I Want WordPress

I’ve been thinking more and more about whatI want to do with my website. I really don’t like the look of it at the moment and wouild like something much more simple, but with all the same info still. I’m not sure how I’m going to pull that off…

Hey have you noticed I can make PERIODS now?! Now I can … DOT DOT DOT … to my hearts content! I don’t know why I didn’t think of this earlier but all I do is copy a period from a url and just keep it on my clipboard so whenever I hit ctrl-v I have a period! Only took me a few weeks to come up with it but nobody is perfect…

Anyway back to my website thing…

I would like something simple, both for my website and for my photos. A lot of people I know use WordPress and swear by it, but the problem is that the dudes I host Breigh.com with don’t have MySQL, at least not in the package I have, which blows! I don’t know if I want to add to the montly cost of my website just to have a better look. Although it would make it easier maintenance wise as well.

The only thing I wonder/worry about is how I would deal with my older blogs. I’m not sure if there is any easy way to get them from this blog to my new one. If there isn’ tthat could be a bit of a task.

I’ve also been thinking of joining Flickr and using that for my photos instead of the gallery program I’m using at the moment. Firstly because it’s much easier to use than the Gallery program, which is a major pain in the ass and also because Flickr is more like a community where you can join groups and share your photos with other people.

At the moment I’m busy with my parents here doing things with them but when they go home this will be my project, I think.. to re-cr ieate Breigh’s World. I may even rename it, I’m not sure. Maybe whoever is reading this can help me think of a new title for my blog, maybe Canadutch.. which is what Xander and I joke around about me being. Part Canadian and part Dutch.. it’s also what we call my funky dutch I speak.

There must be something more suitable and catchy than that though… I’ll think about it over the next few days.

First thing is first though, I need to figure out my hosting situation as I definately need MySql if I’m going to change to wordpress, bah!

I know I haven’t written much about my parents visit, but it is going absolutely wonderful. It’s been great having them here and we’ve done a lot of things and really been enjoying the time together. My mother has taught me how to make pie crust, just what I need, the ability to make even more fattening food! haha

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One comment

  1. Hey, WordPress has built-in migration from MT. I’m not saying it won’t be flawless, but there’s lots of documentation on this from other people who’ve migrated.

    In the meantime, keep this one and mirror it over to the new one to be on the safe side. Once everything looks OK, you can just forward the home page here to the new one.

    I like Canadutch — but I like funky Dutch, too. And Breigh is unique, if only I could think of one name that incorporated it all.

    I’m glad to hear you’re having a great time with the family!

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