inside, because it’s quite dim in there and they have this shadowed glass between the crowd and the gorillas and a gate that keeps you away from the windows, so you can’t see them that well.  I guess we can thank this lady.

Today we are off to Corpus, which I’ve been really keen to see but saved until my parents were here because I thought they’d find it really cool as well.   I’ll be posting pics of that later as well.

Ok, that’s all for now!  Hope everyone is enjoying the nice fall weather we’ve been having here, we certainly are!  Even though it’s made my parents completely disbelieve every word I’ve ever said about the horrible winter weather over here!

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  1. Pfft, Peta. They’re already disgusted that you own pets, so why listen to them? They’re clearly bonkers.

    I am totally inviting myself over to your house for Canadian Thanksgiving next year – or inviting you to my house, but you’d probably better do the cooking, for your own safety. I’ve given up on American Thanksgiving anyway, the weather’s too crappy and it’s too close to Christmas.

    alalas last blog post… postpone

  2. I know this isn’t the place to send you a personal message, but shit, another canadutch. I’m from Vancouver, blogging about my experience living in Holland (R’dam) with my wife 7 months out of the year over the past couple years. Good to see there are more of us out there going through sort of the same stuff. You can check mine out at

    I’m a baseball player with a Netherlands and Canadian passport, giving me the opportunity to play for the Dutch national team, being the reason I’m still in Holland.
    You’ve got a very nice blog, about 897694038 times nicer then mine… keep on bloggin…
    Leon Boyd

    Canadutch… #2 I guesss last blog post… Dagnabit.

  3. Totally awesome picture of Kinderdijk. Glad you guys are having a good time. Give everyone my love and tell your Mom and Dad I hope they have a safe and pleasant flight home.

  4. Wow that looks like fun!

    I agree about the winter coat thing – but damn that country is cold! I was wearing two shirts and a denim jacket in May!

    Dinner looks delish – great pics as usual

    Ambers last blog post… I’m Fine Without You Now

  5. LOL at you dad with the shorts AND the black shoes/white socks. Glad you are having good times. It’s still pretty warm here in Florida but it is starting to break a little and is at least not SO hot and humid these days.

    AndiMACs last blog post… Consistancy….

  6. The first thing I noticed was your Dads shorts! I just LOVE him for I too still dress like that and today wich was warm and what do I see? dutch peeps dressed up like their is a blizzard going on.
    Did you have to spend alot on the turkey? I am curious what a 17 pound turkey goes for. I will need to be ordering mine for our american thanksgiving.
    Enjoy you the rest of the time you have with your parents!

    Sonyas last blog post… Maple Apple Crisp

  7. Glad you’re having fun! Wow, that glassy water in front of the windmill — it’s beautiful! And celebrating Canadian thanksgiving overseas, so wonderful… :)

    Brendas last blog post… Let’s go to Greece

  8. I’m glad you’re having fun with your parents! I don’t know what it is with Dutch people and their winter coats, but I swear they wear them year round!

    Kims last blog post… Menu Plan Monday- October 20, 2008

  9. I want to go there too! Ugh.. JEALOUS!! :)

    Glad to see you are having a blast with your parents :)

    Melissas last blog post… My favourite season of the year.

  10. Sounds like you are having a great time. I am really happy for you that they are here.

    And OMG woman! When at Corpus you are only about 10-15 mins away from me!!! Sheesh!!! (not been to Corpus yet, too expensive to my taste… but I’ve heard it’s great!)

    DutchBitchs last blog post… Hoarding tendencies

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