Karl Zwicky Owes Me a Cutting Board!

This afternoon I watched the latest episode (208 – Close Enough to Touch) of McLeod’s Daughters and it was the most tearjerkingest (that’s a word, right? :P) episode I’ve ever seen.

I won’t get into what happened because I know my mother won’t be able to stop herself from reading this, and she is a few seasons behind… but omg.  It was so sad and in a way I think it will ruin the show for me from this point on.  Not that there is much left to ruin, this is the last season.

I literally sobbed the entire 42 minutes it was on, then continued to cry for the first few minutes making dinner.   Not because I’m THAT hung up on this show, but rather the message the show sent out hit me and had me thinking about a few things in my own life… which I also won’t mention as it’ll give away what happened.

In my upset I forgot to check the oven before turning it on to preheat, not knowing that last night my husband had stuck something in there to keep it safe from the cat while we had our dinner.

When I opened the oven to put my casserole in, this is what I found.


Ok it’s not exactly what I found.  This is about 15 minutes later.  What I found was one of my larger casserole dishes with some clear bubbly substance inside.   It took me a moment to realize what it was.


It was one of our plastic cutting boards. Oops!

Last night we had a roasted chicken for dinner.  When we take it out of the oven we sit a cutting board inside the casserole dish so we can disassemble the chicken without the juices going all over our countertop.

When we had our food all dished up and were going to take it into the other room to eat, my husband put the casserole dish into the oven to stop the cat from getting the urge to jump onto the counter to eat the tiny bits of chicken that were on it.

Of course, we then forgot all about it… as often happens when people stick something in the oven ‘to deal with it later’.

It probably would have hardened into one solid mass again but my husband had way too much fun pushing around the melted plastic and trying to mold it into things.  As you can see, he ended up deciding on ‘big blob’.   I think he did a pretty good job with it!

So, I’ve thought about it and decided that the entire thing is the fault of Karl Zwicky, the executive producer of McLeod’s Daughters.   The way I see it is, if he hadn’t let the writers write what they did, the show wouldn’t have been so sad, then I wouldn’t have been sad, and wouldn’t have been distracted with sad things.  Then I would have had the presence of mind to check the oven before turning it on and I’d still have my cutting board.

So, if anyone happens to be talking to him… please tell him he owes me a new cutting board, or a new episode of McLeod’s Daughters that does that ‘it was all just a dream’ thing.   I’ll accept that in lieu of the cutting board.

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  1. HAAA! Okay, this is funny because I do stuff like that all the time (mmm, the smell of charred pizza boxes!), but also because your husband had to play with the melted goo afterward.

    alalas last blog post… ex-whatica?

  2. Hiya… just spent some time reading through entries and different links on your site. :) I’m a Dutch-Canadian (in Malaysia) and enjoy your blog. Very nicely done! Sorry about the cutting board. I left the plastic cover on a casserole dish once while cooking the casserole, that was nice too.

    Brendas last blog post…

  3. LOL,I have done that myself a time or two. I leave stuff in the microwave too..like food I leave in there to cool down before I stick it in the fridge. I stuck deviled eggs in there one time and forgot about it for days..LOL

    Sonyas last blog post… More Punkin’ Love

  4. Oh man I was laughing so hard at this because it’s totally something I would do! We got new cutting boards from IKEA a few months ago, but they changed them and they’re thinner and warp more easily than the old ones. I was sad, especially cause I like to put them in the dishwasher, and that seems to make the warping problem WORSE!

    Kims last blog post… Menu Plan Monday- September 1, 2008

  5. My mother would constantly put things in the oven, pizza boxes, pans, chips, bread. MMMMMMMM nothing like the smell of melting plastic! Even here Frank has done that to me by putting a frying pan with grease in it, in the oven with out me knowing. Our oven is so old that I always have to pre-heat, luckily I caught it in time before the house went up in flames. That of course after I yelled and screamed for a solid 10 minutes. :P

    Well just think, this is a good excuse to go back to Ikea to get a new cutting board! :)

    Melissas last blog post… Stuck in the Middel(burg) with you….

  6. I don’t know could it have been as sad as when Claire died? Seriously bawled for hours over that one!

  7. My roommate is notorious for putting pans in the stove instead of the cabinet. I am notorious for preheating the oven, preparing a dish only to realize I have to remove a now hot pan.

    But at least it was fun to play with!

    Ambers last blog post… The Euphoric Rain

  8. haha, I have to say that’s funny! And totally something I would do. I put our dishes in the oven to dry after cleaning them so the other day when my flatmate turned on the oven, I asked her if there was anything in there – she said ‘no’. 15 mins later when I go to put something in the oven, there are two piping hot, empty, upside down dishes in the oven… Luckily all ovenproof dishes. Just as well the chopping board was inside a dish too… I don’t even think we should imagine the outcome if it was on it’s own in your oven!

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