Tag Archives: Videos

I Think I’m One of Them

Them meaning, the Dutchies.   I know, I know… I didn’t think it would ever happened either and yes, I did check to see if monkeys are flying out of my arse.   I can’t help it though, even without trying I’m finding things I really love about this place. One of the most recent things is Marco Borsato.  I’m not sure …

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I Love This City

Over the past few years I’ve really grown to appreciate the city I live in.   I think I’m becoming a hardcore Rotterdammer at heart.   I can understand why tourists prefer Amsterdam, as it still has more of that historical Dutch look but Rotterdam has some of that too, but with something really cool and modern mixed in. I took these …

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The Tammy Cold

This morning Xander sent me a link to a funny video on YouTube. I love this for so may reasons… Firstly, it’s got the big dude from Shaun of the Dead, which is such a great movie. Then there’s just the topic of the video that cracks me up. Mostly, it’s funny because I’m the woman that disproves this rule.   …

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Ben Je Slimmer Dan Een Kind?

Ben je slimmer dan een kind? is the Dutch version of the American TV show Are you smarter than a 5th grader? and is my latest discovery for a fun way to learn more of the language. I’m not sure what it is I like so much about this show but I’m pretty sure that it’s the fact that I …

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Dutch Funnies

After my post about the naughty Dutch ad,  I was talking to my friend Matt the other day about Dutch accents.  While I was looking for some videos to show him as an example I came across a lot of the funny Dutch television ads that have been played here over the last few years.    I couldn’t stop watching them, …

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Greg Leborgne

I visited my friend Gail’s blog earlier and when I saw the title In Memory of Greg Leborgne I thought that it’s weird that there is another Greg Leborgne out there, as it’s not really a common name.   I was in a state of denial as I read on, I knew it was him but I didn’t want to accept …

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Gotta Love the Dutch

I was just arsing around and found this random website with a video saying that it is the most inappropriate TV commercial ever, and how some countries can get away with anything. In my mind I said… how much do you bet it’s a Dutch ad.  Sure enough, it is.  Check it out:

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I Want One!!

I love this video!  I can’t get enough of it.  I just sit slackjawed watching it and wanting a hippo of my very own! haha My little zoo pales in comparison to this!

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