What does Meme mean?

People have “Memes” on their blogs… and I often wonder what “Meme” even means. I just see Me-Me and then I think of Mimi from Drew Carey and then the next time Xander speaks to me I’m dying to say “BITE ME PIG!”

Anyway… As promised in the rules of this Mimi, I am posting it on my blog.
These are the answers Tanya gave about me:

1. Reply with your name and I’ll respond with something random about you.
Breigh – Loves many of the same crazed 80’s movies as I do.

2. I’ll tell you what song/movie/book/fictional character reminds me of you.
Samantha – Sex and the City

3. I’ll pick a flavor of pudding or soft cheese to wrestle with you in.
Cheeze Whiz!!

4. I’ll say something that only makes sense to you and me. Or at least me.
Let’s grab a 2-4 and a 26, get all dressed up in Sorels and a toque and have a snowball fight!!

5. I’ll tell you my favorite memory of you.
Well, having never quite met you, I would have to say that some of the MSN chats we have had have been memorable. Reading the wonderful things you write about is a good one as well.

6. I’ll tell you what animal or plant you remind me of.
An Aloe Plant

7. I’ll ask you something that I’ve always wondered about you.
Hummm….you’re pretty honest in the blogworld, so I am stumped.
Which of the online peeps you interact with do you most want to meet and who would you fly anywhere to do so?
My Answer
: To be honest I’m not really sure. There is someone I would have loved to meet. We were very good friends and used to speak daily about any number of things. Recently she has become really distant and blows me off all the time so I’m not sure I’d go out of my way to meet her anymore. So I have to say there isn’t anyone I would fly anywhere to meet.

8. If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST. It is written.
— Done!

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One comment

  1. I do think meme is meant to be Me-Me…as in all about ME.

    But yeah…It makes me think of MIMI as well.

    Bite me, Doughboy!

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