Auto Free Day

In veel steden kunnen fietsers en wandelaars zondag hun hart ophalen. Milieudefensie viert dan de tiende verjaardag van de zogenoemde autovrije dag. De straten in het centrum van 22 dorpen en steden zijn autovrij.

Today is ‘Auto Free Day’ in Rotterdam and 21 other cities and towns across the Netherlands.  This is the 10th year that this has taken place, yet I don’t seem to ever remember it.  Maybe because for the first 7 years I was here we didn’t have a car anyway, which is probably why I feel so strongly about this whole thing.  I’ve paid my dues!

Apparently large parts of the city are blocked off and people are forced to walk or take public transportation to their destination.  Yay for saving the environment… but ugh!  Can’t they just leave the roads open and gather the tree huggers at all these points to give us dirty looks instead?  So we still have the OPTION of driving, but will just feel kinda bad about it?

Thank god we have nowhere to go today because I’d be pissed if we were forced to take public transit when we have a perfectly good car sitting outside.   I guess that makes me harmful to the environment but just the thought of what it’ll be like on any public transit today makes me shudder.

Nobody driving, everyone on trains, trams and busses.

A few words come to mind….


When you live in a city where half the population consider it to be against their religion to wear deodorant, you don’t want to be stepping onto a non-air conditioned, no opening windows, bus on Auto Free Day.

Great concept but I’ll stay home today, thanks.

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  1. Apparently Eindhoven was participating in this event, but there were still a lot of cars on the road! In fact, I didn’t notice any less traffic than normal and my inlaws came over that day too- by car. So who knows if it even had an effect on anything!

    Kims last blog post… Hairy E-mail

  2. @ Zhu: there was car free day in Montreal on Monday. We do that every year and I think it’s a great idea.

    Bluefishs last blog post… München-Day 5

  3. Wow – yuck!

    I’ll take the dirty looks over being crowded with sweaty and smelly bodies, kthx!

    Ambers last blog post… Fresh from the Internet

  4. Eheh… I’d like to see that in Canada! That might get Canucks to riot :lol:

    Seriously, I’m with you on that one. Not all drivers have gas guzzler SUVs that kill baby kitten. Some just happen to work far, that’s all.

    Zhus last blog post… Sunset And Night

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