Males and Sleeping

What is it with men and their ability to sleep through anything? Last night we had the worst thunder and lightning storm I can remember in a long time.. I leaped up out of my sleep, ran around the house closing windows and came back into the bedroom. I stood there for a minute observing the scene in there.. the dog in his bed, balls up and sound asleep. Xander laying flat out on his belly on the bed not making a peep.. and the cat on the pillow on top of Bailey’s bed curled up sleeping as if the place was silent.

I thought about when I still lived at home and there would be thunder storms. My mother would come into my bedroom to close the window and the next morning we’d be talking about the thunder and my father would sit and eat his toast saying “Oh, it thundered last night?”.

Is it something in the male anatomy that makes them sleep more soundly than us women? It is even evident in animals.

One more reason I wish I was born a man. Somewhere between lack of menstruation and peeing in the snow.

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  1. Yeah, it’s all true. I can’t deny a word of it. I’m just trying to perfect the “sound asleep but looking awake” look.

  2. Hey strange we had a thunderstorm here last night as well, and had the biggest leak in the bedroom urgh.
    I know what you mean bf usually sleeps through it as well, but we woke at the same time last night lol, then had to close windows and turn the comp off and stuff. Men are strange things hun, don’t try and understand how they can sleep like they do.

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