Desperately Disappointing


Yesterday I watched the first episode of the new season of Desperate Housewives.  Oh god, where to start!  I loved this show in the beginning but haveused it as more of a time filler show last season, rather than something I was actually eager to see.   This season, I’m not even sure I even want to watch any more of it.

I guess I’ll start with my least favorite bit.


Is it just me that can’t stand this storyline with Gabrielle and her chubby children?   It may be just because I am a chubby adult who was a chubby child, I don’t know… but I hated watching every second of it.

Not only that, but the whole Gabby all frumpy with two kids thing? WTF?!  She was the most stylish of the entire crowd and what was most endearing about her was her absolute inability to give that up.  There’s no way the Gabby I remember from previous seasons would have let herself go like that, and there’s definitely no way she would be one of those never say no type of moms.

Oh, and I was totally expecting some miraculous recovery for Carlos.  The fact that he’s still blind after 5 years annoys me.


Who IS this guy and what is he doing in Susan’s bed?!  We spent years cheering for her and Mike to get together and suddenly *FLASH* we are in the future and she and Mike are divorced and she’s sleeping with this KNOB?!  UGGGGH!

I’ve read on a few celebrity gossip type blogs that people love this guy but I just don’t see it.  I don’t see it at all.   He has a weird face and his character is pushy and irritating.  Back off bucko, that’s Mike’s woman!

Other things that bug me:

The whole story with Bree and the new chick and their catering service.  Bree is more of a pompous control freak than ever and her ‘partner’ gives me the creeps.   So Bree has a new reason to act like a complete bitch, oh yay.

The Scavo’s.  I still dig Lynette but Tom was looking like a total douche with his convertable. Thankfully Lynette set him straight… but oh GOD!  How about those twins!  Were they so desperate to get identical twins that they overlooked the fact that they can’t act?   Ship those two little shits off to college already and drop that storyline.   They were annoying enough as kids, I don’t want to watch them as teenagers.

Oh and you know the blond dude who married Edie is the husband of the chick Susan ‘killed’.   *YAWN*

I think I’ve just lost the tiny bit of love I had left for this show.  I know a lot of people have really gotten on board with this whole 5 year jump thing but I think it’s just made things worse.  Bleh.

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  1. omg, i think Teri Hatcher’s in bed with that super hot Gale something-or-other from Queer As Folk. i have a huge crush on him!

    i’ve never watched this show, actually. i’ve heard it’s never been as good as season one, though. that just sucks.

    Cryss last blog post… Dirty Who Now?

  2. I love the show and still do, despite the fact that it has fast forward to 5 years. I don’t know why Marc Cherry decided to do that, but I think it’ll be an interesting season.

    I can’t stand the twins ’cause they have funny faces and they sure can’t act.

    The blond dude creeps me out as many of his TV roles have the same scary look. I don’t understand why he married Eddie and what was the phone call about? You don’t just give people money so you can have their house.

    Bluefishs last blog post… Please mind your own f* business!

  3. Huh. I watched a few episodes of DH, oh, maybe three years ago? On German TV, which is dubbed, gag me. All the men looked alike, and since they were all voiced by the same German, I couldn’t tell them apart, so I couldn’t follow any of the plot.

    Probably just as well, as it freed up more time for Star Trek.

    alalas last blog post… oh. my. GAWD!

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