.. and I thought I was quick to judge.

Today I had Bailey out for his morning walk when this lady came along with some big yellowish dog. Not a lab or retriever but some other biggish dog who’s breed I couldn’t even take a guess at. Anyhow, as usual the two dogs were straining to get near each other and I figured Bailey would be his usual playful self so I wasn’t too worried. They walked up to each other, sniffed each other for about 2.5 seconds and then Bailey started growling and they got into a big scrap.

Luckily we managed to pry them apart before anything really happened but it was Bailey who started it. I was shocked! What can dogs really learn about each other within a few seconds worth of sniffing? What do they sense or smell in each other that lets them know, ok.. I hate you. I wonder is their perception better than ours, are they a better judge of character than humans are? I mean they don’t waste all the time we do on the getting to know you, they appear to just go with their gut instinct. Something I wish I’d done a few times. Then again, perhaps it’s a more flawed method than ours… it’s not like I’ve never instinctively disliked someone in the start and later learned that they were quite likeable.

Perhaps I’m putting too much energy into the way dogs think.

Tonight I’m home alone… Xander has gone out for goodbye drinks with some of the guys he works with. Someone is leaving or something, he told me but it’s all a blur now. All I know is I got to just eat whatever I wanted for dinner and didn’t have to worry about what someone else wants, when they want it or how they want it. That’s kind of nice sometimes. Bailey doesn’t like it so much though, he’s doing his thing where he stares out the window and is fully alert to any sound that resembles a key in the lock. He loves Xander so much.. more than me I think sometimes. All animals like him better, it sucks. I’m hoping when we finally have a child that I’ll have my day in the sun, I mean I am the one with the milk jugs afterall. He can’t beat that…

Haven’t been to class since the exams. I was so sure they were going to be brutal but they weren’t… not even in the slightest. I didn’t find them any more difficult than the previous set of exams, which I did quite well on. I’m seriously thinking about not bothering to go back and just waiting for my invitation for the profiel toets. Which is the big test at the end that is required by the government to prove that I am at NT2 (Nederlands als een tweede taal – Dutch as a second language) level. I’m worried that the gov’t will get a knot in their face about my lack of attendance though. Technically they can give us a fine if I don’t complete the course properly. Until the 1.5 hours of class time becomes worth the 1.5 hours of travel, I ain’t going…

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  1. Wow… I’m looking at the dates on your posts, and sadly, things haven’t changed much. I’m currently skipping my inburgering cursus, that I am doing for free, because according to them I am ready to pass the NT2 except in speaking. But when I talk during the class they keep sushing me!!! I travel 1.5 hours to class (there and back) and spend 3 hours in the class. I have one teacher who engaged the class, and the other who puts us to sleep. And then gets annoyed by all the snoring!

    I actually have a job as a receptionist at a local gym/racket sports club, where, as you can imagine, I speak in Dutch all the time. So what’s the point in school? I can get by, I read as much as I can in Dutch, and every now and then I check words and pronounciation with my husband.

    Alas, your husband and mine share similar frustrating pedagogical techniques, although J at least begins with a 2-3 minute warm-up. He says ‘Aaaaah’ for a while, then ‘How do you say that in English?’ (as if I really do know, and am asking him just to hear him say ‘Aaaaah’???). Then sometimes he says he doesn’t know. Those times, he gets a smack.

    Oh, and I found your blog twice! Once as I was trying to buy a crock-pot here, and just now about your cat, who is indeed very cute. :D
    .-= Anne-Marie´s last blog ..Outside in the dark =-.

  2. Hey girl,
    What happened to you ?

    Haven’t seen you online in ages !

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