Netflix – Come To Europe!

I was looking online at Netflix and am so jealous that we don’t have it here in NL. I’d totally subscribe if we did! We have a few cheap immitations but nothing that compares at all. I looked up a few different old movies just to see if they had them but they didn’t. I tried titles like The Parent Trap (1961), Taxi Driver (1976), Sid and Nancy (1986), Gone With The Wind (1939) and Sixteen Candles (1984) just to see what kind of selection they had. From what I can tell, Netflix has pretty much everything you’d need, whereas the Dutch versions just have recently released movies and bits and pieces of different TV series.

What started this whole thing was me trying to get Sixteen Candles after an unsuccessful download though bit torrent. I started downloading it and it stopped at 99.4% with no seeds so for the past three weeks I’ve been unable to get the download completed. This has been bugging me so I thought I’d look at the online rental places to see if maybe I could try getting it through there, rip it and burn a copy for myself. Imagine my surprise, and disgust, when I realized that none of these sites even had it! Not one!! This is one of my favorite movies from when I was a young teenager and the idea that it’s not available for rent from any of these places is baffling.

Anyhow, one of them had an option where you could send in a request. Said you’d get a mail back within a half hour, so I told myself if they mail me back I’ll know they are decent and I’ll join. It never came, so I never joined.

Imagine, not having Sixteen Candles. Over 5000 movies and not one of them is Sixteen Candles .. OR The Breakfast Club, which I might add… hardly anyone I mention it to here has even heard of!

What planet did these people grow up on?

The renovations are going great. The tiles are up and our new taps and showerhead are in the shower. We got this kind with a thermostat so you can set the temperature you want the water to come out at and that’s what you get every time. I love that because I alway end up squeeling from water that is way too hot or way too cold..

My back is still dead, but not so bad that it makes me wish I was, like yesterday. I can stand up and sit down on my own but still can’t put my own pants on or anything. Yesterday I couldn’t even manage to go potty alone… I think that’s one of those true tests of a marriage, when you need your spouse to take you to the bathroom and help you get your pants down and up and all the other potty business (well not all, I have my limits). Xander has been awesome while I’ve been an invalid, staying home to help me around, cooking the meals and helping me with all the silly things I can’t do on my own. I don’t think there is a man on earth who could ever compare to him. How lucky I am…

We’ve been playing the hell out of World of Warcraft this weekend. Since I can’t move much I have been spending a fair bit of the time perched in front of my gaming computer. Not that this is much different from any other day but now he’s is there too. We made two little gnomes, him a mage and me a rogue.. and we are levelling together with a few of my guildmates. He is having tons of fun and loves sitting around tailoring and enchanting… who knew there was a little gaming addict in there waiting to be found. I wish we’d realized this long ago… I would have much rathered be hanging out with him in the games than some of the other people I’ve gamed with in the past.

Have to go to have tests done to see if my fallopian tubes are open. Apparently it’s pretty uncomfortable mentally and physically as you have to be spread eagle in front of a bunch of people while they shoot die in places unnatural things aren’t meant to be shot. Which is where the physical pain comes in.. I was meant to have it done two months ago but we’ve just been chilling out this summer and not driving ourselves crazy about Project Baby. I will have to go next month though, I’d like to make sure everything is ok and figure out where we’ll go from there. I need to find out what “ABOUT DAMN TIME” is in Gaelic. I think I’ll name my kid that, if/when he/she ever arrives.

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One comment

  1. I LOVE Netflix. Seriously, I’d lose my head here in small-town Pennsylvania if it weren’t for Netflix. Last night we had to drive over an HOUR to an even SMALLER town to see an indie film. Does that make sense at all? Four universities here and no indie film house!

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